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As it happened: Tadej Pogačar doubles his GC lead with Giro Queen Stage victory


Buongiorno and welcome to Cyclingnews' live coverage of stage 15 of the 2024 Giro d'Italia!

Today has been described as the 2024 Giro d'Italia's hardest day. 222km and five categorised climbs along the way including the Mortirolo. Although, not the hardest side of the brutal climb. But this is a day of altitude and high gradients. 

One DNS has been announced so far this morning. Astana Qazaqstan's Vadim Pronskiy. He has fallen ill and has had to leave. 

The riders are at sign on at the moment with half an hour until the official start. The neutral will begin a bit earlier than that. 

Will Soudal-QuickStep be at the front of the race today with the likes of Alaphilippe and, maybe, Hirt as he looks to return to the top 10 in GC after dropping to 13th yesterday. 

This morning, Julian Alaphilippe (SOQ) did a special delivery for his breakaway partner from his stage winning day, Mirco Maestri (PTK). He gave the Italian breakaway specialist a jersey signed by Alaphilippe. Nice touch by the former world champion.

On the average time schedule for today, the stage is expected to take 5:30'00" with a likely 17% time cut, which would be tight for the Grupetto who are going to have a very tough day in the saddle. 

The riders have started the neutral zone. 

Geraint Thomas (IGD) before the stage:

Tadej Pogačar (UAD) has the biggest lead after stage 14 of the Giro d'Italia in 34 years. Gianni Bugno was the last rider to have a bigger lead by this point. 

Just 10 teams out of the 22 here have a full compliment of riders as they head to the second rest day.

The riders have been stopped at the kilometre zero banners. Bit frustrating for the riders who will just want to get going.  

222km to go


Dani Martínez (BOH) is right at the back of the peloton after that standing start. He has no-one around him either. 

Counter attack

The peloton looks a bit calmer now but a new move comes and it is Luke Plapp (JAY). But he has way too many riders following and it all comes back together. 


The peloton looks to be a lot more settled now with 13 riders now up the road. The 12 man group leading and Piccolo (EFE) chasing solo. He has about +25" to bridge. 

The break is largely made up of sprinters and lead out riders. No names that should be going for the win. However, riders like D. Bais (PTK), Calmejane (IWA), Tonelli (VBF) and Velasco (AST) will be dreaming they get given a huge gap by the peloton. 


Cofidis are now riding on the front of the peloton with Thomas Champion leading Simon Geschke. They have Harrison Wood up the road but he is not the rider they want up there, as good as he is, they want Geschke. And, ideally, Ruben Fernandez. 

Not only do Cofidis want Geschke in the break, they also want Calmejane (IWA) back as he is in the battle for blue... 

Cofidis now have all but one rider on the front of the peloton. The other, Wood, is in the break and can't hear the team car. The young Brit just gestured to the camera to say he can't hear through his radio. 

200km to go


Rubén Fernández (COF) is sat on the wheel of Simon Geschke (COF) in the peloton. I think that they will do a joint move on the first climb of the day. That is around 8km away from the front of the race. The Lodrino climb. 

Lilian Calmejane (IWA) is not happy at all with the situation. He has just shouted at the Astana Qazaqstan team car and now at some of the riders. He's on pins in this break as he probably knows he is the best climber here. 

Tadej Pogačar (UAD) has said that he wants to win the stage today as it will look amazing on his palmares according to the 'Pink Panther' himself. 

Onto the first of five categorised climbs of the day. Lodrino is a Cat3 climb. A 7.6km climb with an average of 4.2%, maxing at 11%. 

Calmejane (IWA) is absolutely incandescent with rage here. His team car has finally got to the front and he has given his DS both barrels.  

190km to go


Geschke (COF) now on his own, Fernández (COF) didn't last long at all. The German is gapping this new group led by Foss (IGD). 

Others in this group, Valter (TVL), Lopez (LTK), Cepeda (EFE) plus about 15 others. But, UAE Team Emirates are chasing. 

Alessandro Verre (ARK) has joined Simon Geschke (COF) as they continue to chase the leaders on the Lodrino climb. 

It looks like Kaden Groves (ADC) has just gone on the attack. This is now suddenly dangerous for Lidl-Trek and Jonathan Milan. 

De Marchi (JAY) has dragged a huge group across to Geschke (COF) and Verre (ARK) including Pelayo Sanchez (MOV). 


Nairo Quintana (MOV), Julian Alaphilippe (SOQ) and Miachel Storer (TUD) are just behind the massive Geschke (COF) group who are just over two minutes down on the leaders. 

What Calmejane (IWA) said to Astana and then to his team car, relayed on 'X' by Lukas... 


180km to go

The race is in bits as the chasing group is fracturing. Back in the peloton, UAE Team Emirates are using Oliveira, Molano, Bjerg and Laengen early as Pogačar wants this stage. 

170km to go

Onto the second climb of the day... The Colle San Zeno. 13.9km at an average of 6.6% with max kicks of 14% right at the end.

The best placed riders in the chase group are:

Plapp (JAY) is trying to break the chasing group apart as he has attacked with Geschke (COF) leading the chase. This is stretching the chase group out. 

Bert Van Lerberghe (SOQ) has been dropped by the lead group. 

10 riders at the front. Two dropped from there and then 45 riders in the chase group. An incredible scene on the 'Queen Stage'.

After all that, Einer Rubio (MOV) is not in the chasing group! Contador on the motorbike said he was. Several sites online are saying he very much is. But, he is not. He is in the peloton. 


The Grupetto has been formed as Milan (LTK), Gaviria (MOV) and the rest start to go backwards. 

Up at the front, Ewan (JAY) is just starting to lose contact but he is riding very well and has given himself a potentially crucial head start compared to the other sprinters in the race. 6km to the top of this climb. 

Scaroni (AST) has been joined by the two young Italian super climbers... Piganzoli (PTK) and Pellizzari (VBF). They join Ewan (JAY) as they look to bridge across to the leaders. 

This trio of Scaroni (AST), Piganzoli (PTK) and Pellizzari (PTK) are three extremely good riders for a stage like today. It would be a massive moment for all of them to take the win today. But, can they get away from the clutches of Tadej Pogačar (UAD. As it stands, the gap is nowhere near big enough. 

160km to go

Pellizzari (VBF), Piganzoli (PTK) and Scaroni (AST) join the leading group. Behind them, Alpecin-Deceuninck lead the chasing group for Kaden Groves. This is going to be a massive day for him with Milan (LTK) well out of the back of the peloton, who are +4'00" down on the leaders. 

1. Christian Scaroni (ITA) Astana Qazaqstan 18pts
2. Simon Geschke (GER) Cofidis 8pts
3.Giulio Pellizzari (ITA) VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane 6pts
4. Tobias Bayer (AUT) Alpecin-Deceuninck 4pts
5. Davide Ballerini (ITA) Astana Qazaqstan 2pts
6. Alessandro Tonelli (ITA) VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane 1pt

150km to go

Over the top of that second climb of the day, UAE Team Emirates have a full compliment of riders with Tadej Pogačar. A very good start for them and the gap is still very easily closed on the coming climbs by the climbers in that team is the pink jersey does indeed want the win. 

This descent is rather technical and, perhaps unsurprisingly, has seen a split with six riders off the front by around 25". 

On the virtual GC, Michael Storer (TUD) will be moving up to 5th. His consistent riding could see the Australian climber... Well... Climb the GC and pull off a brilliant result for his team on their Grand Tour debut. 

140km to go

Front puncture

About 45km to the intermediate sprint and around 70km to the base of the Mortirolo.  

The race can now settle down a bit now as the riders are on a long valley road. Alaphilippe (SOQ) has been rather unlucky. No sign of his team car. He is all on his own as he tries to make it back to the break. 

130km to go

Bike change

Bike change

120km to go

Julian Alaphilippe (SOQ) has made it back to the chasing group. 

Two and a half hours into the stage and they are not even half way just yet. 

Bike change

This could be possibly working out perfectly for Giulio Pellizzari (VBF) and Christiab Scaroni (AST) but the peloton still have the break in their grasp. 

Bike change

100km to go

Davide Ballerini (AST) is doing a brilliant job for Christian Scaroni (AST) in the leading group. 

Bjerg, Molano and Oliveira are absolutely hammering the pace in the peloton now for UAE Team Emirates. Pogačar may be +4'30" down at the moment but that could fall away on the Mortirolo and then the Passo di Foscagno and Mottolino. 

The race is currently around the fastest time schedule at the moment. They were due at the Intermediate Sprint at 2pm Italian time and they are 700 metres from it now. 

Polti-Kometa are riding hard in the chasing group for Davide Piganzoli now. Three riders on the front with him in the wheels.  

1. Davide Ballerini (ITA) Astana Qazaqstan 12pts
2. Tobias Bayer (AUT) Alpecin-Deceuninck 8pts
3. Alessandro Tonelli (ITA) VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane 6pts
4. Christian Scaroni (ITA) Astana Qazaqstan 5pts
5. Giulio Pellizzari (ITA) VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane 4pts
6. Harrison Wood (GBR) Cofidis 3pts
7. Filippo Fiorelli (ITA) VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane 2pts
8. Kaden Groves (AUS) Alpecin-Deceuninck 1pt

VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizane are working hard in the leading group but Tudor have joined Polti-Kometa in the chase group, too.  Just +57" between the two groups. 

We're not officially on the Mortirolo, but the race has been climbing for about 5km. Official start is 2km away yet. 

Ballerini (AST) has been distanced by the lead group. He has played a vital role for his teammate, Scaroni (AST). Tonelli (VBF) now takes over the pacing. That then drops Bayer (ADC). 

80km to go

We are officially climbing the Mortirolo! Wood (COF) is doing a wonderful job of holding onto his three breakaway companions at the front. The Mortirolo is officially 12.6km at an average of 7.6% with a max kick of 16%. 

The Grupetto is now re-forming at the back of the peloton with Merlier (SOQ), Gaviria (MOV) and Dainese (TUD) the first sprinters to go out of the back. 

Harrison Wood (COF) is finally distanced by Tonelli (VBF), Pellizzari (VBF) and Scaroni (AST). 

Laengen (UAD) take over from Bjerg (UAD) who has done his last turn. Pogačar (UAD) still has Großschartner, Novak and Majka around him behind Ineos Grenadiers, who have five riders with Thomas (IGD). 

Wood (COF) is back in the chasing group and he already has gels ready for Geschke (COF). 


Unsurprisingly, after his crash yesterday, Magnus Sheffield (IGD) is at the back of the peloton that is led by Laengen (UAD). 

And that is Sheffield (IGD) dropped. He has been a key man for Thomas (IGD) in this race so far, the crash yesterday has really put him in trouble. 

Tonelli (VBF) has been caught by the Fabbro (PTK) led chasing group. He has Piganzoli (PTK) on his wheel, he may be launching soon as he only has Fabbro left. 

Caleb Ewan (JAY) has been caught by the peloton and is slowly drifting to the back where he will likely get dropped. But he has done a brilliant ride today. 

Stork (TUD), Fiorelli (VBF) and Marcellusi (VBF) have been caught by the peloton. 

Groves (ADC) has now been caught by the peloton. Novak (UAD) has moved onto the wheel of Laengen (UAD). 

70km to go

Domen Novak (UAD) is now working on the front with Laengen (UAD). 

Pellizzari (VBF) and Scaroni (AST) are now on the steepest part of the Mortirolo with 2km to the top. 

Nicola Conci (ADC) and Simon Geschke (COF) have pushed on with Storer (TUD) leading the chase. 

Conci (ADC) has distanced Geschke (COF) and is absolutely flying across the gap. Storer (TUD), Quintana (MOV) and Steinhauser (EFE) join the German. 

Laengen (UAD) has slipped down the group on the steepest sections. Connor Swift (IGD) and Larry Warbasse (DAT) have been distanced from the peloton. 

Conci (ADC) joins Pellizzari (VBF) and Scaroni (AST). 


Bora-Hansgrohe move to the front with Giovanni Aleotti and Dani Martínez for the descent. 

60km to go

The crowds were great on the Mortirolo. 

Domenico Pozzovivo (VBF) is struggling to stay with the peloton on the descent. Just about hanging on for now. 

50km to go

Vegard Stake Laengen (UAD) is back on the front of the peloton after working hard to get back to them to do more work. 

Schachmann (BOH, Foss (IGD) and De Marchi (JAY) caught by the peloton. 

The leaders are not working well together at all. So, Jhonatan Narvaez (IGD) and Simone Velasco (AST) try to get a gap. 

Narvaez (IGD) and Veslasco (AST) were dragged back by Alaphilippe (SOQ) who is working for Vansevenant (SOQ).

40km to go

Fabbro (PTK) and Tonelli (VBF) have been caught by the peloton. 

Ghebreigzabhier (LTK) was sat at the back of the lead group. Pellizzari (VBF) wanted something from the car. Now both riders have been distanced. Bit frustrating for them. They may get back in. 

Ghebreigzabhier (LTK) and Pellizzari (VBF) use the cars and do indeed get back into the lead group. 

Pelayo Sanchez (MOV) has just been dropped by the lead group as they climb to the bonus sprint in Le Motte. 

30km to go


Piganzoli (PTK) and Steinhauser (EFE) have been joined by Valter (TVL), Conci (ADC) and Covili (VBF). 

Behind that lead group is Narvaez (IGD), Storer (TUD), Quintana (MOV), Geschke (COF), Alaphilippe (SOQ) and Scaroni (AST). 

Bonus Sprint

Tadej Pogačar (UAD) just chucked his mits to a Slovenian fan on the side of the road. Made his day. A lovely thing to do. 

Only Filippo Ganna (IGD) and Thymen Arensman (IGD) left with Ineos Grenadiers. They have gone from having numerical advantage over UAE Team Emirates to now being on the back foot in that sense as Pogačar (UAD) has one more man than Thomas (IGD). 


Onto the Passo di Foscagno. 14.6km long at an average of 6.5% maxing at 12%. The penultimate climb of the day. 

The peloton is now absolutely tiny. Novak (UAD) has obliterated the bunch on that steep kick to the Bonus Sprint. 


That is that from Julian Alaphilippe (SOQ). Another brilliant day out by Loulou. 

Domen Novak (UAD) is done. The pacing has been taken over by Felix Großschartner (UAD).


20km to go

Steinhauser (EFE) leads. Valter (TVL) immediately behind. Then it is Storer (TUD and Quintana (MOV). After them, Piganzoli (PTK), Conci (ADC), Covili (VBF) and Geschke (COF). Narvaez (IGD) the latest to lose touch. 

Georg Steinhauser (EFE) now has a 49" gap on the next group. Storer (TUD) and Quintana (MOV) have just caught up with Valter (TVL). 


Rafal Majka (UAD) hits the front of the peloton as Großschartner (UAD) has done his final turn. Pogačar (UAD) is getting ready to pounce. Arensman (IGD) and Thomas (IGD) ready on the wheel of the pink jersey. 

The peloton has just caught the Juan Pedro Lopez (LTK) group including Jhonatan Narvaez (IGD) who is trying to help his leaders. 

Nairo Quintana (MOV) is closing in on Georg Steinhauser (EFE). The former Giro winner is now at +30" from the young German. 


Martínez (BOH) launches after him. He sees a possible chance. Decathlon-AG2R are now chasing as Thomas (IGD) could not follow. 

Lorenzo Fortunato (AST) has been dropped. Seeing his GC dream disappearing. 

Valentin Paret-Peintre (DAT) is working for Ben O'Connoer (DAT). Thomas (IGD) and Arensman (IGD) are still in the wheels. As is Zana (JAY), Hirt (SOQ), Bardet (DFP), Tiberi (TBV) and Rubio (MOV). 

Quintana (MOV) catches Steinhauser (EFE).

Dani Martínez (BOH) has been caught by the favourites group as Pogačar (UAD) is riding away. He has already taken a minute on the leaders. 

Pogačar (UAD) has caught Geschke (COF), Piganzoli (PTK), Valter (TVL), Storer (TUD and Covili (VBF). 


Pogačar (UAD) and his tag along Valter (TVL) have just flown passed Conci (ADC) like he was stood still. Valter (TVL) has also lost touch. Just +1'32" between the pink jersey and Quintana (MOV) at the front with 12km to go. 

Damiano Caruso (TBV) has rejoined the GC group but can''t help TIberi (TBV) just yet. Thomas (IGD) and co are absolutely powerless to stop Pogačar (UAD). 

10km to go


Pogačar (UAD) can see Steinhauser (EFE) with 1km to the top of the climb. He is riding in the big ring! 

Steinhauser (EFE) has been caught by Pogačar (UAD) as Quintana (MOV) goes over the top. Pogačar (UAD) is going to catch Quintana (MOV) before the finish. 

Steinhauser (EFE) has been dropped byt the pink jersey. He is still well on course to a stage top three, though. 

Pogačar (UAD) is just +39" down on Quintana (MOV). 

5km to go

4km to go. Quintana (MOV) has +40" on Pogačar (UAD). Steinhauser (TVL) is +1'06" back on the leader. +3'05" to Thomas (IGD) and co. 

Both Quintana (MOV) and Pogačar (UAD) are on the final kicker with a 40" gap between the two. A superstar from the past vs a megastar of the present. 

3km to go. Quintana (MOV) has already lost 10" to Pogačar (UAD).

Pogačar (UAD) has Quintana (MOV) in sight. The hound has sight of the rabbit. The Colombian climber is going to be caught. I'm sure of it. 


Tadej Pogačar (UAD) has been untouchable today. 

2km to go. Pogačar (UAD) catches Quintana (MOV). 

Pogačar (UAD) immediately drops Quintana (MOV). Nothing the former Giro winner could do. He won this race 10 years ago. The baton has been passed to Pogačar (UAD). A new generation has demolished the old guard yet again. 

Arensman (IGD) and Thomas (IGD) are riding hard. They still have Martinez (BOH), O'Connor (DAT) and Hirt (SOQ) in the group as Zana (JAY) is the next to be dropped. Rubio (MOV) catches Bardet (DFP). 

Flamme Rouge

O'Connor (DAT) starting to lose touch in the Thomas (IGD) group led by Arensman (IGD). Only Martinez (BOH) and Hirt (SOQ) can follow them. 

Hirt (SOQ) now dropped with O'Connor (DAT). Arensman (IGD) is flying here as Tiberi (TBV) has disappeared out of the back by the looks. 

500 metres to go for Pogačar (UAD). 

Tadej Pogačar of UAE Team Emirates wins stage 15 of the Giro d'Italia 2024. 

Nairo Quintana (MOV) puts in a brilliant ride and finishes in 2nd +30" down on the pink jersey. 

Meanwhile, O'Connor (DAT) has got back to Arensman (IGD), Martinez (BOH) and Thomas (IGD). They still haven't caught Rubio (MOV) and Bardet (DFP) with the Frenchman still ahead of the Colombian. 


Steinhauser (EFE) takes third. Bardet (DFP) holds on for fourth with Martinez (BOH) and Thomas (IGD) staying together in fifth and sixth. 

Pogačar (UAD) now has taken +3'01" on Thomas (IGD) and Martinez (BOH) today. 

S15 top 10

GC at the end of week two

With first place seemingly done, the final week of racing in Italy (and partly in Switzerland) is all about these two. Geraint Thomas (IGD) looked good today, but, so did his main challenger for 2nd in GC, Dani Martínez (BOH). Just 15" between them. 

Have a read of our post race report by clicking the link below... 

Jerseys after two weeks of racing:

That is that for week two at the Giro d'Italia and our live updates for today. Tadej Pogačar (UAD) has almost seven minutes on Geraint Thomas (IGD) and there is still one more week to go. 

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