Miller sets new record in Whiskey 50

On a perfect 70-degree Fahrenheit day in Arizona, Nate Miller (Honey Stinger) won the Whiskey 50 Proof in a time of 3:19:13. Not only was he first overall finisher but also won the men's singlespeed division. Kenny Wehn (NoTubes) was first "geared" finisher in the men's open division and second overall finisher. His time of 3:21:51 also broke the old record. That makes two wins in a row for Wehn at the Whiskey 50.

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Whiskey 50 Men open
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Kenneth Wehn3:21:51
2Ryan Petry0:01:03
3Lance Runyan0:08:38
4John Beck0:09:50
5Brian Meyer0:11:33
6Link King0:11:54
7Michael Carroll0:12:40
8Von Edwards0:14:45
9Kimo Seymour0:14:46
10Rob Hyldahl0:14:47
11Dain Zaffke0:16:44
12Keith Collins0:17:57
13Dennis BarrettRow 12 - Cell 2
14Matthew Mcgee0:19:24
15Guy Mcdermott0:19:26
16Bryce Phinney0:19:33
17Adam Kollgaard0:20:17
18Todd Shaffer0:20:51
19Shawn Brick0:21:06
20Paul Tocco0:22:04
21Dan Maher0:22:14
22Chris Jenkins0:22:23
23Todd Purdin0:23:15
24Derek Eysenbach0:23:23
25Ben Jones0:23:38
26Riley Post0:24:43
27Steve Koller0:24:45
28Brandon Newcomer0:25:36
29Phl Martin0:26:42
30Joshua Jacquot0:27:14
31Paul Broaderip0:27:19
32Jonathan Pettit0:29:15
33Al Senft0:29:25
34Steven Thompson0:29:49
35Jason Michalak0:29:57
36Gaige Sippy0:30:32
37Alex Strickland0:30:39
38Andrew Laskowski0:30:58
39Richard Biocca0:31:44
40Erik Keniston0:31:55
41Michael Krall0:33:43
42Nathan Lowrie0:34:27
43Dustin Phillips0:35:10
44Benji Kozuch0:36:02
45Trevor Bailey0:36:30
46Channing Morrison0:38:06
47Gerrit Mack0:39:50
48Brett Ebben0:40:09
49Kyle Shour0:40:47
50Alexander Leonard0:42:55
51Chris Fusselman0:43:04
52Rob DolmanRow 51 - Cell 2
53Christian Little0:43:27
54Rick BucherRow 53 - Cell 2
55Richard Fiske0:43:41
56Dominic Petrocelli0:43:51
57Sam Gross0:44:23
58James Rowan0:44:34
59Steven Garrett0:44:43
60Jason Welborn0:45:14
61Charlie Roach0:46:14
62Sam Beveridge0:46:54
63Tim Maddux0:47:10
64Philip Wilson0:48:14
65Benjamin EvertonRow 64 - Cell 2
66Jeff Snook0:48:47
67Craig Baumann0:49:14
68Parmenides Orpinel0:49:15
69Joe Susco0:49:53
70Otley Smith0:50:47
71John Shumaker0:51:02
72Mike Monticello0:51:04
73Scott Countryman0:51:21
74Jared Nelson0:53:13
75Alan Brown0:53:23
76Ben Clark0:53:51
77Scott Rake0:54:28
78Ezra Colman0:56:09
79Jashua Lavietes0:56:15
80Thomas Faeh0:56:47
81Brandon Frazier0:56:53
82Jeff Westcott0:57:00
83Zach FullerRow 82 - Cell 2
84Timothy RisleyRow 83 - Cell 2
85David Mandley0:57:04
86Adam Cornette0:57:22
87Dana Alia0:57:25
88Rich O'Neil0:58:25
89Charles Strickler0:58:40
90Rob Bergstrom0:58:49
91Brad Scott0:58:54
92Matt Rozar0:59:33
93Ryan Clickner0:59:36
94Marco Sifuentes1:00:48
95Matthewliljenquist Matthew1:00:56
96Nathan HeapsRow 95 - Cell 2
97Ryan Hammerel1:01:01
98Ryan Wayne1:01:22
99Alonso Moya1:02:25
100Scott Dean1:02:27
101Roberto Gonzalez1:04:10
102Ryan Hayles1:04:14
103Ben Swenka1:05:13
104Michael Rodini1:05:21
105Abiel Lopez1:06:26
106Barret Fishner1:08:16
107Roy Johnson1:08:17
108Preston Riveras1:08:37
109Sean Hulburt1:08:38
110Chad Haynes1:08:42
111Ron Williams1:09:02
112Nathan Preston1:09:08
113James Winebrenner1:09:09
114Chad Lusk1:09:45
115Nate Mchugh1:10:07
116Stephen Waits1:10:11
117Bud Heintz1:11:06
118Brad Jezek1:11:17
119Nate Rees1:11:23
120Clint Sparks1:11:26
121Jared Heimbigner1:12:52
122Andy Jasper1:12:53
123Philip Thomas1:12:54
124Brian Murphy1:12:59
125Matt Maienza1:13:06
126Charles Hess1:13:47
127Terry Schmidtknecht1:15:04
128Brian Coffman1:15:26
129Karl Stummer1:15:55
130Brad Hendron1:16:07
131David Rimron1:17:12
132Casey Skidmore1:17:38
133Mike Sparks1:17:43
134Adam Mermel1:17:58
135David Croteau1:18:42
136Jared Gustafson1:19:00
137Max Schoenberger1:19:23
138Reed Malvick1:22:25
139Paul Nelson1:22:26
140Brandon Johnson1:22:29
141Bob Meneely1:22:38
142Norris Hanna1:23:20
143Chad Gorman1:23:37
144Wayne Thayer1:23:53
145Mike Vakula1:24:15
146James Blank1:26:41
147Kevin Mchugh1:27:03
148Jared Jorde1:27:15
149Matthias Wolf1:27:54
150Ryan Hill1:28:17
151Tom Kavanaugh1:29:17
152Michael Puchowicz1:29:27
153Travis Jones1:29:51
154Steve Ford1:30:06
155Christopher Weber1:30:37
156Eric Hatfield1:30:53
157Kevin LarochelleRow 156 - Cell 2
158Jon Gorman1:30:58
159Chris Branson1:31:06
160John Ferguson1:31:35
161Julius Charlie1:32:06
162Eliseo Alonzo1:32:32
163John Smey1:32:42
164Matthew Holland1:33:47
165Tony Doran1:34:42
166Gordon Smith1:34:54
167Kevin Stcyr1:34:55
168Jeff Getzlaff1:35:23
169Matthew Braselton1:36:33
170John Sellingwr1:36:34
171Jim SipeRow 170 - Cell 2
172Bill Moor1:36:45
173Brian Barton1:38:17
174Sean Stephenson1:39:57
175Parker Christiansen1:40:03
176Richard Kubista1:42:01
177Steve Delong1:43:06
178Gonzalo Reyes1:43:38
179Michael Pierquet1:46:05
180Gail Strom1:46:21
181David Jackson1:47:00
182Fergus Breck1:47:02
183Shawn Gregore1:47:44
184Ed Fryatt1:48:17
185Brian Kleinman1:49:08
186Mykyta Yurtyn1:49:19
187Scott Wilkey1:49:32
188Paul GrubeRow 187 - Cell 2
189Manny Chavez1:49:55
190Matthew Johnson1:50:03
191Paul Dellorco1:50:37
192Andrew Bellino1:51:13
193Brandon Gough1:54:15
194Scott Wortendyke1:54:51
195Michael Sowers1:58:41
196Scott Reading1:59:19
197Brandon Brizzolara1:59:38
198Matthew Wilkins1:59:55
199Adam Hudson2:00:08
200Todd Matyas2:00:31
201Nathan Andrews2:00:34
202Zach Macdonald2:00:45
203Chris Muller2:00:56
204Chris Neal2:02:38
205Chris Barr2:02:46
206Steve Lovejoy2:02:47
207Matt Mullet2:06:39
208Andrew Suter2:07:59
209Dave Bourland2:08:15
210Jason Meador2:08:57
211Guillermo De La Vega2:08:58
212Lance Larson2:09:56
213Brice Minukeh2:10:25
214Greg Kilroy2:10:54
215Mike MysseRow 214 - Cell 2
216Steve Charnon2:11:07
217Patrick Black2:11:14
218Kent Voss2:12:02
219Harlan Smith2:16:09
220David Sweinhagen2:17:33
221Jeremy Cox2:18:41
222Tom Carr2:19:37
223Irfan Khan2:20:03
224Steve Kutina2:20:26
225Scott Harvey2:20:59
226Mike Rice2:22:29
227Steve Lingwall2:22:38
228Kevin Boyce2:28:38
229Kevin Brown2:30:21
230Brian Kennedy2:31:40
231Brandon Ebert2:32:12
232Robert Neifert2:32:29
233Mickey Taylor2:36:26
234Eric Sullivan2:39:54
235Ian Murphy2:40:35
236Paul Gregory2:41:07
237Jon Colavito2:41:13
238Dennis Kozura2:41:46
239Dave Grossman2:43:30
240Michael Rex Schumacher2:45:33
241Dave Leedy2:46:48
242Craig Wagenaar2:50:10
243Craig Bengtson2:50:34
244Chris Hummel2:51:41
245Brian Strand2:54:17
246David Sherak2:55:23
247Chris Peters3:11:13
248Matt Bovinette3:14:02
249Thomas Touchstone3:20:19
250Stephen Knecht3:21:15
251Micheal Browne3:21:16
252John Beck3:21:19
253Kyle Gandy3:24:30
254Matt Hilbert3:25:10
255Nick Wright3:27:01
256Ron Duncan3:27:46
257Dano Quezada3:35:03
258Umberto Santoni3:35:27
259James Akers3:36:22
260George Toro3:41:41
261Benjamin Wendorf3:43:59
262Dave Coons3:46:58
263Rohit Bery3:47:08
264Martin Debono3:48:49
265Joshua Simpson3:56:02
266Noe Gomez4:03:01
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Whiskey 50 Women open
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Angie Kell4:17:42
2Beth Utley0:03:10
3Crystal Petrocelli0:07:05
4Katie Ellis0:09:28
5Brianne Marshall0:10:20
6Windy Marks0:16:48
7Lajuan Kelley0:34:53
8La Kelly0:36:30
9Kristin Walters0:38:21
10Lisa Le Poole0:46:11
11Terrin Lane0:46:34
12Phoebe Donovan0:49:37
13Kimberly Ridgeway0:50:28
14Patti Schmidt-iverson0:51:52
15Miche;;e Jackman1:00:49
16Carlyn Hakola1:05:55
17Deedee Johnson1:08:21
18Veronique Pardee1:10:04
19Heather Brecke1:15:18
20Janell Batt1:21:20
21Tricia Davis1:24:30
22Vickie Nelson1:25:22
23Ann Sudoh1:32:11
24Wilhelmina Zuckerman1:34:33
25Maraya Morse1:38:39
26Tina Stocking1:39:21
27Kathy Boltz1:40:56
28Lisa Locati1:43:49
29Patricia Rake2:06:23
30Julie Bass2:08:46
31Carolina Chavez2:09:56
32Donna Trigilio2:22:22
33Kristen Osborn2:25:11
34Beth Ross2:28:30
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Whiskey 50 Singlespeed men
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Nathan Miller3:19:13
2Cameron Brenneman0:02:42
3Marcus Hayward0:04:59
4Kyle Reedy0:09:32
5Michael Melley0:12:53
6Dan Naef0:15:24
7Josh Krattiger0:16:10
8Eric Walecki0:18:45
9Kurt Gensheimer0:19:42
10Jonathan Falkowski0:21:06
11James Upshaw0:22:15
12Mike Hileman0:22:32
13Richard Hurst0:24:06
14David Ochs0:26:29
15Yuri Hauswald0:27:37
16Hunter Keating0:30:04
17Daryl Roberts0:31:26
18Jim Tryonas0:32:49
19Coley King0:33:07
20Dejay Birtch0:34:38
21Jason Firsty0:34:43
22Tom Ament0:37:12
23Shawn Gregory0:38:18
24Neil Becwar0:38:27
25Lane Sanders0:40:26
26Keith Ashmore0:41:45
27Tim Hull0:43:18
28Mike Haas0:44:17
29Nino Filippinetti0:47:34
30Rich Maines0:48:01
31Adam Kroger0:48:59
32Anthony Deckoff-jones0:49:14
33Jake Kirkpatrick0:50:21
34Zach Stanford0:51:58
35Chad Cheeney0:53:23
36Simon Zmyslinski0:56:17
37Nathan Cain0:57:07
38Eric Olson0:59:22
39Steve Larson0:59:55
40James Bailey1:00:57
41Andrew Dickinson1:01:42
42Brandon Bogardus1:01:52
43Fuzzy John Mylne1:02:53
44Steve Reynolds1:03:40
45Logan Goff1:04:04
46Leonard Goodell1:05:59
47Mark Eikenberry1:06:17
48Jory Henry1:07:38
49Matt Killeen1:08:06
50Bryan Kramer1:11:15
51Alex Hamory1:11:59
52Robert Tobin1:12:44
53Mark Odenwald1:14:39
54Scott Junker1:15:19
55Timothy Wise1:17:04
56Justin Fundalinski1:18:05
57Clint Ball1:18:44
58Heith Masters1:19:11
59Tiago reis1:19:50
60Thomas Arnold1:20:00
61Zac Mendenhall1:20:01
62John Day1:21:21
63Benjamin Molina1:27:51
64George Kemp1:31:52
65James Simmons1:34:19
66Mike Hanna1:34:24
67Raymond Harris1:38:04
68Alex Christensen1:39:40
69Craig Halls1:39:55
70Denver Mcmahon1:40:01
71Stephen Medcroft1:43:47
72Rich Kurhajetz1:45:24
73Chad HancockRow 72 - Cell 2
74Andrew Rounseville1:45:46
75Rodrigo Fernandez1:49:47
76Jesse Peck1:50:09
77David Fellows1:51:45
78Randy Harris1:54:20
79Steve Gibbs2:00:24
80Ryan Davis2:02:22
81Jeff Kellum2:08:12
82William Connell2:11:48
83Bryce Barnett2:12:50
84Walt Lopus2:24:54
85Eric Olson2:29:04
86Robert Butler2:51:42
87Justin Salamon2:54:14
88Jeff Thomas2:57:16
89Pete Stephens3:12:27
90Jeremy Hendricks3:32:20
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Whiskey 50 Singlespeed women
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Karen Tremaine4:18:59
2Amy Hermes0:04:09
3Lauren Frisk0:08:16
4Johanna Mickle0:13:55
5Melissa Liebling0:18:04
6Kaitlyn Boyle0:21:04
7Mavis Cooper0:23:06
8Alana Heise0:29:01
9Carly Watson0:30:42
10Beth Roberts0:35:03
11Michele Bliss0:36:48
12Jennifer Neuschwander1:03:45
13Tina Doley1:07:52
14Shanynn Bunce1:19:39
15Janet Kerby1:26:27
16Kiki Kilbourne1:27:36
17Jennie Rounseville2:53:30
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Whiskey 50 junior men
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Adam Humphrey3:51:44
2Connor Barrett0:24:47
3Taylor Squillaci0:36:11
4Garrett Chott1:27:57
5Josh Keener1:35:23
6Daniel Yakushevich2:08:17
7Keenan DuncanRow 6 - Cell 2
8Ben Duncan2:08:22
9Nick ElletRow 8 - Cell 2
10Callum Read2:24:59
11Jacob Crown3:31:00
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Whiskey 50 Masters 45+
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Scott Conover3:31:02
2Art Oconnor0:09:14
3Russell Kappius0:13:13
4Bill Lenhart0:15:33
5Daniel King0:15:39
6Victor Rudolph0:17:06
7Craig Raney0:17:38
8Geoff Chalmers0:18:44
9Joe Burtoni0:21:07
10Joe Murray0:24:59
11Matt Breyer0:26:02
12Dean Shreiner0:28:05
13Robert Laroche0:28:27
14Tyler Ford0:29:04
15Art MacfarlandRow 14 - Cell 2
16James Matt0:30:40
17David Turner0:31:36
18Troy Allison0:32:22
19David Nicholls0:34:22
20Colin Taira0:34:23
21Rj Weibly0:35:25
22Tyson Hall0:36:59
23Alan Hall0:37:56
24Paul Vujovich0:38:05
25Charlie Beadles0:39:37
26Brad Sneed0:39:38
27Shaun Robert0:43:13
28William Marchio0:45:07
29Marc Lundgren0:45:34
30Ken Winston0:46:27
31Tod ThorntonRow 30 - Cell 2
32Tony Farrar0:47:41
33Chad Carson0:51:19
34Shawn Grossman0:54:05
35Alex Koss0:54:51
36Stephen Smith0:56:16
37Randy Ulmer0:56:58
38David Marks0:58:10
39Al Iverson0:59:05
40Raymond Fortner0:59:06
41Clay Hubbard1:00:57
42Trent Hovenga1:02:18
43John Plain1:03:25
44Mark Delaney1:03:33
45David Post1:03:43
46James Matsubayashi1:03:44
47John Squillaci1:05:22
48C. Kevin Utley1:06:13
49Michael Mckenna1:06:17
50Chris Carothers1:07:23
51Jim Fuller1:09:02
52Richard Manzella1:09:13
53Rob Bauer1:09:59
54Jim Young1:13:45
55Jeff Dorwart1:16:00
56John Morgan1:16:31
57Jeff Strong1:16:44
58Mike Sanchez1:18:26
59Jonathan Sandberg1:18:55
60Ken Downey1:19:07
61Chris Dunn1:20:58
62Kevin Sternitzky1:21:12
63Bill Mcknight1:21:25
64Kirk Boylston1:21:43
65Eddie Rea1:22:14
66Lynn Trimble1:22:19
67Riley Frazier1:24:06
68Rob Quinn1:25:22
69Steve Carlson1:26:56
70Cole Freestone1:27:09
71Douglas Merkle1:27:42
72Eric Wilkey1:29:09
73Colin Trueman1:31:42
74Marc Saulnier1:32:01
75Dan Whitehill1:32:54
76David Krosch1:33:11
77Robin Brown1:34:09
78Shawn Tringham1:35:36
79David Loehrs1:35:39
80Dean Frederickson1:36:30
81Brent Vandeman1:37:09
82Scott Dalecio1:38:55
83Vincent Hunt1:39:39
84Scott Kreeger1:41:26
85Erich Ewy1:42:10
86Dale Agar1:44:58
87Markus Zimmer1:45:05
88Dale Jensen1:45:07
89Felix Ramos1:47:17
90Steve Alward1:49:16
91Steve GrossRow 90 - Cell 2
92Mike Hartman1:49:24
93Robert Kec1:51:40
94Randall Bushman1:52:35
95Tom Robe1:53:57
96Osvaldo MunozRow 95 - Cell 2
97Richard Meyers1:55:12
98Shaun Mathewson1:56:27
99Mike Miller1:58:03
100Bill Blankenship2:00:26
101Chris Smith2:00:58
102Dana Pierce2:03:52
103Michael Mangino2:03:56
104Jim Chott2:04:48
105James Rhodes2:05:30
106Charles Wilson2:05:42
107Lorne Trezise2:11:57
108Mike Hicks2:12:50
109Fritz Noble2:13:52
110David Helzer2:13:55
111Randy WiesnerRow 110 - Cell 2
112Alan Lundgren2:16:33
113Keith Story2:20:16
114William Brown2:21:48
115Derek Johnson2:23:03
116Mark W. Sherline2:23:16
117Robert Williams2:23:17
118Roger Morse2:25:19
119Gary Brand2:25:53
120Scott Stocking2:26:01
121Al Ramirez2:26:13
122Mike Sullivan2:26:35
123John Schlichte2:27:00
124Steve Venable2:27:35
125Joe Vogelsang2:28:07
126Joe Delong2:28:24
127Michael Shepston2:28:37
128Bill Straw2:30:01
129Alex Mlawsky2:31:47
130Dj Brooks2:32:56
131Mark Rufenacht2:33:21
132Patrick Valandra2:34:03
133Ronald Sheahan2:34:37
134Bryant Johnston2:34:46
135Brian Rens2:36:48
136Joe Changose2:37:13
137John Foy2:39:34
138Bahram Akradi2:40:10
139Todd Wade2:41:28
140Luke Mcgee2:43:13
141Dean Barney2:47:22
142William Rainaldi2:48:35
143Clinton Dorwart2:48:46
144Thom Porterfield2:49:58
145Dale Delaney2:50:27
146Mike Walsh2:52:01
147Donald Williams2:52:09
148Tom Beyner2:57:04
149William Lamb3:01:16
150Stephen Brown3:09:14
151Tom Mulhern3:12:58
152Anthony Ruggeroli3:13:50
153James Madura3:16:43
154Tom BeecheyRow 153 - Cell 2
155John Dixon3:24:26
156Charles Fernald3:25:47
157Daniel Sprangers3:31:23
158Richard Sharp3:37:54
159Ahmed Stowers3:49:04
160Paul Fow3:51:22
161Tim Crown3:51:41
162Ward Simpson3:52:52
163Jack Janelle3:53:30
Swipe to scroll horizontally
Whiskey 50 Women's Masters 45+
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Jane Meneely4:11:39
2Molly Behunin0:10:42
3Peggy Brennan0:18:54
4Elizabeth Daubner0:37:15
5Christina Probert-turner0:52:06
6Debbie Hunter0:53:58
7Tracey Delaney1:27:22
8Beverly "the Bevinator" Rogers1:46:06
9Linda Walsh2:11:24
10Patty Jo Struve2:13:50
11Abi Paterson2:31:45
Swipe to scroll horizontally
Whiskey 25 Men's open
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Justin Mann2:09:12
2Nick Skaggs0:17:52
3Craig Nelson0:18:53
4Brian Talmadge0:21:20
5Randy Schrauder0:23:29
6Josh Matthew0:23:52
7Eric Smith0:25:31
8Jesse RensRow 7 - Cell 2
9Michael Mazura0:25:37
10Michael Mcafee0:27:04
11Thomas Bondurant0:30:40
12Aaron Stone0:30:45
13George Hackett0:31:25
14Nathan Mitchell0:35:09
15Sam Long0:35:19
16Tanner Morgan0:36:08
17Chad Salsbury0:36:36
18Kurt Hoy0:38:05
19Dan Jannone0:38:50
20Daniel Alasu0:39:11
21Vincent Porter0:39:43
22John Ross Peckardt0:40:43
23Kelly Varney0:40:44
24Jeff Thompson0:41:23
25James Cooley0:41:52
26David Hammer0:41:55
27Brett Laycock0:42:35
28Chad Laswell0:43:13
29Zachary Kurka0:43:46
30Stephen Holmes0:43:48
31Alex Stedman0:43:49
32Christopher Brennan0:44:09
33Adam Nichols0:45:29
34Shane Sluder0:45:53
35Joshua Dean0:48:09
36Robert Haze0:48:57
37Jeff Henderson0:49:12
38Jerry Baker0:49:14
39Brian Bunnell0:49:25
40Thierry Bousquet0:49:38
41Jeff Harrison0:51:11
42Brandon Gormley0:52:29
43Matt Reed0:52:44
44Matt ManeelyRow 43 - Cell 2
45Seldon Goff0:52:57
46Ryan Siegel0:53:21
47Rocky Gingg0:53:40
48Dewayne Powell0:53:53
49Thomas Stotler0:54:10
50Peter Marshall0:56:11
51Fat Drunk Guy Matt Blair0:56:18
52Garth Cummings0:56:34
53Landis Abrams0:56:37
54Chad Nelson0:56:38
55Leonardo Mitsuyuki0:57:20
56Andrew Schear0:58:18
57Tom Donovan0:58:28
58Ryan Zilka0:58:51
59John Tennant0:59:54
60Kris Dimon-sunday Cycles1:00:18
61Brent Fuhrmann1:00:27
62Micah Caudle1:00:30
63Clay Sanchez1:00:59
64Shawn Vaca1:01:07
65Alex Paterson1:02:24
66Brad Kaczmarek1:02:30
67Jp Hope1:03:03
68Le Le1:03:04
69Ari Goldstein1:03:08
70John Pollard1:03:15
71Ron Cooney1:03:22
72Cory Foster1:03:52
73Oliver Monti-masel1:03:54
74Marcus Rasmussen1:04:05
75Kevin Day1:04:19
76Tyler Moran1:04:25
77Josh Crothers1:05:18
78Aaron Guidry1:05:31
79Ivan Volkov1:05:34
80Jeff Smith1:05:53
81Reinhold Staudinger1:05:57
82Clay Bishop1:06:10
83James Robinson1:06:48
84Cory Kempton1:07:10
85Matt Koehler1:07:52
86Dan Breyer1:08:04
87David Maggs1:08:18
88Brad Mitcheltree1:08:26
89Ryan O'brien1:08:41
90Alex Harris1:09:19
91Mike Murray1:09:30
92Daniel Trujillo1:09:31
93Kevin Mckemie1:09:39
94Kevin Kiel1:10:00
95Israel Tilman1:10:21
96Mark Strasser1:10:28
97Mike WeaverRow 96 - Cell 2
98Scott Dillard1:10:29
99Alec Stewart1:10:49
100Jeff Currey1:11:13
101Brian Bullard1:11:16
102Brad Vanderley1:11:29
103Harry Travis1:11:49
104Michael Knowles1:12:55
105Rick Lemieux1:13:07
106Manuel Heredia1:13:48
107Jason Manedy1:14:01
108Chris Janick1:15:06
109Nathan Moroney1:15:17
110Oryan Salberg1:15:42
111Mike DesotoRow 110 - Cell 2
112Guillermo Cortes1:15:48
113Alan BoyettRow 112 - Cell 2
114Benjamin Guiney1:15:54
115Scott Huska1:16:10
116Jimi Cook1:16:33
117Erik Lantz1:16:40
118David Browning