Lozano tops U23, Gamonal wins women's title

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U23 Men
1David Lozano (Catalana)0:47:45Row 0 - Cell 3
2Iñigo Gomez (Vasca)0:01:11Row 1 - Cell 3
3Daniel Ruiz (Vasca)0:01:12Row 2 - Cell 3
4David Juarez (Vasca)0:01:32Row 3 - Cell 3
5Aser Estevez (Gallega)0:01:55Row 4 - Cell 3
6Oscar Boente (Gallega)0:02:37Row 5 - Cell 3
7Jon Gomez (Vasca)0:02:45Row 6 - Cell 3
8Ismael Barba (Félix Madrileña)0:03:11Row 7 - Cell 3
9Oscar Martinez (Gallega)0:03:26Row 8 - Cell 3
10Gonzalo De (Asturiana)0:03:53Row 9 - Cell 3
11Diego Martínez (Madrileña)0:04:02Row 10 - Cell 3
12David Pardo (Vasca)0:04:07Row 11 - Cell 3
13Fernand San Emeterio (Cantabra)0:04:16Row 12 - Cell 3
14Jairo Álvarez (Asturiana)0:04:46Row 13 - Cell 3
15Jesus Herrero (Cantabra-Libre)0:04:48Row 14 - Cell 3
16Michel Vuelta (Cantabra)Row 15 - Cell 2 Row 15 - Cell 3
17Alberto Sainz (Cantabra)0:05:35Row 16 - Cell 3
18Iñaki Gonzálbez (Valenciana)0:05:48Row 17 - Cell 3
19Javier Sardá (Asturiana-Libre)0:06:29Row 18 - Cell 3
20Mikel Elorza (Vasca-Libre)0:06:47Row 19 - Cell 3
21Daniel Moreno (Al. Madrileña-Libre)0:07:07Row 20 - Cell 3
22Carles Ruiz (Valenciana)0:07:15Row 21 - Cell 3
23Francisco Garcia (Catalana)0:07:18Row 22 - Cell 3
24Iker Arranz (Vasca-Libre)0:07:29Row 23 - Cell 3
25Ibai Salas (Vasca)0:07:43Row 24 - Cell 3
26Aitor Graña (Vasca)0:07:44Row 25 - Cell 3
27Alejandro Cobo (Cantabra-Libre)0:08:09Row 26 - Cell 3
28Berant Costa (Catalana)0:08:12Row 27 - Cell 3
29Rubén Hernando (Catalana)0:08:13Row 28 - Cell 3
30Xavier Domenech (Catalana)0:08:21Row 29 - Cell 3
31Borja Castro (Asturiana-Libre)0:08:37Row 30 - Cell 3
32Jonatan Lazaro (Vasca-Libre)0:08:43Row 31 - Cell 3
33Alexis Chica (Madrileña-Libre)0:09:00Row 32 - Cell 3
34Jon Mazaira (Vasca-Libre)0:09:30Row 33 - Cell 3
35Mikelat Trespalacios (Vasca-Libre)0:09:35Row 34 - Cell 3
36Pablo Trabadelo (Asturiana-Libre)Row 35 - Cell 2 -1 lap
37Jonathan López (C. Leonesa-Libre)Row 36 - Cell 2 Row 36 - Cell 3
38Manuel Francés (Valenciana-Libre)Row 37 - Cell 2 Row 37 - Cell 3
39Pedro Usabiaga (C. Leonesa-Libre)Row 38 - Cell 2 Row 38 - Cell 3
40Josu Pena (Vasca-Libre)Row 39 - Cell 2 Row 39 - Cell 3
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Elite Women
1Rocío Gamonal (Asturiana)0:35:17Row 0 - Cell 3
2Rocío Martín (Libre)0:01:04Row 1 - Cell 3
3Rosa María C. Bravo (Leonesa)0:01:40Row 2 - Cell 3
4Aída Nuño (Asturiana)0:02:45Row 3 - Cell 3
5Lucia Vazquez (Gallega)0:03:33Row 4 - Cell 3
6Merce Pacios (Catalana)0:03:56Row 5 - Cell 3
7Olatz Odiozola (Vasca)0:04:17Row 6 - Cell 3
8Jone Mujika (Vasca)0:05:16Row 7 - Cell 3
9Saioa Olite (Vasca)0:08:14Row 8 - Cell 3
10Mª Jesus Barros (Libre)0:08:25Row 9 - Cell 3
11Rosa Maria Riera (Catalana)0:08:31Row 10 - Cell 3
12Erkuden Almagro (Navarra)Row 11 - Cell 2 -1 lap
13Maria Puga (Libre)Row 12 - Cell 2 Row 12 - Cell 3
14Sandra Santanyes (Catalana)Row 13 - Cell 2 Row 13 - Cell 3
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U23 Women
1Lucía González (Asturiana)0:39:01Row 0 - Cell 3
2Mªjose Gomez (Gallega)0:02:25Row 1 - Cell 3
3Amaia Martioda (Vasca)0:07:48Row 2 - Cell 3
4Ivana C. Villarroel (Leonesa)Row 3 - Cell 2 -1 lap
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Junior Women
1Tania Calvo (Vasca)0:42:26Row 0 - Cell 3
2Sandra Trevilla (Cantabra)0:00:13Row 1 - Cell 3
3Laura Vilanova (Valenciana)0:01:44Row 2 - Cell 3
4Zaloa Trevilla (Vasca)0:02:13Row 3 - Cell 3
5Irene Usabiaga (Vasca)0:03:41Row 4 - Cell 3
6Maite Murgia (Vasca)0:04:13Row 5 - Cell 3
7Elba Maneiro (Libre)Row 6 - Cell 2 -1 lap
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Novice Women
1Alicia Gonzalez (Asturiana)0:39:42
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Masters 40+
1Xabier Mendiaraz (Vasca-Libre)0:43:04Row 0 - Cell 3
2Manuel Gutiérrez (Sel. Cantabra)0:01:30Row 1 - Cell 3
3José Jav. Rodríguez (Asturiana-Libre)0:01:32Row 2 - Cell 3
4Javier Avellaneda (Asturiana-Libre)0:01:35Row 3 - Cell 3
5Miquel Bort (Sel. Catalana)0:01:50Row 4 - Cell 3
6Daniel Alonso (Asturiana-Libre)0:02:14Row 5 - Cell 3
7Javier Lago (Sel.Gallega)0:02:24Row 6 - Cell 3
8Ivan Santurde (Cantabra-Libre)0:02:42Row 7 - Cell 3
9Alfredo San (Sel. Madrileña)0:02:43Row 8 - Cell 3
10Andres Villa (P.D.)0:02:49Row 9 - Cell 3
11Imanol Ugarte (P.D.)0:02:49Row 10 - Cell 3
12Xavier Marti (Sel. Catalana)0:03:11Row 11 - Cell 3
13José Luis Bustillo (Madrileña-Libre)0:03:15Row 12 - Cell 3
14Juan Manuel Gallego (Madrileña-Libre)0:03:23Row 13 - Cell 3
15Sergio Camarena (Sel. Valenciana)0:03:27Row 14 - Cell 3
16Juan Mar. Huerdo (Asturiana-Libre)0:03:28Row 15 - Cell 3
17José Enriqu Galguera (Asturiana-Libre)0:03:32Row 16 - Cell 3
18Ángel Arias (Asturiana-Libre)0:04:08Row 17 - Cell 3
19Pere Joan Roig (Sel. Catalana)0:04:08Row 18 - Cell 3
20Jose Ant. Mazaira (Vasca-Libre)0:04:11Row 19 - Cell 3
21Angel Luis Coterillo (Cantabra-Libre)0:04:32Row 20 - Cell 3
22Antonio Gonzalez (Gallega-Libre)0:04:43Row 21 - Cell 3
23Xulio Xose Conde (Gallega-Libre)0:04:43Row 22 - Cell 3
24Juan C. Vazquez (C.Manchega-Libre)0:04:55Row 23 - Cell 3
25Fco. Javier Garcia (Gallega-Libre)0:05:02Row 24 - Cell 3
26Javier Garcia (Vasca-Libre)0:05:23Row 25 - Cell 3
27Josep Budalles (Sel. Catalana)0:05:27Row 26 - Cell 3
28Antonio Gutiérrez (Madrileña-Libre)0:05:43Row 27 - Cell 3
29Juan Alberto Vigil (Asturiana-Libre)0:05:52Row 28 - Cell 3
30Juan Antonio Altur (Valenciana-Libre)0:06:07Row 29 - Cell 3
31Alberto Juez (Vasca-Libre)0:06:42Row 30 - Cell 3
32Pedro Perez (Vasca-Libre)0:06:55Row 31 - Cell 3
33José M. Calatayud (Valenciana-Libre)0:06:56Row 32 - Cell 3
34Pablo Perez (Valenciana-Libre)0:07:16Row 33 - Cell 3
35Antonio Fernández (Asturiana-Libre)0:07:19Row 34 - Cell 3
36Francisco Salvatierra (Madrileña-Libre)0:07:24Row 35 - Cell 3
37Fco. Javier Alonso (C. Leonesa-Libre)0:07:25Row 36 - Cell 3
38Ricardo Pérez (Asturiana-Libre)0:07:43Row 37 - Cell 3
39José Garcia (Catalana-Libre)0:08:04Row 38 - Cell 3
40Ricardo Marinas (Asturiana-Libre)0:08:07Row 39 - Cell 3
41Xavier Costa (Catalana-Libre)0:08:17Row 40 - Cell 3
42Ricardo Jorques (Valenciana-Libre)0:08:19Row 41 - Cell 3
43Juan Rey (Gallega-Libre)0:08:25Row 42 - Cell 3
44Faustino Perez (P.D.)0:08:28Row 43 - Cell 3
45Richard Gomez (P.D.)0:08:37Row 44 - Cell 3
46Ferrán Blaya (Valenciana-Libre)0:08:40Row 45 - Cell 3
47Santiago Calaba (Asturiana-Libre)0:09:01Row 46 - Cell 3
48Andres Martinez (P.D.)0:09:21Row 47 - Cell 3
49Jordi Forga (Catalana-Libre)0:10:11Row 48 - Cell 3
50Iñaki Cendrero (Vasca-Libre)0:10:16Row 49 - Cell 3
51Jose A. Quintero (P.D.)Row 50 - Cell 2 -1 lap
52Ángel Fco. Cuesta (Vasca-Libre)Row 51 - Cell 2 Row 51 - Cell 3
53Gorka Ruiz (Vasca-Libre)Row 52 - Cell 2 Row 52 - Cell 3
54Miguel A. Basurco (Sel. C. Leonesa)Row 53 - Cell 2 Row 53 - Cell 3
55Iñaki Cuadra (Cantabra-Libre)Row 54 - Cell 2 Row 54 - Cell 3
56Miguel Angel Perez (Cantabra-Libre)Row 55 - Cell 2 Row 55 - Cell 3
57Senen Landaburu (Cantabra-Libre)Row 56 - Cell 2 Row 56 - Cell 3
58Juan Antonio García (Asturiana-Libre)Row 57 - Cell 2 Row 57 - Cell 3
DNFFrancisco Echeita (P.D.)Row 58 - Cell 2 Row 58 - Cell 3
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Masters 50+
1Josep Antoni Martínez (Sel. Valenciana)0:46:33Row 0 - Cell 3
2Ignacio Fandos (Sel. Valenciana)0:00:05Row 1 - Cell 3
3Manuel Gonzalez (Sel.Gallega)0:00:40Row 2 - Cell 3
4Bernat Del Pino (Sel. Catalana)0:01:20Row 3 - Cell 3
5Jesus Ig. Ibañez (Vasca-Libre)0:02:31Row 4 - Cell 3
6José Adolfo Fica (Vasca-Libre)0:02:43Row 5 - Cell 3
7Juan Carlos López (Asturiana-Libre)0:03:18Row 6 - Cell 3
8Alonso López (Sel. Madrileña)0:03:54Row 7 - Cell 3
9Luis Manuel Ruiz (Asturiana-Libre)0:03:58Row 8 - Cell 3
10R. Fernando García (Asturiana-Libre)Row 9 - Cell 2 Row 9 - Cell 3
11Pedro Mugica (Valenciana-Libre)0:05:22Row 10 - Cell 3
12Roberto Caniruaga (Vasca-Libre)0:05:28Row 11 - Cell 3
13Fco. Javier Calvo (P.D.)0:05:43Row 12 - Cell 3
14Jesús Fernández (Asturiana-Libre)0:06:20Row 13 - Cell 3
15Cesar Otaola (P.D.)0:06:35Row 14 - Cell 3
16César Álvarez (Asturiana-Libre)0:06:54Row 15 - Cell 3
17Jose A. Arza (P.D.)Row 16 - Cell 2 -1 lap
18Jesus M. Alzola (Vasca-Libre)Row 17 - Cell 2 Row 17 - Cell 3
19Fco. Javier Gil (P.D.)Row 18 - Cell 2 Row 18 - Cell 3
20José Antonio Pina (Valenciana-Libre)Row 19 - Cell 2 Row 19 - Cell 3
21Valeriano Carrera (Gallega-Libre)Row 20 - Cell 2 Row 20 - Cell 3
22José Manue Coterillo (Cantabra-Libre)Row 21 - Cell 2 Row 21 - Cell 3
23Jesus Mª Martinez (Vasca-Libre)Row 22 - Cell 2 Row 22 - Cell 3
24José Alves (Cantabra-Libre)Row 23 - Cell 2 Row 23 - Cell 3
25Pascual Momparler (Valenciana-Libre)Row 24 - Cell 2 Row 24 - Cell 3
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1Miguel A. Gavilan (P.D.)0:51:23
2José Simaes (Sel. Madrileña)0:02:01
3José Antonio Lurgain (Sel. Navarra)Row 2 - Cell 2
4Pedro Cuervo (Asturiana-Libre)Row 3 - Cell 2
5Juan A. Aguirre (P.D.)Row 4 - Cell 2
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Senior Men
1José Dom. Cadavieco (Cantabra-Libre)0:43:01
2Israel Chica (Madrileña)0:01:18
3Óscar Perales (Valenciana)0:01:19
4David Busto (Vasca-Libre)0:01:31
5Fco. Manuel Ramírez (Valenciana)0:01:41
6Mikel Nuñez (Vasca-Libre)0:02:18
7Nestor Rodriguez (Gallega)Row 6 - Cell 2
8Ignacio Beneyto (Madrileña)0:02:55
9Javier Feo (Valenciana-Libre)0:03:23
10Jacob C. Frontelo (Manchega-Libre)0:04:44
11Luciano Carretero (Gallega-Libre)0:05:16
12Francisco Gandía (Valenciana-Libre)0:05:20
13Ivan Aguirre (Sel. Cantabra)0:05:32
14Javier Mico (Valenciana-Libre)0:06:16
15José Vte. Esteban (Valenciana-Libre)0:07:07
16Joseba Garcia (Vasca-Libre)0:07:07
17Jesus Garcia (Cantabra-Libre)0:08:15
18Álvaro Martínez (Madrileña-Libre)0:08:28
19Juan Nicieza (Asturiana-Libre)0:08:30
20José An. Ontalvilla (Cantabra-Libre)0:08:38
21Gaizka Gallastegui (Vasca-Libre)0:10:24
22Antonio Padilla (Valenciana-Libre)Row 21 - Cell 2
DNFFco. José Perez (Cantabra-Libre)Row 22 - Cell 2
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Masters 30+
1Marco A. Prieto (Asturiana-Libre)0:42:37
2Agustín Navarro (Asturiana-Libre)0:00:06
3Carlos Luengo (Madrileña)0:00:19
4Arnau Rota (Catalana)0:00:24
5Andoni Jiménez (Vasca-Libre)0:00:35
6Aitor Diaz (Vasca-Libre)0:00:46
7Gustavo Dacosta (Catalana-Libre)0:00:51
8José Ig. Valls (Valenciana)0:01:07
9Samuel Jiménez (C. Leonesa)0:01:13
10Javier Díaz (Asturiana-Libre)0:01:18
11Unai Fernández (Vasca-Libre)0:01:25
12Sergio Sordo (Sel. Cantabra)0:01:27
13Lander Peña (Vasca-Libre)0:01:36
14David Antepazo (Gallega)0:01:57
15Francisco Galán (Madrileña)0:01:58
16Iñigo Burgos (Cantabra-Libre)0:02:04
17Rubén Rodríguez (Asturiana-Libre)0:02:33
18Fsc. Xavier Alsina (Catalana-Libre)0:02:42
19Roberto Zugasti (Vasca-Libre)0:02:42
20Aurelio Díaz (Asturiana-Libre)0:02:52
21Esteban Pérez (Valenciana)0:02:54
22Mikel Epalza (Vasca-Libre)0:03:05
23Juan Bello (Gallega)0:03:12
24Josu Irulegi (Vasca-Libre)0:03:30
25Emilio Javier De Vera (Valenciana-Libre)0:03:45
26Angel Hierro (Valenciana-Libre)0:03:45
27Delfín López (Asturiana-Libre)0:04:21
28Eduardo Castillo (Vasca-Libre)0:04:40
29Iker Conejo (Vasca-Libre)0:04:45
30Jairo Garcia (Cantabra-Libre)0:04:56
31Juan M. De Dios (Valenciana-Libre)0:05:17
32Carlos Fco. Sánchez (Valenciana-Libre)0:05:18
33Ricardo Sasigain (Vasca-Libre)0:05:28
34Jorge Redondo (C. Leonesa)0:05:30
35Sergio Turuelo (Cantabra-Libre)0:05:36
36Roberto Palop (Valenciana-Libre)0:05:52
37José Alves (Asturiana-Libre)0:05:58
38Manuel Luengo (Asturiana-Libre)0:05:58
39Pablo Ibarguren (Cantabra-Libre)0:06:12
40Javier Santos (Vasca-Libre)0:06:23
41Aitor Izagirre (Vasca-Libre)0:06:25
42Jose Ma. Ramos (Gallega-Libre)0:06:35
43Israel Romero (Vasca-Libre)0:06:43
44Rafael Diaz (Vasca-Libre)0:06:51
45Ignacio Fandos (Valenciana-Libre)0:06:56
46Javier Mier (Asturiana-Libre)0:07:00
47David Diez (Vasca-Libre)0:07:12

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