Tony Martin taken to hospital for checks on elbow injury

Tony Martin (Jumbo-Visma)
Tony Martin is an important worker for race leader Primoz Roglic in the Jumbo-Visma team (Image credit: Bettini Photo)

Primoz Roglic’s push for victory in Paris-Nice suffered a significant blow when powerhouse rouleur Tony Martin crashed out of the race towards the end of the fifth stage to Bollène. The German rider is believed to have hit two bollards at the roadside, the impact sending him somersaulting to the ground and leaving him with “lots of pain in his elbow”, according to Jumbo-Visma directeur sportif Grischa Niermann.

“We don’t have any news on him yet, but he had a lot of pain in his elbow and we’ve sent him to the hospital to have a check-up,” Niermann explained at the stage finish. “Hopefully, he will be OK, but in the worst-case scenario he’s broken his elbow.”