Gravel bike vs mountain bike: understanding the differences

Gravel Bike vs Mountain Bike
(Image credit: Aaron Borrill)

Mountain bike ownership has, for many, been a passport to healthy mindful escapism.  

Solving the mystery of that forest singletrack, discovering how deep it goes into the woods, conquering a series of rolling hills linked by a testing gradient of gravel road, the desire for exploration is what drives a great deal of the cycling obsession for many. Escaping our immediate surroundings, exploring where vehicle traffic cannot intimidate or threaten you on a ride.

Lance Branquinho is a Namibian born media professional, with 15-years of experience in technology and engineering journalism covering anything with wheels. Being from Namibia, he knows a good gravel road when he sees one, and he has raced some of Africa’s best-known mountain bike stage races, such as Wines2Wales and Berg&Bush.