WADA expects ban of Armstrong associates to be accepted worldwide

The World Anti-Doping Agency issued a statement on Wednesday in response to numerous inquiries regarding the case against Lance Armstrong and his former US Postal and Discovery Channel team associates who were charged by USADA of doping and a cover-up conspiracy, stating that any action taken by a WADA code signatory should be upheld by signatories worldwide.

Laura Weislo
Managing Editor

Laura Weislo has been with Cyclingnews since 2006 after making a switch from a career in science. As Managing Editor, she coordinates coverage for North American events and global news. As former elite-level road racer who dabbled in cyclo-cross and track, Laura has a passion for all three disciplines. When not working she likes to go camping and explore lesser traveled roads, paths and gravel tracks. Laura specialises in covering doping, anti-doping, UCI governance and performing data analysis.