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10th Telekom Malaysia Tour de Langkawi - 2.HC

Malaysia, January 28-February 6, 2005

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Stage 8 - February 4: Kuala Kubu Bahru - Genting, 97.9 km

Ryan's World: Barloworld take control

By Anthony Tan in Genting Highlands

The final sprint
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"We had a plan today and all I had to do was sit on one guy's wheel and that's what I did," said Barloworld's Ryan Cox after assuming the race lead on the most eagerly anticipated stage of the Tour de Langkawi to Genting Highlands.

Certainly, it was a simple plan - but far easier said than done. However, the skinny South African grimpeur made the climb to Genting look like a training ride, fending off multiple attacks from arch-rival Jose Rujano (Colombia Selle Italia), who simply ran out of legs, before outsprinting the Venezuelan to take the stage and yellow jersey by 18 seconds.

"I can just thank that I had a good time trial the other day, otherwise I would have had to attack him [Rujano] and that's what it came down to," said Cox to Cyclingnews about his race strategy. "I was ahead of him, so he had to attack me, but there was no way he was riding off today, not today."

Asked if he was concerned that his increased power on the flats may have impacted on his climbing performance before the start of today's stage, the 25 year-old conceded that he was surprised at almost winning the time trial four days ago, but the ride only gave him further motivation for Genting. "You do think how's the climbing going to be," he said, "but I'm a climber, and it [the time trial] gave me super motivation. If I'm going well on the flat, that's how I'm going to go on the climb.

"I know the climb, and the last three k are really hard, and I think he [Rujano] started attacking a little bit too early, and his attacks weren't as if there was one big attack where he tried to ride me off - he tried to attack too many times. But you know, that's his style and that's my style as well. It was also a bit windy when you were in the front, and the last six k he rode in the front with me on his wheel, so he was in a harder position."

Jose Rujano (Colombia-Selle Italia)
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Colombia Selle Italia's directtore sportivo Gianni Savio concurred with much of what Cox had to say, but believed that either way, the outcome would have been the same. "We tried to win, but it was not possible," said the pragmatic Savio.

Savio also spoke of the team's bad luck when a car got in the way of Rujano as he tried to drop Cox in the final kilometres of the stage, and so for the second time in as many days, he feels the team could have finished first, rather than twice second. "We had two possibilities of a stage win, and two times we are second. But we must accept this, because it is the law of the sport," he said.

Unfortunately for fans of Koji Fukushima, today didn't end as he hoped, but maybe the 31 year-old was hoping a little too much.

"Before the stage, I hoped to keep my jersey, but I wasn't strong enough," said Fukushima. "I tried my best, but Cox is very, very strong. I want to say thanks to my team-mates; I am a very small rider [in stature], but my team-mates helped me keep the jersey. Next season, we want to progress and win the overall classification."

Koji Fukushima (Bridgestone Anchor)
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However, Fukushima's fighting character still sees him wearing the jersey of best Asian rider, but only by a handful of seconds. Wismilak's Tonton Susanto, who had a bit off day on the bike, finishing almost four minutes behind the stage winner, lies just six seconds behind Fukushima, and will be looking for an opportunity to take the jersey tomorrow.

Someone more than happy to hold on to his lead was Kristian House, who looks like taking his mountains jersey all the way to Kuala Lumpur. "Today, I wasn't going to place in the top 12 on this climb, so I just tried to have a fairly comfortable ride up, and try and save my legs a bit for tomorrow, where there's still quite a few points," said House to Cyclingnews.

"I had kind of a good feeling today that I wouldn't actually lose it. I thought the guy that might actually take it was Ryan's team-mate, René [Joergensen], and I knew he had to work for Ryan and Tiann [Kannemeyer] as well. So I was fairly confident I would hold onto the jersey, but tomorrow's still a hard day though; there's still points up for grabs, so we'll see what happens."

How it unfolded

The peloton
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Facing roughly 100 kilometres of riding with almost half of that uphill, the 130 riders left in the Tour de Langkawi were prepped for the worst, but cloudy skies and an earlier than usual start time of 9.30am at least made the start in Kuala Kubu Bara bearable (trying saying that 10 times!).

Sure enough, there were more than a few riders eager to get a headstart before the 17 kilometre, 1716 metre ascent to Genting, a break of two - Dennis Kraft (Action) and Nico Sijmens (Landbouwkrediet-Colnago) - going clear at km 14, before Kraft decided to go it alone two kilometres later. Sijmens was then picked up by team-mate James Van Landschoot and Najmee Wan Mohammad (Proton T-Bikes), and by km 35, the trio had caught Kraft to make it an even four.

All four riders were well down on the overall classification, so the team of race leader Koji Fukushima was content to see them go, with a fairly tame 44.4 kilometres covered after an hour's racing. The quartet's lead reached a maximum 2'32 at the second sprint in Rawang (km 31.4), but by the start of the KOM at Gombak (km 52.1), their lead was down to a touch over two minutes.

The two Landbouwkrediet-Colnago boys
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On the early slopes of Genting, described by former French pro Pascal Herve as "a double Alpe D'Huez", Landbouwkrediet-Colnago team-mates Sijmens and Van Landschoot left their companions behind, before Sijmens did the same to his team-mate. At km 75 with around 20k to go, the Belgian still had a minute's advantage on the slowly dwindling peloton, where the contenders were playing a game of 'you go first - no, you go first', until Credit Agricole's Eric Leblacher finally did. But with the worst still to come, a minute was never going to be enough, and Sijmens was caught at km 79.

At that stage, the lead group was around 20 riders strong with all the favourites represented, except for the yellow jersey of Fukushima, who was trailing in an equal-sized group 1'25 behind. Six kilometres later, just as they were about to catch Leblacher at km 85, Nathan O'Neill was the first to lose contact. And then it began.

The group kept its pace up.
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Fast tempo riding by Marlon Perez (Colombia Selle Italia) reduced the group down to eight with eight to go, before his team-mate Jose Rujano began the first of what would be a series of attacks, as he attempted to dislodge himself of the Barloworld duo of Ryan Cox and Tiaan Kannemeyer.

But the attacks were a little too early, not forceful enough and, ultimately, to no avail, as Cox responded with ease and never looked in difficulty. What the accelerations did do, however, was create a situation of mano-a-mano, as Rujano and Cox rode away from Kannemeyer and Mexican Julio Perez Cuapio (Ceramica Panaria-Navigare); a little further behind were Cesar Grajales (Navigators), Jesus Hernandez (Liberty Seguros), Jurgen Van De Walle (Landbouwrediet-Colnago) and 2003 winner Tom Danielson (Discovery Channel).

So, with Cox stuck to Rujano's wheel like a bad smell and not moving anytime soon, it came down to a two-up 'sprint' that was unsurprisingly taken by Cox, sailing past the Venezuelan to take the stage and race lead. Just over a minute in arrears came in Perez Cuapio and Kannemeyer, with Colombian Grajales rounding out the top five.

Stage 9 - February 5: Menara Kuala Lumpur - Putrajaya, 164.8 km

Julio Perez Cuapio (Ceramica Panaria-Navigare)
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It's not over till the fat lady sings; the penultimate stage will be one of the toughest, with three climbs between Menara Telekom and the country's new administrative capital in Putrajaya. In addition to the Cat. 1 climb at Bukit Hulu Beranang, riders will also have to contend with two Cat. 2 climbs at Sungai Tekali and Jeram Toi. On their way to the finish line, the riders will cross one of the most beautiful bridges in the country, the Seri Wawasan bridge.

Due to the nature of the stage, the contenders who failed to make an impression today will have the chance to catch up with the leaders. In fact, the maillot jaune may have a tougher than expected time defending his lead. "I think tomorrow we must attack," said Colombia Selle Italia's Gianni Savio to Cyclingnews. "We will try, but it will be very, very, very difficult, but not impossible."

However, right now, Ryan Cox and his team feel on top of the world, and are more than ready for whatever comes their way. "We're really riding super-well, so with the jersey on my shoulder, I don't think it's a problem riding on the front the whole day and keeping it together," said Cox, brimming with confidence.

"I personally feel that the climbs are too early for one of the contenders to go away and win the stage or try and take the yellow. If we control it with Panaria's going for the finish, I think it's just going to be another bunch sprint tomorrow."


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Images by Mark Gunter/Cyclingnews.com


1 Ryan Cox (RSA) Barloworld                                     2.49.37
2 Jose Rujano (Ven) Colombia Selle Italia                              
3 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare     1.05
4 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) Barloworld                                    
5 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                        1.21
6 Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                            1.26
7 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                2.03
8 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                            2.11
9 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil              2.20
10 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare             2.38
11 Nuno Ribeiro (Por) Liberty Seguros                              2.47
12 Kurt Van De Wouwer (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech           3.03
13 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                                   
14 Sergio Ghisalberti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                         3.05
15 Eric Leblacher (Fra) Credit Agricole                            3.14
16 Christophe Le Mevel (Fra) Credit Agricole                       3.29
17 Marlon Perez Arango (Col) Colombia Selle Italia                 3.31
18 Matej Jurco (Svk) Domina Vacanze                                3.41
19 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil            3.55
20 Tonton Susanto (Ina) Wismilak                                       
21 Jens Renders (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech                 4.51
22 Ahad Kazemi (IRI) Iran                                          4.56
23 Yannick Talabardon (Fra) Credit Agricole                        5.09
24 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Navigators Insurance                       5.17
25 Michael Barry (Can) Discovery Channel                           5.28
26 Patrick McCarty (USA) Discovery Channel                             
27 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                             
28 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                      
29 Rodney Green (RSA) Barloworld                                   5.59
30 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                    6.22
31 David Plaza Romero (Spa) Barloworld                             6.43
32 Ruggero Borghi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                 
33 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Iran                                       6.55
34 Koen De Kort (Ned) Liberty Seguros                              7.20
35 Kristian House (GBr) Great Britain                              7.24
36 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                         7.27
37 Marcin Osinski (Pol) Action                                         
38 Jens Heppner (Ger) Wiesenhof                                        
39 Jeffry Louder (USA) Navigators Insurance                        7.29
40 Michael Creed (USA) Discovery Channel                           8.20
41 Houssein Askari (IRI) Iran                                          
42 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                       8.53
43 Piotr Chmielewski (Pol) Action                                  9.33
44 Paul Griffin (Irl) Ireland                                      9.39
45 Christopher Bradford (Aus) Wismilak                             9.47
46 René Joergensen (Den) Barloworld                                9.50
47 Md. Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                          9.57
48 Fumiyuki Beppu (Jpn) Discovery Channel                         10.44
49 Julian Winn (GBr) Great Britain                                     
50 Kazimierz Stafiej (Pol) Action                                 11.03
51 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                    11.30
52 Maxim Iglinskiy (Kaz) Domina Vacanze                           11.32
53 David Kopp (Ger) Wiesenhof                                     11.36
54 Martin Muller (Ger) Wiesenhof                                  11.39
55 Enrico Poitschke (Ger) Wiesenhof                                    
56 Mirko Allegrini (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              12.10
57 Geoffroy Lequatre (Fra) Credit Agricole                             
58 Antonio Cruz (USA) Discovery Channel                                
59 Johan Verstrepen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                      
60 Ralf Grabsch (Ger) Wiesenhof                                        
61 Dean Downing (GBr) Great Britain                                    
62 David McKenzie (Aus) Wismilak                                  12.14
63 Mahdi Sohrabi (IRI) Iran                                       12.54
64 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                                     
65 Frederic Gabriel (Fra) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech                 
66 Camille Bouquet (Fra) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech             13.06
67 Bogdan Bondariew (Ukr) Action                                  13.16
68 Suhardi Hassan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                            13.27
69 Chris Newton (GBr) Great Britain                               13.57
70 Tom Southam (GBr) Barloworld                                        
71 Russell Van Hout (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                        
72 Rene Andrle (Cze) Liberty Seguros                              14.03
73 Fallanie Ali (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                              14.06
74 Brett Lancaster (Aus) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              14.27
75 Stephen Gallagher (Irl) Ireland                                14.31
76 Leonardo Moser (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil              14.55
77 Antonio Bucciero (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                 
78 Antonio Salomone (Ita) Barloworld                                   
79 Alessandro D'Andrea (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil         14.57
80 Denis Bertolini (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                  
81 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              15.04
82 Dariusz Baranowski (Pol) Liberty Seguros                            
83 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                     15.16
84 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      15.22
85 Graeme Brown (Aus) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                 15.23
86 Joseba Beloki Dorronsoro (Spa) Liberty Seguros                 15.36
87 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                       
88 Wawan Setyobudi (Ina) Wismilak                                 15.47
89 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof                               15.52
90 Nicolas Vogondy (Fra) Credit Agricole                          15.58
91 Yasutaka Tashiro (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      16.01
92 Daniele Di Biase (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                   16.27
93 Roger Aitken (Irl) Ireland                                     16.29
94 Guillermo Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          17.01
95 Julian Dean (NZl) Credit Agricole                              17.02
96 Md. Fauzah Lutfi (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                          17.14
97 Rosli Nor Effandy (Mas) Malaysia                                    
98 Paul Manning (GBr) Great Britain                               17.19
99 Stefan Van Dijck (Ned) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech            17.29
100 Adam Wadecki (Pol) Action                                     17.31
101 Moezeddin Seyed (IRI) Iran                                         
102 Shinji Suzuki (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                        17.51
103 Jorg Jaksche (Ger) Liberty Seguros                            18.25
104 Claudio Astolfi (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil            18.45
105 Vassili Davidenko (Rus) Navigators Insurance                  19.16
106 Robert Hayles (GBr) Great Britain                                  
107 Hamad Md. Mahazir (Mas) Malaysia                              19.38
108 Sven Renders (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                    20.11
109 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance                     20.13
110 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Ireland                                   20.31
111 Takehiro Mizutani (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                    20.59
112 Alireza Haghi (IRI) Iran                                      21.04
113 Trent Wilson (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                      21.28
114 Abd. Nasir Md. Yusof (Mas) Malaysia                                
115 Sean Lacey (Irl) Ireland                                      21.53
116 Md. Jasmin Ruslan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                        21.59
117 Enrico Grigoli (Ita) Domina Vacanze                           22.17
118 Raffaele Illiano (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                  23.15
119 Ramle Md. Rizal (Mas) Malaysia                                23.36
120 Dennis Kraft (Ger) Action                                     24.00
121 Samai Samai (Ina) Wismilak                                    24.54
122 James Van Landschoot (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago            25.21
123 Cristian Bonfanti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                             
HD Lars Wackernagel (Ger) Wiesenhof                               26.25
HD Najmee Wan Mohammad (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                            
HD Daud Md. Fuad (Mas) Malaysia                                   27.04
HD Hassan Maleki (IRI) Iran                                       29.15
DNF Benjamin John Day (Aus) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech               
DNF David McCann (Irl) Ireland                                         
DNS Luca Solari (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                   
DNS Thomas White (GBr) Great Britain                                   
1 Ryan Cox (RSA) Barloworld                                          15 pts
2 Jose Rujano (Ven) Colombia Selle Italia                            14
3 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare       13
4 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) Barloworld                                  12
5 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                          11
6 Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                              10
7 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                   9
8 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                               8
9 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                 7
10 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                6
11 Nuno Ribeiro (Por) Liberty Seguros                                 5
12 Kurt Van De Wouwer (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech              4
13 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                                  3
14 Sergio Ghisalberti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                            2
15 Eric Leblacher (Fra) Credit Agricole                               1
1 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                          5 pts
2 Dennis Kraft (Ger) Action                                           3
3 Guillermo Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare               2
4 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance                           1
1 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                          5 pts
2 Dennis Kraft (Ger) Action                                           3
3 James Van Landschoot (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                  2
4 Najmee Wan Mohammad (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                            1
1 Dennis Kraft (Ger) Action                                           5 pts
2 James Van Landschoot (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                  3
3 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                          2
4 Najmee Wan Mohammad (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                            1
KOM Hors Categorie at Genting Highlands
1 Ryan Cox (RSA) Barloworld                                          25 pts
2 Jose Rujano (Ven) Colombia Selle Italia                            20
3 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare       16
4 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) Barloworld                                  12
5 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                          10
6 Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                               8
7 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                   6
8 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                               5
9 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                 4
10 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                3
11 Nuno Ribeiro (Por) Liberty Seguros                                 2
12 Kurt Van De Wouwer (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech              1
1 Barloworld                                                    8.35.55
2 Colombia Selle Italia                                            1.55
3 Credit Agricole                                                  2.42
4 Liberty Seguros                                                  4.29
5 Navigators Insurance                                             5.02
6 Discovery Channel                                                6.03
7 Domina Vacanze                                                   6.25
8 Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                                      8.49
9 Iran                                                            13.07
10 Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                                        13.31
11 Mr Bookmaker.Com-SportsTech                                    13.44
12 Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                                   14.06
13 Wismilak                                                       18.52
14 Bridgestone Anchor                                             20.46
15 Action                                                         20.59
16 Great Britain                                                  23.14
17 Wiesenhoff                                                     23.38
18 Proton T-Bikes                                                 33.23
19 Ireland                                                        33.35
20 Malaysia                                                       39.45
Asian rider
1 Tonton Susanto (Ina) Wismilak                                 2.53.32
2 Ahad Kazemi (IRI) Iran                                           1.01
3 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Iran                                        3.00
4 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                          3.32
5 Houssein Askari (IRI) Iran                                       4.25
6 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                        4.58
7 Md. Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                           6.02
8 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      7.35
9 Mahdi Sohrabi (IRI) Iran                                         8.59
10 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                                     
11 Suhardi Hassan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                             9.32
12 Fallanie Ali (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                              10.11
13 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      11.27
14 Wawan Setyobudi (Ina) Wismilak                                 11.52
15 Yasutaka Tashiro (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      12.06
16 Md. Fauzah Lutfi (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                          13.19
17 Rosli Nor Effandy (Mas) Malaysia                                    
18 Moezeddin Seyed (IRI) Iran                                     13.36
19 Shinji Suzuki (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                         13.56
20 Hamad Md. Mahazir (Mas) Malaysia                               15.43
21 Takehiro Mizutani (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                     17.04
22 Alireza Haghi (IRI) Iran                                       17.09
23 Abd. Nasir Md. Yusof (Mas) Malaysia                            17.33
24 Md. Jasmin Ruslan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                         18.04
25 Ramle Md. Rizal (Mas) Malaysia                                 19.41
26 Samai Samai (Ina) Wismilak                                     20.59
General classification after stage 8
1 Ryan Cox (RSA) Barloworld                                    25.02.20
2 Jose Rujano (Ven) Colombia Selle Italia                          0.18
3 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) Barloworld                                1.34
4 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                        2.52
5 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                            3.01
6 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                3.44
7 Marlon Perez Arango (Col) Colombia Selle Italia                  4.07
8 Sergio Ghisalberti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                          4.08
9 Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                            4.17
10 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil             4.49
11 Matej Jurco (Svk) Domina Vacanze                                5.13
12 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Navigators Insurance                       5.25
13 Nuno Ribeiro (Por) Liberty Seguros                              5.46
14 Kurt Van De Wouwer (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech           5.58
15 Michael Barry (Can) Discovery Channel                           6.00
16 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                               6.14
17 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                         6.15
18 Christophe Le Mevel (Fra) Credit Agricole                       6.19
19 Tonton Susanto (Ina) Wismilak                                   6.21
20 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil            6.33
21 Eric Leblacher (Fra) Credit Agricole                            6.37
22 Yannick Talabardon (Fra) Credit Agricole                        6.51
23 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                         6.53
24 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                  7.16
25 Jens Renders (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech                 7.33
26 Patrick McCarty (USA) Discovery Channel                         7.38
27 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare    7.58
28 Ahad Kazemi (IRI) Iran                                          8.00
29 Marcin Osinski (Pol) Action                                     8.52
30 Koen De Kort (Ned) Liberty Seguros                              9.02
31 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Iran                                       9.14
32 Rodney Green (RSA) Barloworld                                       
33 Jeffry Louder (USA) Navigators Insurance                        9.40
34 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                    9.50
35 Michael Creed (USA) Discovery Channel                           9.51
36 Ruggero Borghi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                             9.54
37 David Plaza Romero (Spa) Barloworld                             9.56
38 Houssein Askari (IRI) Iran                                      9.58
39 Jens Heppner (Ger) Wiesenhof                                   10.16
40 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare            10.25
41 Fumiyuki Beppu (Jpn) Discovery Channel                         11.36
42 René Joergensen (Den) Barloworld                               12.20
43 Kristian House (GBr) Great Britain                             12.54
44 Antonio Cruz (USA) Discovery Channel                           13.25
45 Piotr Chmielewski (Pol) Action                                 13.34
46 Julian Winn (GBr) Great Britain                                13.39
47 David McKenzie (Aus) Wismilak                                  13.45
48 Paul Griffin (Irl) Ireland                                     13.55
49 Maxim Iglinskiy (Kaz) Domina Vacanze                           13.59
50 Geoffroy Lequatre (Fra) Credit Agricole                        14.08
51 Enrico Poitschke (Ger) Wiesenhof                               14.11
52 Md. Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                         14.19
53 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                    14.25
54 Mirko Allegrini (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              14.43
55 Ralf Grabsch (Ger) Wiesenhof                                   14.49
56 Tom Southam (GBr) Barloworld                                   14.59
57 Camille Bouquet (Fra) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech             15.04
58 Dean Downing (GBr) Great Britain                               15.11
59 Mahdi Sohrabi (IRI) Iran                                       15.15
60 Johan Verstrepen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                 15.26
61 Martin Muller (Ger) Wiesenhof                                  15.40
62 Christopher Bradford (Aus) Wismilak                            16.20
63 Rene Andrle (Cze) Liberty Seguros                              16.28
64 Antonio Salomone (Ita) Barloworld                              16.46
65 Kazimierz Stafiej (Pol) Action                                 16.47
66 Chris Newton (GBr) Great Britain                               16.53
67 Frederic Gabriel (Fra) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech            16.56
68 Russell Van Hout (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                   16.57
69 David Kopp (Ger) Wiesenhof                                     17.01
70 Suhardi Hassan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                            17.30
71 Dariusz Baranowski (Pol) Liberty Seguros                       17.55
72 Stephen Gallagher (Irl) Ireland                                18.02
73 Graeme Brown (Aus) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                 18.22
74 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                  18.35
75 Paul Manning (GBr) Great Britain                               18.54
76 Nicolas Vogondy (Fra) Credit Agricole                          18.57
77 Denis Bertolini (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil             19.00
78 Antonio Bucciero (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil            19.02
79 Fallanie Ali (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                              19.03
80 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof                               19.39
81 Daniele Di Biase (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                   20.13
82 Brett Lancaster (Aus) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              20.16
83 Jorg Jaksche (Ger) Liberty Seguros                             20.26
84 Roger Aitken (Irl) Ireland                                     20.27
85 Moezeddin Seyed (IRI) Iran                                     20.30
86 Stefan Van Dijck (Ned) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech            20.31
87 Alessandro D'Andrea (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil         20.36
88 Md. Fauzah Lutfi (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                          21.05
89 Guillermo Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          21.12
90 Leonardo Moser (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil              21.13
91 Julian Dean (NZl) Credit Agricole                              21.25
92 Wawan Setyobudi (Ina) Wismilak                                 21.50
93 Robert Hayles (GBr) Great Britain                              21.55
94 Rosli Nor Effandy (Mas) Malaysia                               22.04
95 Alireza Haghi (IRI) Iran                                       22.09
96 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance                      22.10
97 Takehiro Mizutani (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                     23.11
98 Bogdan Bondariew (Ukr) Action                                  23.28
99 Hamad Md. Mahazir (Mas) Malaysia                               23.38
100 Sven Renders (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                    23.49
101 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                    24.06
102 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                     24.15
103 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                     24.27
104 Joseba Beloki Dorronsoro (Spa) Liberty Seguros                24.52
105 Md. Jasmin Ruslan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                        24.54
106 Trent Wilson (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                      25.08
107 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Ireland                                   25.44
108 Enrico Grigoli (Ita) Domina Vacanze                           26.03
109 Adam Wadecki (Pol) Action                                     26.08
110 Raffaele Illiano (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                  27.41
111 Dennis Kraft (Ger) Action                                     28.01
112 Claudio Astolfi (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil            28.42
113 Vassili Davidenko (Rus) Navigators Insurance                  28.48
114 Cristian Bonfanti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                        28.55
115 James Van Landschoot (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago            29.23
116 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare             29.32
117 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                               32.48
118 Yasutaka Tashiro (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                     33.08
119 Samai Samai (Ina) Wismilak                                    35.56
120 Shinji Suzuki (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                        48.33
121 Abd. Nasir Md. Yusof (Mas) Malaysia                           54.50
122 Sean Lacey (Irl) Ireland                                    1.00.31
123 Ramle Md. Rizal (Mas) Malaysia                              1.02.28
Points classification
1 Graeme Brown (Aus) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                     96 pts
2 Guillermo Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              71
3 Stefan Van Dijck (Ned) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech                64
4 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance                          58
5 Dennis Kraft (Ger) Action                                          45
6 Antonio Salomone (Ita) Barloworld                                  45
7 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                            40
8 James Van Landschoot (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                 36
9 Ryan Cox (RSA) Barloworld                                          34
10 Geoffroy Lequatre (Fra) Credit Agricole                           31
11 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof                                  31
12 Daniele Di Biase (Ita) Colombia Selle Italia                      31
13 Denis Bertolini (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                29
14 Brett Lancaster (Aus) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                 29
15 Jose Rujano (Ven) Colombia Selle Italia                           27
16 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                        26
17 David Kopp (Ger) Wiesenhof                                        25
18 Julian Dean (NZl) Credit Agricole                                 25
19 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) Barloworld                                 24
20 Dean Downing (GBr) Great Britain                                  23
21 Cristian Bonfanti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                            23
22 Enrico Grigoli (Ita) Domina Vacanze                               20
23 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                         19
24 Robert Hayles (GBr) Great Britain                                 18
25 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Navigators Insurance                         15
26 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                             15
27 Maxim Iglinskiy (Kaz) Domina Vacanze                              14
28 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                 13
29 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil               13
30 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare      13
31 David McKenzie (Aus) Wismilak                                     12
32 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                         11
33 Michael Barry (Can) Discovery Channel                             11
34 Marlon Perez Arango (Col) Colombia Selle Italia                   10
35 Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                             10
36 René Joergensen (Den) Barloworld                                   9
37 Antonio Cruz (USA) Discovery Channel                               9
38 Fallanie Ali (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                                  9
39 Bogdan Bondariew (Ukr) Action                                      9
40 Jens Renders (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech                    8
41 David Plaza Romero (Spa) Barloworld                                8
42 Antonio Bucciero (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                8
43 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                6
44 Fumiyuki Beppu (Jpn) Discovery Channel                             6
45 Mahdi Sohrabi (IRI) Iran                                           6
46 Christopher Bradford (Aus) Wismilak                                6
47 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                      6
48 Mirko Allegrini (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                  5
49 Alessandro D'Andrea (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil             5
50 Nuno Ribeiro (Por) Liberty Seguros                                 5
51 Russell Van Hout (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                       5
52 Sven Renders (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                         5
53 Sergio Ghisalberti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                            4
54 Kurt Van De Wouwer (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech              4
55 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                            4
56 Houssein Askari (IRI) Iran                                         4
57 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                                  3
58 Tom Southam (GBr) Barloworld                                       3
59 Camille Bouquet (Fra) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech                 3
60 Kazimierz Stafiej (Pol) Action                                     3
61 Suhardi Hassan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                                3
62 Takehiro Mizutani (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                         3
63 Abd. Nasir Md. Yusof (Mas) Malaysia                                3
64 Enrico Poitschke (Ger) Wiesenhof                                   2
65 Roger Aitken (Irl) Ireland                                         2
66 Joseba Beloki Dorronsoro (Spa) Liberty Seguros                     2
67 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil               1
68 Eric Leblacher (Fra) Credit Agricole                               1
69 Julian Winn (GBr) Great Britain                                    1
70 Trent Wilson (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                           1
71 Vassili Davidenko (Rus) Navigators Insurance                       1
72 Samai Samai (Ina) Wismilak                                         1
Mountains classification
1 Kristian House (GBr) Great Britain                                 33 pts
2 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                            30
3 Ryan Cox (RSA) Barloworld                                          29
4 Adam Wadecki (Pol) Action                                          26
5 Jose Rujano (Ven) Colombia Selle Italia                            20
6 René Joergensen (Den) Barloworld                                   19
7 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare       16
8 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) Barloworld                                  14
9 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                          10
10 Nico Sijmens (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                        10
11 Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                              8
12 Eric Leblacher (Fra) Credit Agricole                               7
13 David Kopp (Ger) Wiesenhof                                         6
14 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                  6
15 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                      6
16 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                              5
17 Julian Winn (GBr) Great Britain                                    5
18 Fallanie Ali (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                                  4
19 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                4
20 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                3
21 Nuno Ribeiro (Por) Liberty Seguros                                 2
22 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                            2
23 Fumiyuki Beppu (Jpn) Discovery Channel                             2
24 Dean Downing (GBr) Great Britain                                   2
25 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                          2
26 Kurt Van De Wouwer (Bel) Mr Bookmaker.Com-Sports Tech              1
27 Rodney Green (RSA) Barloworld                                      1
28 Maxim Iglinskiy (Kaz) Domina Vacanze                               1
29 Trent Wilson (Aus) Colombia Selle Italia                           1
Teams classification
1 Barloworld                                                   75.15.29
2 Colombia Selle Italia                                            2.30
3 Credit Agricole                                                  6.27
4 Navigators Insurance                                             6.34
5 Discovery Channel                                                6.49
6 Liberty Seguros                                                  8.33
7 Domina Vacanze                                                   9.42
8 Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                                     11.57
9 Iran                                                            16.05
10 Mr Bookmaker.Com-SportsTech                                    17.36
11 Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                                        18.57
12 Acqua & Sapone - Adria Mobil                                   21.14
13 Bridgestone Anchor                                             23.41
14 Action                                                         23.45
15 Wismilak                                                       23.51
16 Great Britain                                                  26.57
17 Wiesenhoff                                                     28.47
18 Ireland                                                        40.00
19 Proton T-Bikes                                                 41.35
20 Malaysia                                                       50.14
Asian rider classification
1 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      25.08.35
2 Tonton Susanto (Ina) Wismilak                                    0.06
3 Ahad Kazemi (IRI) Iran                                           1.45
4 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Iran                                        2.59
5 Houssein Askari (IRI) Iran                                       3.43
6 Md. Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                           8.04
7 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      8.10
8 Mahdi Sohrabi (IRI) Iran                                         9.00
9 Suhardi Hassan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                             11.15
10 Fallanie Ali (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                              12.48
11 Moezeddin Seyed (IRI) Iran                                     14.15
12 Md. Fauzah Lutfi (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                          14.50
13 Wawan Setyobudi (Ina) Wismilak                                 15.35
14 Rosli Nor Effandy (Mas) Malaysia                               15.49
15 Alireza Haghi (IRI) Iran                                       15.54
16 Takehiro Mizutani (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                     16.56
17 Hamad Md. Mahazir (Mas) Malaysia                               17.23
18 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      18.00
19 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      18.12
20 Md. Jasmin Ruslan (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                         18.39
21 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Proton T-Bikes                                26.33
22 Yasutaka Tashiro (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                      26.53
23 Samai Samai (Ina) Wismilak                                     29.41
24 Shinji Suzuki (Jpn) Bridgestone Anchor                         42.18
25 Abd. Nasir Md. Yusof (Mas) Malaysia                            48.35
26 Ramle Md. Rizal (Mas) Malaysia                                 56.13

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