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Tour de Georgia - 2.1

USA, April 19-24, 2005

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Stage 2 - April 20: Fayetteville - Rome, 197.5 km

Commentary by Kristy Scrymgeour, with additional reporting from Mark Zalewski and Eddie Monnier

Complete live report

12:59 EDT   
Welcome to day two of the live coverage of the 2005 Dodge Tour de Georgia. We had a slow start to the tour yesterday, with most riders tending to prefer an easy day taking in the scenery of the Georgia countryside.

Livening things up was the young TIAA CREF team, who sent Dan Bowman up the road for a long hard day in the saddle. Bowman was away for 144km of the 207km race, eventually being reeled in as the race headed into Macon. It was South African rider Robbie Hunter, riding for Phonak who took the sprint from Australian Ben Brooks. For his efforts Bowman earned the media judged "Most Aggressive" jersey, but today will wear the sprint jersey after placing equal first in points with race winner Hunter.

Todays stage is very similar to last years course that finished in Rome, simply starting in another city. The course is once again over the undulating Georgia terrain, finishing in Rome with three circuits of 4.1km each. During the race, riders will contest two Maxxis sprints and King of the Mountain (KOM) sprint. The KOM is on Clocktower Hill and will take place just before the riders head into the circuits.

13:20 EDT   
It another hot day out, with temperatures already in the 80's. There are a few clouds about, but not many. The riders are all around the start area now signing in and the crouds are big yet again. We had one reader write in yesterday, excited that he was able to get an autograph from Lance. He said:

"The excitement on Broad Street this morning was tremendous – much more than two years ago when we hosted Stage 2, and more than in Athens last year for the Brasstown Bald stage. Last year in Athens, Lance was driven to the sign-in (in a Dodge of course) two minutes before our National Anthem, and with all the press, my older daughter (a huge Lance fan) and I could not even see him from fifty yards away. This morning, I took all three of my kids out of school for the start and we were rewarded greatly. Suddenly, Lance and team rode up to the sign-in 30 minutes before the race. They signed numerous autographs. All the riders were very relaxed and friendly! And the crowd really appreciated it. The crowd was more than twice as large as two years ago in Augusta."

13:33 EDT   
After hearing the US National anthem the riders have now hit the road for the start of stage two. There are no parade laps today. The race is heading straight out of town on a two lane road that is a long downhill drag all the way out of town.

The Saunier Duval/Prodir team have already got a mechanical and a rider is stopped on the side of the road.

13:35 EDT   
We do have some bad news for the Jittery Joe's team. One of their riders Christian Foster had to visit the hospital today as he was severely dehydrated after yesterdays race. We talked to team director Micah Rice, who said Christian only drank about five bottled during the race yesterday, whilst the rest of the team drank at least ten. Christian is being discharged from hospital today and of course, did not start the race.

13:39 EDT   
With temperatures in the 80's, it is so important for the riders to be drinking constantly to keep hydrated, especially for a race that lasts a week.

13:40 EDT   
The riders are rolling along steadily now, but there is an early sprint at the 18.3km mark, so that be trigger a bit of speed. After that, there is not another sprint for 128km.

13:43 EDT   
On my early commentry on the finishing lap. The clocktower hill is within the finishing circuits, but is only counted as a KOM when they hit it the first time on the way to the finish line to start the first circuit. You will remember from last year that this is the finishing circuit where Lance won the stage with that nice leadout from George Hincapie.

13:49 EDT    8km/199.4km to go
The riders are going very slowly to start with, currently cruising at 24km/h (15m/h). A couple of the Colavita riders are back at their team cars getting sunscreen that they apparently forgot to apply before the start of the race.

13:51 EDT   
Cyclingnews correnspondent Mark Zalewski caught up with the CEO of Phonak, Andy Rihs, before the race this morning. He is excited about being here and likes what he sees. He commented that it would be nice to have more races of this calibre in the US and move towards some type of Pro Tour in the future.

13:56 EDT    13km/194.4km to go
We are now 5km from the sprint line, which is situated outside of Crabapple elementary School in Peachtree City. The crowds are huge!! Lots of screaming and cheering going on. The normal signs from young Lance groupies saying "Marry me Lance."

13:58 EDT   
Ekimov had had a problem with his radio and had to go back to the team car, but is now back in the bunch.

Health Net and Credit Agricole are on the front of the bunch with 4km to go before the sprint. Of course Phonak lead the sprint jersey with equal points with Dan Bowman (TIAA CREF).

13:59 EDT   
There are a lot of people on the side of the roads on golf carts. Its quite amusing actually. There are heaps of them.

14:01 EDT    17.3km/190.1km to go
One kilometer to the sprint now. Credit Agricole on the front.
The road narrows from a wide open road to a single lane just before the sprint line. Its kind of crazy. About a thousand people line the roads at the sprint line.

There is a dip in the road about 50 meters before the sprint line and it climbs back up to the line.

14:01 EDT   
Prodir and Sierra Navada are now moving to the front of the bunch with 200m to go.

14:03 EDT    18.3km/189.1km to go
There goes the sprint. We'll have results in a second. The passed the sprint at about 57km/h (36m/h) and immediately a group of about 13 riders have a small gap on the field.

14:04 EDT   
It was Greg Henderson taking first in the sprint. Followed by his teammate Gord Fraser, then Mauro Santambrogio in third.

The gap has now been closed and the bunch are back together.

14:06 EDT    24km/183.4km to go
Jeff Louder (Navigators) is on the front setting the pace. We are actually on schedule today, so the race is definitely faster than is was yesterday, so far.

14:08 EDT   
There's a fair bit of action at the front now. A Jittery Joe's rider, Johny Sundt is off the front and had a gap of eight seconds. There is a reaction from the field.

14:09 EDT   
Sundt is now back in the field. Its strung out, single file. We are on some rolling hills now. A lot of people out on the side of the road watching the race. Prodir are now on the front of the peloton.

14:11 EDT   
Another attack now from Sierra Nevada, followed by a Health Net rider. They have ten seconds.

14:13 EDT    27.2km/180.2km to go
The riders are Ben Jacques-Mayne (Kodak Gallery/Sierra Nevada) and Mike Sayers (Health Net).

14:13 EDT   
They have now been absorbed.

14:15 EDT   
I have just heard from a reader that a lot of people in Peachtree City use the golf carts I mentioned earlier, as a way of getting around to cut down on traffic and pollution!

14:18 EDT   
Jelly Belly and Symmetrics are on the front now. There are a few more attempts to get away but nothing is sticking. We are traveling at over 54km/hour at the moment. Its pretty fast.

14:21 EDT   
The field is strung out and has just crested a little hill going over the railway tracks. Luckily the race was able to co-ordinate with the railways and miss the 2pm train that was due. The race organisers are relieved about that.

Its single file!

14:23 EDT   
The average speed of the race so far is 38km/h (24m/h).

Adrea Tafi (Saunier Duval/Prodir) will be happy with the speed today. Our reporter Eddie Monnier, who is riding in the Kodak EasyShare Gallery/Sierra Nevada team car today, caught up with Tafi before the start. He said yesterdays stage was hard because it was slow all day and it was hard to get used to the fast pace in the finishing circuits. He was hoping for a faster day today.

14:24 EDT   
Credit Agricole is the force today. They are on the front covering break attempts.

14:26 EDT   
Jittery Joe's have attacked taking a CSC rider with him. Its Johny Sundt again with Lars Bak (CSC).

14:27 EDT   
They have been reabsorbed and a counter has gone with about ten riders have a ten second gap.

14:30 EDT   
The riders are Jason McCartney (Discovery), Daniele Masolino (LPR), Juan Jose Haedo (Colavita), Michael Blaudzun (CSC), Matthey Rice (Jelly Belly/Pool Gel), Mads Kaggestad (Credit Agicole), Chad Hartley (TIAA CREF), Davide Frattini (Colavita) and Phil Zajicek (Navigators).

14:31 EDT   
This break has also been reeled in and we have another counter from Jeff Louder (Navigators).

14:36 EDT   
Cyclingnews also caught up with a few other riders before the start today. Marco Pinotti (Saunier Duval) said he was pleased to be in a break yesterday as he is still feeling a bit jetlagged coming straight from Europe on Sunday.

14:38 EDT   
Alessandro Maserati (LPR) commented that the finishing circuits yesterday were very hard. He was trying to set up their team sprinter Danilo Napolitano for the win. He added that their main goal at the Tour de Georgia was to win a stage.

14:41 EDT   
Jeff Louder is still away and has a 26 second lead at this point.

14:44 EDT    52km/155.4km to go
Lars Bak (CSC) attempted to bridge to Louder and had a gap on the field, but the Prodir team chased, bringing both Louder and Bak back to the field. The peloton are all together now.

14:45 EDT   
Chad Hartley's 8th grade Math teacher has just written in to say hi!

14:50 EDT   
After that initial surge of energy, the race has now shut down now and its just rolling along slowly. Actually there are only about 20 guys in the peloton right now. They have all stopped for a "nature break". Apparently there was a bit of an uproar last year about riders stopping on the side of the road for a nature break, but I guess people have just figured out now that its a part of racing.

14:51 EDT   
There is a nice resident who has set up a table outside his house with water for the riders. Normally of course riders would be going a little too fast to stop for water, but perhaps now, as many have stopped anyway, they might grab a quick drink on the way by.

14:52 EDT   
We are now past the 50km mark so feeding from the cars is now allowed. Many riders will be going back to pick up bidons and grab a few for their teammates whilst they're there.

14:56 EDT   
Unfortunately, there have been no sightings yet of Wild Turkeys, but one reader tells me we should definitely see some today at some stage.

15:00 EDT   
The race has been rolling along steadily. We are on a slight incline.

15:01 EDT   
There is a break now. Its JOhny Sundt again, joined by Dominque Perras (Kodak Gallery/Sierra Nevada).

15:02 EDT   
The pair have now been joined by Aaron Olsen (Colavita) and they have an eight second gap so far.

15:03 EDT   
We had a question from a reader asking what a bidon is. It is simply a water bottle.

15:04 EDT   
Another reader excited about what a great atmosphere cycling brings to the towns. He commented that at the start line, the Mavic neutral support crew took the time to talk to the crowd about what their job is out on the road.

15:09 EDT   
The breakaway trio have been caught and another move has gone up the road. There are eight riders including McCartney (Discovery), Niki Aebersold (Phonak), Manuel Quinziato (Prodir), Nathan O'Neill (Navigators), Justin England (Health Net), Davide Frattini (Colavita), Mariano Freidick (Jelly Belly) and Svein Tuft (Symmetrics). They have ten seconds.

15:10 EDT   
LPR have moved to the front and Maserati is pulling hard to reel the break in. The gap is coming down. It is now five seconds.

15:13 EDT    68km/139.4km to go
The break of eight has also been caught and again there is a counter attack. Another group of about nine riders have a 15 second lead.

15:15 EDT   
McCartney is in the break again, along with Tafi (Prodir), Rubiera (Discovery), Michael Rich (Gerolsteiner), Matthias Russ (Gerolsteiner), Jacques-Mayne (Kodak Gallery/Sierra Nevada) and Craig Lewis (TIAA CREF).

15:17 EDT   
Christian Muller (CSC) is also in this break. They are all working very well together and the gap in increasing quickly. They now have over 30 seconds.

15:18 EDT    69km/138.4km to go
Each of the riders in the break are taking about a five second turn and rolling off. Its very smooth and it looks like this break might get some time.

15:22 EDT   
The break got out to 30 seconds but now Credit Agricole have hit the front and are chasing.

15:26 EDT   
The gap is coming down. Its now down to 20 seconds at this point.

15:28 EDT    80.7km/126.7km to go
The break has been caught. Christian Vandevelde (CSC) countered, but was immediately reeled in.

15:29 EDT   
We are now in the feedzone and the guys are grabbing their feed bags from the team soigneurs standing on the side of the road. After the feed zone is a left turn onto a wide open road so the riders will be able to eat their lunch in relative comfort.

15:31 EDT   
People have been asking about the GC riders, Lance and the like, and where they are at this point. They are all tucked into the bunch trying to save as much energy as possible. Their team domestique's would be looking after them making sure they are never in the wind and making sure they have enough food and water. Today is not the day for GC riders to show their face at all.

15:34 EDT   
Here is an attack!

15:34 EDT   
Its a solo attack by Andrea Tafi (Saunier Duval). He has 45 seconds.

15:35 EDT    84km/123.4km to go
This is the second day in a row that Tafi has made a solo move. He did so yesterday, but it didn't last for long. Tafi did say before the start of this tour that he really wants a stage win to end his career.

15:37 EDT   
Tafi now has 56 seconds. There is not really a chase yet.

15:42 EDT   
Tafi also yesterday that he would attack as much as possible throughout this tour. He looks good at the moment as he rides down a long descent which gets steeper at the bottom.

15:43 EDT   
His gap is increasing. He now has 1'26" to the bunch as he passes through Shady Grove. Its quite shady here!

15:44 EDT   
He now has two minutes. He has his hands on the tops as he goes up a slight rise and he's looking focused.

15:47 EDT   
For all of you who don't know Andrea Tafi. His nickname is "The Gladiator" and his palmares include victories in Paris Roubaix, Paris Tours, and the Tour of Flanders in 1999, 2000, and 2002, respectively. He has finally decided to retire this year and this may be his last tour.

15:49 EDT    92km/115.4km to go
Tafi's gap has increased to 2'20". The peloton are spread across the road, not chasing at all yet. Tafi is approaching a narrow bridge where the road narrows considerably.

15:49 EDT   
2'40" is the gap between Tafi and the bunch.

15:55 EDT   
Tafi's advantage is now 2'45" but Gerolsteiner and Discovery have moved to the front of the peloton and the pace is picking up slightly. Most of today has been headwind but we have now turned and there is a tail wind. It is likely that Tafi waited for the tailwind to make his move.

15:56 EDT    96km/111.4km to go
The gap is three minutes.

15:57 EDT   
Phonak have a couple of riders at the front as the bunch goes round a very sharp turn. A couple of riders almost overshot the corner.

15:58 EDT   
Our reporter Mark Zalewski is wondering why he can't see his female fans on the side of the road with signs "Marry me Mark".

16:01 EDT   
The gap is now over three minutes as the race approaches another set of railroad tracks. There have been a few mechanicals today because of the tracks, giving the Mavic crew some work to do. This year Mavic have the new Scott bike that the Prodir team ride as their neutral support bike.

16:03 EDT    103km/104.4km to go
We have just crossed over Interstate 21 and are entering the city limits of Temple Georgia.

16:06 EDT   
The gap is 3'20". We are coming up to some bad railway track. Riders have to go up and then steeply downhill before a sharp left turn.

16:07 EDT   
The riders are slowing right down to negotiate the turn, but they're all through without a problem.

16:09 EDT    105km/102.4km to go
We are now parrallel with the railway lines and a big freight train has just started to move again. It was stopped waiting for the race to go by.

16:12 EDT   
Many people have been asking whether the bunch will let Tafi go as a kind of retirement gift. They may do this, we'll see, but it is still early in the stage and a lot of US teams really want results in the race as it is a big thing to get a result here.

16:19 EDT   
Nothing has changed out there. Tafi is still powering away up front.
I've had a few readers write is asking where Robbie Hunter is because I mentioned that there were only 30 riders actually in the bunch whilst they were taking a nature break. They was just a momentary thing. All the riders are in the bunch at this point. Nobody has been dropped as far as I know.

16:22 EDT   
I've also had a few emails telling me that the race actually crossed interstate 20, not interstate 121. Please excuse my Aussie ignorance!

16:24 EDT   
The legendary Italian still holds his lead and looks quite comfortable out there on the rolling terrain.

16:32 EDT   
Tafi now has over five minutes on the field! Its growing.

16:34 EDT    121km/176.5km to go
The bunch are not chasing at this point and Tafi is out there slogging away rapidly making up time on the bunch.

16:40 EDT   
A little bit more about Andrea "the gladiator" Tafi. He started racing in 1976 as a junior. In 76 and 77 he had 18 victories. His professional career began in 1989 with Team Eurocar. Perhaps one of his best results is winning Paris Roubaix in 99 and of course Flanders in 2002 riding for Mapei. He will be 39 years of age on May 7 this year.

16:43 EDT    128km/69.5km to go
The gap is holding at 5'30" at the moment with about 70km remaining in the race.

16:45 EDT   
One reader has just pointed out that out of the 122 riders in the field, only 55 of them are North American showing that this event has really grown in stature in this year to become an excellent international event.

16:50 EDT   
Actually 68 riders in the peloton are North American.

16:53 EDT   
Tafi's lead holds at 5'35" as the race heads towards the second sprint of the day in Rockmart, GA. Before reaching the sprint, the race goes down a long descent, dropping about 500ft in elevation.

16:54 EDT   
For those interested, Tafi got his knickname "the Gladiator" from his swashbuckling style in the classics in the mid-late 1990's (and beyond).

17:00 EDT   
A note for those of you who want to sign up for the Tour of Hope team that rides with Lance Armstrong across America. The deadline is 11.59pm today and you can find details at www.tourofhope.org

17:04 EDT    148km/49.5km to go
The gap is dropping a little. It is 4'50". Phonak is on the front of the peloton setting the pace at the moment.

Tafi has one kilometer to go before the sprint and he makes a left turn into the small town of Rockmart.

200m to the sprint. I think Tafi might take this!

17:06 EDT   
Tafi takes the sprint!!!

The commisaires were a little worried about a train that might interrupt the race, but that has been sorted out and the train will not affect the race this time.

17:07 EDT   
The gap is up again a little to 5 minutes. The temperature on the bank in down says 86 degrees. Health Net is on the front leading into the sprint for the peloton.

17:07 EDT   
The Georgia State patrol are doing a great job of neutralising the roads along the way, blocking off every entrance onto the race course.

17:08 EDT   
One Kilometer to the sprint for the bunch. It is slightly uphill.

17:08 EDT   
Its about a 500m incline. There is a little dip at 200m to go and the sprint curves to the left.

17:10 EDT   
We can see Phonak at the front as well as a CSC rider. We'll get the official results in a sec.

There is a sharp right turn after the sprint and four guys are off the front after the sprint and have a small gap.

17:11 EDT   
The winner of the sprint is Aurelien Clerc (Phonak) with Christian Muller (CSC) taking second.

17:16 EDT   
The gap is coming down and is now at 4'20" with Phonak still sitting on the front of the bunch setting the pace.

Corrections to the sprint results. The results are:
1 Tafi
2 Aurelien Clerc (Phonak)
3 Mike Sayers (Health Net)

17:23 EDT   
The gap is coming down. We are seeing three Phonak riders and a couple of Gerolsteiner riders on the front steadily brining this back. The gap is now 4'05". Tafi's team car is now heading up to have a chat to him.

17:24 EDT    157km/40.5km to go
We've now been racing for 3'55". Navigators also seem to be moving up to the front at this point as we come to the business end of the race.

17:25 EDT   
We've just had an email from Will Frischkorn's dog Charlotte, who wants to wish Will and TIAA CREF good luck. The dogs of Boulder are quite talented I would say.

17:31 EDT   
A couple of people have asked why Chris Horner did not start at Tour de Georgia. He is actually out with a broken hip sustained in a crash during Tirreno Adriatico.

17:35 EDT   
The gap is now 4'28" as the peloton descends the last real climb on the map having passed into Floyd County. They are spread across the road and a few riders have taken a nature break to the disgust of many of the spectators parked on the side of the road. Looks like everyone is getting prepared for the finale.

17:38 EDT    160km/37.5km to go
We are now only 22km from Clocktower hill. If this gap of four minutes holds it might be a bit confusing on the circuit.

Aaron Olson (Colavita) has attacked the bunch on a small descent and now has 20 seconds on the field. The field is not reacting at all. They are still wide across the road.

17:40 EDT    165km/32.5km to go
Olson is going up a small rise and is out of the saddle increasing his lead. He is now one minute up on the field. He has a direct tailwind which is helping him.

17:42 EDT   
We have two riders coming out of the peloton trying to bridge up to Olson. They are Rafael Casero (Saunier Duval) and a CSC rider we think.

Tafi has 4'30" to Olsen and 5'30" to the peloton.

17:43 EDT    172km/25.5km to go
Olson is now 3'50" behind Tafi with Tafi only 25km from the finish right now.

17:47 EDT   
Tafi has now reached the Rome city limits. It would be quite appropriate for this Italian to take a stage win at the end of his career in a place called Rome.

17:48 EDT   
We've just had an email from a reader who sayd his 6 year old son is on cloud 9 after having caught a watter bottle that Lance Armstrong threw out of the peloton today.

17:49 EDT   
Casero and Schleck have been caught. Olson is now 3'45" behind Tafi and still away.

17:51 EDT    177km/20.5km to go
20km to go for Tafi.

17:52 EDT   
The peloton are on a long descent after which the road narrows coming into town.

Tafi is 5km from the KOM (which is a mountain sprint).

17:52 EDT   
The Discovery team car just blew a rear tyre, so they have stopped to change their tyre.

17:53 EDT   
The gap is dropping now. Tafi's gap is now only 2'20". We are in the outskirts of town now, so the roads are more urban. There is a pretty long downhill which will be pretty fast.

17:57 EDT   
Tafi nearing Clocktower Hill. The gap to the peloton is 1'50" with Olson in between.

17:58 EDT   
The peloton is now on the circuit heading for the KOM after which the three laps starts. The gap is falling very quickly and it looks like Tafi will not make it this time.

17:59 EDT   
One reader wrote in to say that he and his students measured the gradient of the climb last year and it turned out to be just over 19% in parts. Tafi is close to the climb with the peloton coming up on him.

18:01 EDT    183km/14.5km to go
He still has one minute though. Olson has been caught. Its single file with Discovery at the front. Perhaps Lance wants to win this one again. Last year Lance made sure his team was at the front for safety reasons and ended up winning the stage thanks to a leadout from Hincapie.

18:01 EDT   
Tafi goes over the KOM now and will be wear the KOM going into stage 3.

18:02 EDT    185km/12.5km to go
Christian Muller (CSC) is off the front slightly. Its all single file. Discovery still at the front.

18:04 EDT   
Will Frischkorn (TIAA CREF), Jason McCartney and Viatcheslav Ekimov (Discovery), are off the front.

18:05 EDT   
The three have been caught. Now Chad Hartley (TIAA CREF) is off the front slightly

18:06 EDT    189km/8.5km to go
The excitement is huge at the finish line. The riders are just about to come through the finish line with 2 laps to go.

18:06 EDT   
Tafi has been caught!!!!!!!!!!!

18:07 EDT   
Its all together and they are stretched across the road. Six Discovery riders at the front of the bunch.

18:07 EDT   
Lance is sitting in just behind the rest of his team.

18:08 EDT   
There are riders getting dropped due to the fast pace of these finishing circuits. It is a very hard circuit with Clocktower Hill each lap.

18:09 EDT   
The crowd are screaming with delight.

Ivan Dominguez (Health Net) has been dropped. He came second to Lance here last year.

18:09 EDT   
The whole Discovery team are on the front now and we near one lap to go!!

18:10 EDT   
Credit Agricole and Prodir also seem to be moving to the front. Gerolsteiner are also showing their face a little.

18:12 EDT    193km/4.5km to go
They are going over the clocktower and down the descent to the finish to see one lap to go. Still all Discovery on the front as they cross the line.

18:12 EDT   
Jason McCartney leads the Discovery team as they cross the line. It is fast and all strung out.

18:13 EDT   
Only about two thirds of the field are still hanging on. The rest of the field have popped off the front.

18:13 EDT   
Tafi is back in the caravan, obviously roasted after a long day out there alone.

18:13 EDT   
Its still single file with Discovery dominating the front.

18:14 EDT    194.5km/3km to go
Jelly Belly and Health Net are sitting in behing the Discovery train. They were going about 35 miles/h last time they came through the finish

18:14 EDT   
Only three km to go!

18:15 EDT   
They are hitting the climb now for the last time. Its Discovery, followed by a couple of Health Net and Credit Agricole riders.

18:15 EDT   
This climb is where Hincapie moved Armstrong to the front last year.

18:16 EDT   
Coming off the Clocktower now, on the final descent.

18:16 EDT   
Looks like they are either setting up Tony Cruz or maybe even Lance again.

18:18 EDT   
Credit Agricole is taking over in the last minute and it looks like Haselbacher is coming around...no, it's Michael Rich!

18:21 EDT    197.5km/0km to go
And it's Michael Rich (Gerolsteiner) who wins the stage ahead of Manuel Quinziato (Saunier) and...Lance Armstrong (Discovery)!!!

18:35 EDT   
It looks like there has been a change in the winner. It is now confirmed that the winner is Peter Wrolich (Gerolsteiner) that took the win, not his teammate Rich.


1 Peter Wrolich (Aut) Gerolsteiner
2 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Saunier Duval Prodir
3 Lance Armstrong (USA) Discovery
4 Ivan Fanelli (Ita) LPR
5 Bobby Julich (USA) CSC
6 Sven Krauss (Ger) Gerolsteiner
7 Tom Danielson (USA) Discovery
8 David Canada (Spa) Saunier Duval-Prodir
9 Juan Jose Haedo (Arg) Colavita
10 Tim Larkin (USA) Kodak Gallery/Sierra Nevada

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