13,'min'=>15, 'refresh'=>500); // IN GMT $refresh[2]=array('hr'=>14,'min'=>00, 'refresh'=>300); // IN GMT $refresh[3]=array('hr'=>15,'min'=>50, 'refresh'=>0); // IN GMT //add new $refresh rows as you like in chronological order. Set refresh => 0 for no refresh line // foreach (array_keys($refresh) as $r) { // foreach not available in PHP3! Have to do it like this reset ($refresh); while (list(, $r) = each ($refresh)) { if (time() > gmmktime($r[hr], $r[min], 0, $m, $d, $y)) $delay=$r[refresh]; }; if ($delay) { return ("\n"); } else { return(''); }; }; ?>
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Pearl Izumi

85th Giro d'Italia (GT)

Italy, May 11-June 2, 2002

News for May 2, 2002

Latest newsflashes

May 25 - Mathew Hayman interview: Making hay while the sun shines
May 25 - Stage 12 wrap up, Post stage comments, Lunghi wins 12th stage, Simoni out, Saeco cancels journos' football game, Perfetto denies doping
May 24 - Stage 11 wrap up, Post stage comments, Simoni not in the clear yet, Cadel Evans re-launches website, Garzelli case to be heard on June 3, Frigo taken for a ride, Saeco pulls Simoni before B sample announced, Mercatone flicks Sgambelluri
May 23 - Stage 10 wrap up, Post stage comments, Simoni allowed to continue, regardless of B test, Mapei to continue in the Giro
May 22 - Stage 9 wrap up, Garzelli's B sample positive, Post stage comments, Gutted Garzelli to take a break from cycling, Cipollini comments, Castellano comments, Why probenecid?, Policeman admits to supplying Varriale and co. with doping products, Simoni non-negative for cocaine
May 21 - Stage 8 wrap up, Post stage comments, Santi Perez hospitalised with cranial trauma, Garzelli's counter-analysis due on Tuesday, Varriale and the wicked fridge

Complete story index

Cadel Evans
Photo: © Rowan Beckworth
Click for larger image

Cadel Evans' pre-Giro thoughts

With just over a week to go to the start of the 85th Giro d'Italia in Groningen, Cyclingnews caught up with Mapei-Quick Step's Cadel Evans, who has had a good start to his season (currently ranked 42nd in the world) with the world's number one team. This being his first Giro, Evans doesn't really know what to expect - we'll find out in 9 days time when the 'corsa rosa' begins.

CN: How do you feel your season has gone so far this year?

CE: So far, I have been happy with my season, legs have been good for the most part, but being my first time in a lot of the races, it has been an eye opener - learning the climbs, the abilities of the other riders. The Giro will be more of the same I expect, I am a lot more familiar with my team mates now, that helps, but the it will be the first time my legs have raced for three weeks, so that will be interesting.

CN: What are your team's goals for the Giro d'Italia?

CE: To win!

CN: How important is the Giro to you?

CE: I get the feeling it is more important to other people than me - how will Cadel handle the big tours? This will be interesting, but more importantly, I am in the race to help my team mate Stefano Garzelli win his second Giro. Having not won Milan San Remo, and the World's being outside of Italy this year, you could say the Giro means everything to us!

CN: What are your personal goals for the Giro - are there any stages in particular you would like to win?

CE: My personal results are not so important, I am in the race to help Garzelli.

CN: Who will be your directeur-sportif for the Giro?

CE: The team will take three directors, two work at a time, Roberto Damiani, Parsani and Fabbrizio Fabbri.

CN: Do you know who your room-mate will be for the Giro - is it the same for all races?

CE: Probably Robert Hunter (South African), being the only other English speaker on the Giro team, we stay together whenever we race together.

CN: What do you do to relax during a race as big as the Giro d'Italia?

CE: I like to take a couple of books, it is an easy way to take your mind off things. I read a wide variety of subjects, but mostly non-fiction.

CN: Will you be riding the Tour de France or the Vuelta after the Giro?

CE: It will depend how I come out of the Giro, but all things going well, I will ride the Vuelta as well.

CN: What are your objectives for the rest of the 2002 season?

CE: At this point in time, I am just thinking as far as the Giro.

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