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Letters to Cyclingnews - February 17, 2006

Here's your chance to get more involved with Cyclingnews. Comments and criticism on current stories, races, coverage and anything cycling related are welcomed, even pictures if you wish. Letters should be brief (less than 300 words), with the sender clearly identified. They may be edited for space and clarity; please stick to one topic per letter. We will normally include your name and place of residence, but not your email address unless you specify in the message.

Each week's best letter gets our 'letter of the week'. We look for for letters that contain strong, well-presented opinions; humour; useful information or unusual levels of sheer helpfulness.

Please email your correspondence to

Recent letters

Tyler Hamilton
Hamilton's decision
Culture of denial
Drug testing
Support for Mark French
Heras' positive doping results
Ben Kersten
Hour record
Davitamon circus clowns
Team CSC at Solvang
Ullrich and the 2006 Tour
Confused about doping


Tyler Hamilton

Dear Cyclingnews,

I have been surprised just how muted the reaction has been to Tyler Hamilton losing his appeal. The adjudication contains one bombshell that few have picked up on, and despite my very early conviction that Hamilton was guilty, it was a twist in this sordid tale that I didn’t foresee. It is this; it transpires that the UCI informally tested Hamilton for a blood transfusion in April 2004 before the test was legally validated and found him positive. They did the same in June 2004 with the same result. And they then sat down with him and Phonak and informed him of their suspicions, told him of the impending introduction of the Australian test, and warned him to stop. It’s worth thinking what this implies.

All those graphic stories of Tyler having to search the internet to find out what he was being accused of, as related in a New York Times article, were a palpable fiction. In more emotional language, Tyler was telling a whopping cynical lie. It also quashes the otherwise rather inviting conspiracy theory that Hamilton and Pérez somehow accidentally mixed up their auto transfusion bags. Hamilton knew all about transfusions and knew the UCI knew about him.

So why did he continue to take transfusions? It’s speculation but the fact that he believed there was a 5% threshold before a positive could be called perhaps tempted him to risk one further transfusion in his preparation for the Athens Olympics, after all, only a few lab officials might have guessed what he had been doing.

Generally, I’m against the reflex of excoriating cyclists who fail drugs tests as verminous cheats, the currency of rabid internet forums. Heras, I’m sure, is as much a victim of the system he found himself in at Liberty as villain, and I wouldn’t feel upset to see him ultimately return to the peloton. But Tyler Hamilton has left me with a very unpleasant taste in my mouth, especially as he could rejoin Phonak in late September. The man was not the victim of some devious and obscure retrospective testing that he can’t defend himself against; he was specifically warned by the UCI to stop and he brazenly ignored them. To me, this places him in a much lower circle of hell than probably any other convicted doper of recent years. And in view of his ability to sell his story to the media, the cynicism with which he, the poor victim, has basked in the admiration of the “believe Tyler” brigade is particularly repellent and cynical.

Let us not forget what he did: he was regularly injected himself with someone else’s blood, risking the health of himself, and more heinously, that of his wife. If this man unapologetically returns to the peloton in September, it will be an obscene spectacle.

Yours truly,

Nicholas Jenkins

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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Tyler Hamilton #2

After two years now we've pretty much covered all of the bases here, but there's one new wrinkle and one inconsistency that I can't figure out, and one that I can't find a precedent for. Inasmuch as it's impossible to determine the exact date of a doping offence, and since even the testing can be a drawn out process, hasn't the protocol been to use a board decision date as the start date for a suspension sentence?

So why then would the CAS go with the date of the race as the start date for Tyler's two year suspension, and not one of the subsequent milestones? The message here doesn't match the strong words in the panel's decision - if he's a proven doper, and therefore also an unrepentant doper, then why not allow him to effectively be banned for life?

Instead, by moving his start date back to the date of the offence, the CAS is throwing Tyler a bone and giving him back a year or two of racing? I can't find a precedent for that, nor can I find any motivation for such a decision save to acknowledge that everything isn't as neat and clean as the panel would like us to believe.

Steve O'Dell

Peachtree City, Georgia
Saturday, February 11, 2006

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Tyler Hamilton #3

I know I know there's been a lot said about this case. For and against. I just needed to write a letter to all who have been following this case. Not going to stand up here and rant and rave on a soap box about it. I'm very passionate about our sport. Love the races that I've done over the years and also the pros that I've followed over the years. Their ups and their downs. Watch them finish almost dead last over Wintergreen Mountain. One rider that has stood out to me always has been Tyler Hamilton.

I just have to say that through all the doping allegations over the years, even as far back as The best cyclist in the world Eddy Merckx. You know the guys that you love to watch win a race. The great ones. I have never seen an athlete spend so much of his time and/or his own money trying to PROVE his innocence. Seriously sit back and look at it. How many of your favourite guys that have been "busted" and thrown in the hat at the first sign of trouble? They knew they had done something they shouldn't have. How do you know that someone/or some process has not tainted some of the riders blood?

We're human; there have been errors in many instances. Yes, they show that there is two types of blood in Tyler's sample, BUT how do you know that when the samples were first submitted that it didn't get tainted from the get go? It's possible. Look at some people that have proved innocence.

There was a new sampling process that was just introduced to the cycling community. Who stands to gain or to loose their butts if the sampling procedure DOESN'T work? They have got to show that it works. If they don't a company goes out of business. Like I said I love our great sport. I want to see no more drugs in our sport. Everyone has agreed that the testing procedure needs to be re-worked. Just hope that it's not going to cost us anymore of our world class athletes. Tomorrow it may be you after you ate an energy bar with to much caffeine in it.

Everyone please keep the rubber side down, ride your bikes and keep this great sport of cycling alive for generations to come. Whether you choose to race a road bike, ride a trail on your mountain bike or race a track with your BMX bike. Have fun and let's get this behind us. PS So how many Americans in the top ten of the Tour this year? George you can Win Roubaix!

Tim Woolford

Columbia SC
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Tyler Hamilton #4

Dear Editor,

I still find myself rather disbelieving of the fact that Tyler Hamilton was blood doping through the 2004 season in the run up to the Olympics and to the Vuelta where his guilt was finally established. I still struggle with the concept that despite warnings he continued to dope. I wanted so much to believe that Tyler was clean but the evidence is now stacked against him. Like many I wanted to hold the courage he showed through the 2003 TDF with the broken collarbone as something good in cycling, that's gone now.

I am on night shift tonight and I've sat reading your article and trying to digest the full report of the CAS appeal. I'm afraid it's rather simple; Tyler Hamilton was blood doping - the weight of evidence against him is overwhelming and even more damning, the panel took his defence apart very easily. Now within the rules of the sport and WADA he is guilty of the offence. He has exhausted every method of appeal possible and he will never be able to clear his name within the sporting arena. If or when he comes back to the pro peloton, as I have no doubt he will, he'll never be trusted again.

I am not going to go into the appeal detail you can read that yourselves but my hope is simple; for the sake of the sport you have given your life too, the people like me who wanted to believe in you Tyler, tell us all the real story.

Donald Young

Aberdeen, Scotland
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Hamilton's decision

Pleading innocence based on an uncrossed Tee or a un-dotted "I" is an act of desperation guaranteed to worsen anyone's reputation and eliminate the last few ounces of credibility one might have had. (Hamilton should sue his PR people for malpractice) David Millar and Tyler Hamilton had the same choice to make, and in hindsight, Millar is probably very satisfied with his decision to come clean and Hamilton will probably regret his choice for a long time. The best result of Hamilton's self-immolation drama would be to discourage those inclined to cheat, as they now know that the "loophole defense" isn't worth all the money that it costs. (Even when lawyers lose, they still "win"). The last and only, remotely heroic act Hamilton can do in his cycling career is to return his gold medal. Learn your lesson and don't use the "B" sample loophole.

Ken LaFleur,

California, USA
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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Hamilton's denial

I must say how disappointed I am in Tyler Hamilton’s story. I don’t care how nice he is or how long he has dated his wife and how he loved his dog. It’s just irrelevant when talking about his guilty doping offence. Rather than point to facts and truth he hides behind his denial and sticks to his innocence. I can’t believe he attempted to blame a "disappearing twin at birth" as his explanation of the other blood in his body. Then he resorted to conspiracy theories from opposing teams. I am so disgusted I wish he would just disappear from this sport. I disrespect cheaters and liars. Everyone who reads the facts in his doping case can see how phoney his story is.


Toronto, Ontario
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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Culture of denial

After following the numerous recent doping cases it is clear that one of the biggest problems in cycling (as in many other sports) is not only the culture of doping but especially the culture of denial. It is really hard to believe that all those who test positive are victims of the testing procedures, yet they invariably line up to cry their innocence. Unfortunately this means that even if one is really innocent, there is a big credibility problem. Also, given the long list of positives, it is hard to deny the fact that doping is still omnipresent in cycling. If as a group the pro riders really believe the testing process is unreliable, the time to make their case is before testing positive rather than after. Currently the riders who test positive appear to be rejected as black sheep with little or no peer support.

Regarding the Hamilton case, after reading both the CAS decision and the facts presented by Hamilton I came away with the impression that the CAS had made a serious effort to see both sides of each point, whereas Hamilton's list tended to present only his side of the story. I understand that Tyler is a hero to many, as are Heras, Pantani, Millar, Museeuw, etc., yet the simple fact that they make us dream does not exonerate them from their responsibilities to abide by the rules. Ultimately the rules exist for the benefit of the athletes in order to ensure fair competition and, above all, protect their health.

Douglas Fry

Maillot, France
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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Drug testing

Too many cycling fans are spending too much time bickering about whether or not this or that cycling fan is guilty of doping. Did Tyler do it? Did Roberto? Lance was never officially accused, but even so the anti-doping machine still left us with little lingering doubts.

What's the point of anti-doping? It should be to protect cycling, and cyclists. To do that, it has to catch dopers. It also has to fail to catch the clean athletes. Most importantly, it has to impart to the public a sense that these decisions are fair and accurate.

And in this, anti-doping has completely failed. Leaks, procedural problems, lack of standards, inconsistent results, and questionable science are all far from the rare exception. They are accepted as standard operating procedure.

The public is left with less trust of cycling than it began with, but now, not only do we suspect that doping is rampant, we also suspect that anti-doping is failing to catch the guilty, and destroying the careers of the innocent.

Anti-doping must be handled by an objective third party. Unfortunately, anti-doping is very clearly being handled by a group of people who are more interested in high-profile anti-doping "successes" than they are in protecting sports and athletes.

If cycling is to thrive, UCI has to recognize the damage being done to the sport by anti-doping. It has to find a model that actually works, and it has to do it quickly.

Thomas A. Fine
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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Having just read the article on him - and two years on from the day that one light went out over the mountain slopes of Europe - I am glad to see he is not forgotten or swept under some carpet.

He was inspirational, one of the few that has truly inspired me. While his life was turbulent and the manner in which he died [alone] not fitting a hero of mine, it is him on a bike that we shouldn't forget - a flawed hero, but still a hero.

Mike Underwood

London, UK
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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Support for Mark French

It is interesting to note that you say Shane Kelly's career is overrated. Especially since he has stood on the podium at world level for which includes 4 times in the Gold Medal Position and 1 World Record over 12 years and is STILL doing it (1st in World Cup Keirin, Los Angeles January 2006), how can this be called, "Deadwood". It is my belief that he has shown nothing but good sportsmanship and integrity throughout his illustrious career.

Maybe there is some resentment within the ranks, I don't know, but I wouldn't blame them if there was, due to their names having wrongfully been driven through the muck and much needed sponsorship lost, not to mention the overall impression the public now has on cycling in general. Regardless of the field of sport/profession one is in I would find it hard for anyone to expect a warm welcome back after creating such controversy. I think Mark needs to be mindful of this and will hopefully gradually earn back respect.

As for Mark, I wish him nothing but success in his attempt to rejoin the team but hope that it is done cleanly.

Kellie Telford

Reynella, Australia
Monday, February 13, 2006

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Heras' positive doping results

In relation to the news item from February 12 - if Paolo Bettini wants to market himself by kissing-up to Spanish fans because his contract will be up this year, that's just fine.

However, it should not be in this dishonest way because only the "Shadow" knows what evil lurks in the heart of man. Stick to the fact that you like Spanish weather, food, woman, wine etc.

Sal Garcia

Seattle, Washington USA
Saturday, February 11, 2006

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To Adam Bergman,

The end of excuse is the beginning of enlightenment - truth, love, courage.

Tris Legacy
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Adam Bergman has earned his punishment for taking EPO - and he will earn forgiveness, at least from this cyclist. There are all kinds of excuses made for bad behaviour - if only everyone had the courage to come clean as Adam.

Let's encourage this remarkable young man.

Patrick Hartigan
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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Sanctions for doping

I'm a little confused about David Millar coming back this summer. I understand he served his two year suspension, but I remember articles on several cycling websites that stated a rider who was banned for two years would essentially be gone for four, since no pro tour team was allowed to hire them for two years after then ban is completed. Was this a misinterpretation, or did they change the rules again?

Todd Tuengel

Los Angeles, CA
Friday, February 10, 2006

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Ben Kersten

I cannot believe the comments of Martin Barras when talking up Australia's track chances for the upcoming Commonwealth Games - he doesn't mention Ben Kersten. Here we have a guy who has equalled Australia's greatest ever track rider, Danny Clark's record of four Australian titles. Kersten has been the outstanding track rider in Australia for the last two track seasons bar none. I personally witnessed this guy racing the Tasmanian Christmas carnivals, where he turned up a little under raced, after recovering from a back injury. He just got better as the carnivals went on and by Devonport he was virtually untouchable.

Good luck in Melbourne, Ben.

Anthony O'Connor
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

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Hour record

It almost happened. If you want to push Lance into the hour record books, I suggest that you write to Bruyneel at Better yet, get a pledge list of donations for Armstrong's charity and mail them a copy. The project only got serious after I convinced a few people at the Livestrong foundation to ask Lance if he would consider the project as a fundraiser where those raising the most donations would receive tickets to the event. (Many coaches however discourage an audience because they breathe in too much oxygen. So Sosenka only had a few fans for the last 5 or 10 minutes).

Armstrong wanted to make this a serious project, not rush into it. It would be at least a year of planning and design. I am afraid I am not 'in the loop' right now to know if Lance can be lured into this goal since his retirement. If Armstrong can resist Hamilton's challenge to beat all contenders at the Jester's half-mile hill climb, in Austin this March then we may have a problem. Lance is sure to run the hill in practice. Will he dare to show up?

As for LA in LA it just isn't possible. Mainly it’s because it is a 250m track - great for the audience but too tight for long records. The extra g-force and the number of laps to do 50 km makes any 250 track too demanding. You have to remember on the track you only get credit for the minimum distance of the track size per lap. So if you ride just an inch outside the line every corner (which is difficult) then you are adding a lot of distance that is not accounted for. The best option would be an enclosure over the existing Colorado velodrome. That was all in the plan before the retirement announcement last spring. There may even be a truckload of THE HOUR wristbands just sitting in storage waiting and filled with hope.

Timothy Shame

Friday, February 10, 2006

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Davitamon circus clowns

Why were the Davitamon-Lotto riders dressed in circus clown kit? Were these photos really from the team presentation or a taping of a Saturday morning children's show promotion featuring the team?

Mike Engles
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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Team CSC at Solvang

I couldn't help but notice the lack of safety precautions (read: helmets) in the photos from the recent Team CSC training camp ride in Solvang Ca. (Cyclingnews Feb 13)

All bar a couple of riders were wearing helmets. Helmets which, I would imagine, are kindly "donated" through their sponsorship partners who I am sure would be wanting to get bang for their buck when the team is photographed and/or on display in cases such as this.

From an organisation that is arguably described as..."the most professional outfit in the peloton", I am at a loss to understand why the risk of a fall and possible injury (in this case their heads) is not top of mind at all times, even if they are riding on....."quiet Californian roads". And while being done in the company of the former racer and now manager/owner/DS Bjarne Riis only seems to magnify the situation.

As they say in the classics..."there are two kinds of cyclists - those who have crashed, and those who are going to".

Nobody is immune from this as we "mere mortals" find out, and no doubt something the "professionals" have reluctantly discovered many, many times.

Ray Law

Brisbane Australia
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Ullrich and the 2006 Tour

Hi everybody,

First of all I have to thank you guys for having and making such a great cycling website. I don't want be ass-kissing, but it's by far the best site in world. Chapeau and just rock on.

Second of all, I would like to make a statement concerning Callum McKirdy's letter about Jan Ullrich and the 2006 Tour. I can't listen to the people anymore who say that Ullrich cannot attack anymore, that he's pushing gears that are too big. This discussion doesn't lead anywhere and is, in my opinion, pretty much nonsense. In all cases Ulle was riding at his absolute limit. He was going as fast as he could and in this case he and every other human at his limits couldn't place an attack.

It's not a question of your riding style (big gears or small gears) or your attacking ability, but a question if you are below or at your limit. So, Ullrich hasn't lost his ability to attack. His main problem in the last Tours was just that there were people that could go faster uphill than he could.

Besides that, I find it quite ventured to claim that he cannot attack anymore. Haven't you watched last year's Tour de France or the 2003 edition? I, for one, have never seen such a feisty Ullrich than in the Tour 2005, especially on the stages through the Pyrenees. As I said, his problem was just that there were two people who were able to go faster uphill than he could. But with his attacks he put all the rest of the peloton, with guys like Leipheimer, Landis, Rasmussen and Mancebo, in deep trouble.

I also can’t accept the statement that T-Mobile's tactics were shocking. Of course, the chasing of Vino by Andreas Klöden on one of the stages in the Pyrenees also caused some disapproval from me. This was just stupid, but on the whole I think that T-Mobile did a pretty good job, especially if you know that several team members like Sevilla and Steinhauser were plagued by illnesses during the Tour. I mean, T-Mobile was actually the only team that was able to put pressure on Discovery and CSC. Just look at the stage over the Paihères or over the Col de la Schlucht when they absolutely hammered into the mountains, isolating almost all team captains from their other team members. Okay, eventually it didn't bring T-Mobile the overall victory but it was, in my opinion, pretty impressive and tactically brilliant. And they also won the team classification.

Besides that, I find that Ullrich's achievements aren't as appreciated as they should, especially by the German media. Of course, he always came to the Tour to win it and he was always beaten by Lance Armstrong. But he still rode some fabulous tours especially if you consider that he was plagued by illnesses in 2004 and 2005. What would have happened if he hadn't crashed twice in 2005 and what would have happened if he hadn't caught a cold from his daughter in 2004?

Okay, enough of defending Ullrich and T-Mobile. You probably noticed that I am a great Ullrich fan and therefore this year, as every year, I hope that Ullrich finally gets his second overall victory.

Tobias Rumpf

Freiburg, Germany
Sunday, February 12, 2006

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Ullrich and the 2006 Tour


I read letters and I don’t accept that Ullrich can’t attack. I saw the 2005 Tour of Germany and believe me guys - he can attack, and very well. Then he made attacks whilst ill, but I think it’s not clever because in a couple of kilometres he cracked. But as I said, he was ill so I think that he risked a lot there and lost.

Talking about the Tour; I just wanted to say that we must see a new Ullrich because he won’t win without something new. I don’t see many rivals other than Basso. First Jan will take a minimum of two minutes in all the time trials. Secondly, there is a problem with the first mountain stage as Ullrich usually cracks on it. Furthermore, Ullrich should try to control the front of the leading mountain group because if Basso attacks it’s very difficult to catch him.

Finally, we must expect very hot weather. I remember 2003 when Ullrich lost the Tour and definitely Lance was very lucky. I will wait for July and once again be running alongside the rode with the Lithuanian flag and pray for some magenta team success.

Regimantas Maliauskas
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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Ullrich and the 2006 Tour

I have to disagree with Mr McKirdy's letter. There's no doubt that T-Mobile's tactics in recent Tours have been atrocious, but I strongly suspect that's because the head honcho has been Walter Godefroot, whose biggest successes all came in the unpredictable and sometimes tactically bizarre northern classics, particularly the Ronde van Vlaanderen.

Attacking a teammate, which seems idiotic in a mountain stage of the Tour, makes perfect sense in Paris-Roubaix, where placement is everything. T-Mobile's tactics did win the Ronde for Steffen Wesemann, after all, and it has also won numerous classics for Erik Zabel and others on the Telekom/T-Mobile team. Of course, that doesn't make this kind of thought process any more appropriate or effective in a three-week stage race. Why do I have hope that they will do any better in 2006, then? Simple - because Godefroot is out the door, and his replacement, Olaf Ludwig, has his head on straight. The team has nowhere to go but up.

Jeffrey Jones

Morgan Hill, CA
Thursday, February 09, 2006

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Confused about doping

Dear CN

I have been watching the Olympics and have seen some confusing things. During an interview with a skier who had crashed, someone said the only way she could go on was because her knee was injected full of cortisone. Another crash victim was looking goofy and joked about how great the pain killers were. The announcers later talked about her pain killers. I didn't think cyclists could "medicate" like that to be able to compete, so why can skiers? I’m confused.

And what about Adam Bergman? He was caught cheating nearly two years ago and now he comes clean. What I read was not a confession, but an equivocation. He wasn't cheating, he was "experimenting". And he only did it once, not systematically - sounds a lot like the "I didn't inhale" defence. Bottom line is; how much do you trust some one who has been un-trustworthy?

Jeff Donaghue

Southwestern Wisconsin
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Recent letters pages

Letters 2006

  • February 10: Ullrich and the 2006 Tour, Too early to call the Tour, AIS crash verdict, Punishment for the death of Amy Gillett, Women's cycling, Support for Mark French, Michael Rasmussen, More Kilo and 500m TT argument, Liberty Seguros at Tour Down Under, Hour record, Sanctions for doping
  • February 3: International teams, Liberty Seguros at Tour Down Under, Anti-doping tactics, Ullrich and the 2006 Tour, Too early to call the Tour, Tour of California, Phonak training camp feature, Aussie national champs, More Kilo and 500m TT argument, McQuaid and the UCI, Australian championships, Support for Mark French, Sanctions for doping, Women's cycling, Team strip
  • January 24: Future of Spanish cycling, Australian championships, Aussie national champs - a deserved winner, Aussie nationals, World champion kit, Ullrich and the 2006 Tour, With Lance gone, Some observations on Oz, PCA suing Dick Pound, International teams
  • January 17: EGO Mania, Basso: seeing double, Aussie nationals, Australian championships, Russell Mockridge, PCA suing Dick Pound, USA cycling, World champion kit, The future, Some observations on Oz
  • January 6: The Tour hypocrisy, Pat McQuaid, McQuaid, Bart Wellens, Urine testing, Dope so you can
  • January 3: That damn Lance, Bart Wellens, Cyclists in South Australia, EGO Mania, King Pound, Urine testing for rEPO, The Tour hypocrisy, Dope so you can, Give McQuaid a chance, Elimination Tour de France

Letters 2005

  • December 23: McQuaid and the UCI, Cyclists in South Australia, Bart Wellens, That Damn Lance, Patrice Clerc Interview, Don't accuse every top athlete, Dope so you can, Sanctions for doping - episode 99, Allan Butler tribute
  • December 16: An embarrassment of riches, The chickens have come home to roost, McQuaid and the UCI, UCI vs Grand Tour organisers, At least they have something in common, Back to the seventies, Basso at Giro 2006, Cycling is best at what it does, Dope so you can, Cycling one dimensional, Don't accuse every top athlete, Heras and drugs, Where are all of Heras' supporters?, Dick Pound, Chasing an inevitable high, SF Grand Prix
  • December 9: Basso at Giro 2006, Heras EPO test procedure, The Heras case, Where are all of Heras' supporters?, Heras and drugs, Do you have to ask why?, Dope so you can, Global doping, The burden of proof, Chasing an inevitable high, EPO, Colorado State Patrol, SFGP - Bring it back!
  • December 2: Heras EPO test procedure, Heras - three times lucky, The Heras case, Another profile in disappointment, SFGP - Bring it back!, San Francisco Grand Prix, San Francisco GP, Tyler Hamilton, Chasing an inevitable high, Circumstantial evidence, The burden of proof, Global Doping, Graeme Obree, Moron or marketing genius, Exciting again
  • November 25: San Francisco GP, San Fran Grand Prix, San Fran GP, San Francisco city supervisor responds, A tale of two cities, Tyler Hamilton - UCI leaks, Wire in the blood part II, Tyler Hamilton, Hamilton wait time, Heras - three times lucky?, What is the UCI doing?, Exciting again, Le Tour will live on without Armstrong, Moron or marketing genius, A modest proposal, Weekend club racing world championships
  • November 18: Heras - three times lucky?, What is the UCI doing?, Exciting again, 2006 Tour de France, Positive urine EPO tests, Le Tour will live on without Armstrong, LeBlanc's Tour snub of Armstrong, Tour of Southland, Schlimmer response, Exercise-induced asthma
  • November 11: LeBlanc's Tour snub of Armstrong, Exciting again, Le Tour will live on without Armstrong, Armstrong, the TdF, etc, The 2006 Tour de France and Lance, Lance, Le Tour and Ethics, Armstrong snub at Tour presentation, Pro wrestling and cycling, Swimming and Cycling, What TdF?, Fair justice, Another doping letter, Where has common sense gone?, Technology in cycling, Schlimmer
  • November 4: LeBlanc's Tour snub of Armstrong, The 2006 Tour de France and Lance, Le Tour de malcontent, Tour de France 2006, What TdF?, Le Tour wounded, Gossip ruins cycling, EPO, Exercise-induced asthma, Dick Pound and soccer, Tour of US, Tour of California, Swimming and Cycling
  • October 28: Le Tour de Malcontent, LeBlanc's Tour snub of Armstrong, Caution needed, TdF 2006, Has cycling become a honky tonk sport?, Tristan Hoffman, UN effort to fight doping in sport, UCI ProTour, Cam Jennings, Exercise-induced asthma, Chris Sheppard is a class act, Why?, Crocodile Trophy - worlds' toughest race?
  • October 14: Infallible doping tests?, Get on with your life, Doping. What else?, Pound versus Armstrong, Hamilton, etc, L'Equipe forgot - or not, John Lieswyn, Eddy Merckx
  • October 7: John Lieswyn, Bravo, Lieswyn, 1999 Tour de France urine samples, Allan Butler, Tyler Hamilton, Doping versus biomechanical enhancements, Doping control, McQuaid's image, Comment on Chris Horner at Zuri Metzgete, Scientific proof, Thank goodness Moreno lost, What has happened to American Cycling?, Pound versus Armstrong, Hamilton, etc, French bias
  • September 30: Petacchi and McEwen's reactions, Ale-Jet, Ale-Jet blasts his critics..., Petacchi's class, Petacchi, Bravo, Lieswyn, French bias, Tom Danielson, What has happened to American Cycling?, Quote of the year, At the heart of the matter, Lance's EPO tests, Doping control, On Pound and the like, Pound Ill informed, Verbruggen is wrong, Doping and apparel
  • September 23: A quick thanks, Australian worlds team, Go Mick!, Infighting, Pound Ill informed, WADA mess, Heras and the Giro, Verbruggen is wrong, Chris Sheppard busted for EPO, Explaining increases in performance, Quote of the year, Vuelta rest day observations
  • September 16: Vuelta rest day observations, Australian worlds team, Explaining the increases in performance, Debate settled, doping lives on, Samuel Sanchez, Scientific proof, The perfect crime, Another topic please,, Doping, Illegal motivation, Illegal motivation - another possibility, Lance and the Tour de France, Drug use, Alternate Universe, WADA, Chris Sheppard busted for EPO, Just Do It
  • September 9: The debate rages, Bad for cycling, Lance and the Tour de France, EPO Testing and Haematocrit, Doping, Illegal motivation, Lance the Man, Armstrong and doping, Question for Dick Pound..., Land of the Free, home of the Brave, Lance, I have a better idea, Where are the results?, Armstrong's Tour comeback, Don't make that mistake, Lance, Response to the test
  • September 2: Lance Armstrong, all-American boy, Doping, Claude Droussent lies, L'Equipe credibility, Lance versus Jan, Jan versus Lance, Cold fusion and Lance, The perfect crime, EPO and the Wink Wink Standard, Germany owed four yellow jerseys?, Lance, cycling and cancer, Lance issues, The whole Lance doping issue, Neither defense nor attack, The test, Land of the Free, home of the Brave, Armstong couldn't come clean, Summarising the Lance situation, Lance's tests, Keep an open mind, Lance and doping, Check results before you wreck yourself, Seeing is believing, L'Equipe and ASO, and Lance, Lance and EPO, Aussie perspective on the upcoming worlds, A rave rather than a rant
  • August 26: Lance and LeBlanc, Lance versus France, Can of worms story, The Test, Benoît Salmon wins the 1999 Tour, The perfect crime, Armstrong tests positive, L'Equipe and ASO, Lance rubbish, Lance and the French yellow press, Armstrong, EPO and WADA, Lance Downgrading Armstrong victories, Lance doping garbage, Lance versus Jan, Doping, Six stages to win the 99 tour, EPO test under scrutiny, Lance irony, Lance as a spokesman, Cyclists and politicians, Verbruggen's campaign to elect his successor, John Lieswyn, Can of worms, Americans in Paris
  • August 19: Ned Overend, Guidi positive, What is going on at Phonak?, Ullrich's riding style, How about credibility from both sides?, Lieswyn's gesture
  • August 12: Pro Tour 2006, Credibility from both sides?, Zabel leaves T-Mobile, Chris Horner, Ullrich's riding style, Well done Wayne!, Armstrong and class, Possible correlations
  • August 5: Zabel leaves T-Mobile, Thanks from a survivor, Bicycle safety, Message for Chris Horner, Perspective, Discovery in ninth, Tech, Armstrong and class, The King of July!, Heras through rose colored glasses, Possible correlations
  • July 29: Perspective, France and Lance's Legacy, Armstrong and class, Best Wishes to Louise, Levi's Diary, Heras through rose colored glasses, The King of July, Here we go again!, Treat Lance like the others, Tech, Lance Armstrong's time trial equation, Life begins at 30
  • July 22: McEwen - villain to superhero, Underdogs and overdogs at the Tour, Big George, George Hincape, Hincapie's stage win, Cadel's Tour memory, What the fans would love to see, Is Godefroot really NOT the man?, A true classic, Phonak's poor sportsmanship, Phonak double standards, My new hero, Discovery Channel tactics, Lance Infomercial?, Treat Lance like the others, TdF sprint finishes, Leaky Gas?, Little black box
  • July 15: The best seat in the house, Joseba Beloki, Message for Chris Horner, Treat Lance like the others, Lance Infomercial?, McEwen defense, Rail lines in the TdF, Ruse Discovered?, Discovery's unanimous breakdown, IS Jan really the man?, Cycling socks, Patrick Lefevre quit your whining, Armstrong and class, Leaky Gas?, TdF sprint finishes, Who is in charge of the UCI?, Tires and slippery roads, Response to the Vowels of Cycling, Little black box
  • July 8: McEwen defends himself, Tires and slippery roads, Random test on Lance Armstrong, French Government dope controls, The Pro Tour and Grand Tours, Tour de France's early finish?, Here we go again!, Thank you, Ed Kriege, Lance Infomercial?, No, the other Merckx!, The Vowels of Cycling, Armstrong's pre-Tour communiqués, Armstrong and class
  • July 1: No, the other Merckx!, Armstrong's pre-Tour communiqués, The Vowels of Cycling, Figures of merit - TdF tipping, Lance Infomercial?, Daily Terror, Sydney article, Why Michael Rogers will be awesome with T-Mobile, I love it!, MTB news, Twins
  • June 24: Sydney article, Hit and run on cyclists - Australia's new blood sport?, Another fatal hit and run on Australian cyclists, How can Ullrich win the Tour?, Drop Verbruggen, The second American, When the Tour heads up, Droppin' the Kilo!, Kilo or no go, What is Michael Rogers thinking?, Rogers to T-Mobile, For the love of god don't do it Mick!, The first yellow jersey, Horner Impressive, Leave T-Mobile/Fassa Bortolo, renew your career!, Horner's stage win at the Tour de Suisse, Bobby Julich, Daily Terror, Hell on Wheels review
  • June 17: Droppin' the Kilo!, Killing the kilo and 500, The kilo, Axing the Kilo?, The track Time Trials, The first yellow jersey, Armstrong and Class, The year of the comeback, Horner's stage win at the Tour de Suisse
  • June 10: The year of the comeback, An open letter to Cadel Evans, How Ullrich can win the Tour, USPRO/Liberty, Lance, the Tour and the Giro, Lance and the Tour, Show us your discards Godefroot!, Armstrong and Class, Ivan's training ride, Giro comments
  • June 3: Giro comments, Giro excitement vs Tour blah, Ivan Basso, Ivan's training ride, Discovering the future, Jose Rujano, Savoldelli vs Simoni, How Ullrich can win the Tour, Eddy Merckx Interview, Johan Bruyneel, Show us your discards Godefroot!, Improving Pro Tour Team Rankings, Lance and the Tour, Armstrong and class
  • May 27: Giro excitement vs Tour blah, Great Giro!, Double or nothing..., Colle delle Finestre and a Cipo farewell, Joseba Beloki, Ivan's training ride, Hell on Wheels, Matt Wittig, How Ullrich can win the Tour, UCI fines, Armstrong and class, Eddy Merckx Interview, The disappointment of Viatcheslav Ekimov, You have let us down Paolo
  • May 20: Colle delle Finestre tactics, Rogues, It just keeps happening, Davis Phinney, Joseba Beloki, Australia - number one, You have let us down Paolo, Bettini/Cooke, What's up with pro cyclists these days?, Cipo, Cipo, Cipo, A question about team names, The disappointment of Viatcheslav Ekimov, Go Eki!
  • May 13: Hit and run, Bettini vs Cooke, Bettini's Illegal sprint, You have let us down Paolo, Giro, Bettini/Cooke, Cookie's crumble, Bjarne's right: There's only one Jens Voigt!, Jens Voigt and the blind, South Australians protest against hit-and-run death, It just keeps happening, Liberty Seguros, The disappointment of Viatcheslav Ekimov, Go Eki!, Australia - number one, Irresistible in July, UCI weight rule
  • May 6: South Australians protest against hit-and-run death, Tyler Hamilton's case, Hamilton and the facts The USADA decision on Tyler Hamilton, Tyler Hamilton, Tyler, Testing and the Virenque Comparison, How do dopers live with themselves?, General view on doping, Hamilton guilty regardless of the facts, Hamilton verdict, Tyler is good going uphill, Hamilton interview, Klöden comments, Tyler H, Simoni, Grazie Mario, Sheryl Crow, or should we say...Yoko Ono
  • April 29: South Australians protest against hit-and-run death, Tyler Hamilton's case, Hamilton and the facts The USADA decision on Tyler Hamilton, Tyler Hamilton, Tyler, Testing and the Virenque Comparison, How do dopers live with themselves?, General view on doping, Hamilton guilty regardless of the facts, Hamilton verdict, Tyler is good going uphill, Hamilton interview, Klöden comments, Tyler H, Simoni, Grazie Mario, Sheryl Crow, or should we say...Yoko Ono
  • April 22: Lance Armstrong's retirement, W is for Witchhunt, Tyler's mishandling defense, Not for real, is it?, Bad Science, Blood testing issues, Hamilton - finally a decision, Regarding the Tyler Hamilton decision, Tyler Hamilton, Satisfying Verdict for Hamilton Case, How do dopers live with themselves?, Hamilton's case, Tyler Hamilton's case, Hamilton, Hamilton verdict and a call for outside expertise, Tyler Hamilton saga..., Tour de France preview...2006!, Klöden comments, Tour de France Training, The New Dynamic Duo, Sheryl Crow, or should we say...Yoko Ono, Random Musings
  • April 15: Glenn Wilkinson, USADA and Hamilton, Bergman; so sad, ProTour leader's jersey, That's a Jersey?, Too many chiefs?, Track World Championships, What do you think?
  • April 8: The New Dynamic Duo, Boonen's Hairdo, Viral infections and antibiotics, George Hincapie, What do you think?, Track World Championships, VDB?, A little bit more about blood doping, Blood testing issues
  • April 1: Well done Ale-jet, Eyes of tigers..., Viral infections and antibiotics, Let's talk about cycling…, What's worth talking about in cycling?, First Ride of the season, The New Dynamic Duo, Blood testing issues, Sydney Thousand, UCI Pro Tour Grand Theft, not Grand Tour
  • March 18: The Forgotten Hero!, Way to go Bobby, Bobby J, Lance has lost the ‘Eye of the tiger’, Blood testing issues and Hamilton, With all Due Respect, All this Lance Talk..., Is Lance getting soft?
  • March 11: Blood testing issues and Hamilton, Cycling on TV, In Defence of UCI president Hein Verbruggen, Defending the Pro Tour?, Is Lance getting soft?, Lance has lost the "eye of the tiger"
  • March 4: In Defence of the Pro-Tour, Grand Tours back down...for now, Armstrong and Simeoni,Help - what’s on the TV?, Cycling on TV, Lance Defends His Title!, Hamilton movie role downplayed, Blood testing issues and Hamilton, I really don't know when it happened
  • February 25: Lance Defends His Title!, Build it and tear it down?, Build, dismantle and donate!, Lance's Hour Record attempt, I really don't know when it happened, Can't get enough!, Dream on
  • February 18: Build it and tear it down?, Remember Marco, One Reason I Love Cycling, The ongoing Hour Record Saga, Lance’s Hour Record attempt, Can't get enough!
  • February 11: One Reason I Love Cycling, Francisco Cuevas, F-One - Come down to earth Lance!, Armstrong and the Hour, Can't get enough!, Greatest of all time
  • February 4: F-One - Come down to earth Lance!, Armstrong and the Hour, Armstrong and Simeoni, Can't get enough!, Help, Greatest of all time Eddy is King, but who is second best?
  • January 28: "I am the greatest of all time", Armstrong and the Hour Record, F-One - Come down to earth Lance!, Lance Drug Probe, Armstrong and Simeoni, Can’t get enough!, Help, NBC's 2004 RAAM Coverage, Doping, Crash distance from 1km to 3km, Eddy is King, but who is second best?
  • January 21: Professional Cyclists, Der Kaiser's Goals, Jan Ullrich's problem = Lance, Rider of the Year, Crash distance from 1km to 3km, Help, Lance vs. Eddy
  • January 14: Der Kaiser's goals, Help, Foreign stage races, Lance vs. Eddy, Tour '05, Rider of the Year, Best bikes for heavy riders, Quick Step helmets
  • January 7: Death of Dmitri Neliubin, Der Kaiser’s goals, Rider of the Year, Best bikes for heavy riders, Who's Greater? Come on now!, Virenque "most charismatic"?, Downhilling, Downhill time trial, Trendy cyclists, No flat tyres, Spring classics trip advice, Bettini's trainer
  • January 3: Spring classics trip advice, Big Bear ends downhilling, Armstrong and Simeoni, Holding teams accountable, Downhill time trial, Trendy cyclists, Bettini's trainer, No flat tyres

Letters 2004

  • December 24 letters - Why are cyclists so trendy?, Business and cycling, Big Bear ends downhilling, Off-bike weight gain, No flat tires, Armstrong and Simeoni
  • December 17 letters - Business and cycling, Tom versus Axel , Big Bear ends downhilling, Shane Perkins, Spring classics trip advice, Tyler Hamilton, Phonak and the UCI, Why are cyclists so trendy?, Mark Webber interview, Armstrong and Simeoni, Injured and missing it: an update, Clyde Sefton
  • December 10 letters - Why are cyclists so trendy?, Big Bear ends downhilling, Floyd's choices?, Merckx, fit and trim, Pound must go, Spring classics trip advice, Tyler Hamilton, Phonak and the UCI, Punishment: Vandenbroucke vs Hamilton, Prosthetic hip, Armstrong and Simeoni, Dave Fuentes, Homeopathy, Jeremy Yates, TDF coverage for Australia, Weight limits and maintenance, Mark Webber interview
  • December 3 letters - Domestiques vs Lieutenants, Tyler Hamilton, Phonak and the UCI, Dave Fuentes, Santa vs Hairy Guy, Why are cyclists so trendy?, Mark French and homeopathy, Shane Perkins, Jeremy Yates, Weight limits and maintenance, UCI regulations, Armstrong and Simeoni, Prosthetic hip
  • November 26 letters - Mark French and homeopathy, Two big guns in one team, Tyler Hamilton case, Bartoli's retirement, Dave Fuentes, Shane Perkins, Merckx and Armstrong, Training like Lance, Lance Armstrong, Why are cyclists so trendy?, Phonak gets what it deserves, Armstrong and Simeoni, Bike weight, Spouseless riders, Mary McConneloug, Adam Craig, Mark Webber interview, Santa vs Hairy Guy
  • November 19 letters - Tyler Hamilton case, Phonak gets what it deserves, Are you there Mr Coates?, Bike Weight, Merckx and Maertens make up, Heart troubles, Where to find cycling spouses, Mark Webber interview, Lance Armstrong, Where's Greg?, What ever happened to..., Why are cyclists so trendy?, Armstrong and Simeoni, l'Etape du Tour registration, Still Laughing
  • November 12 letters - Why Armstrong will ride the 2005 Tour, Scott Sunderland, Why are cyclists so trendy?, Armstrong and Simeoni, Where to find cycling spouses, Lance on Italian selection, Heart troubles, l'Etape du Tour registration, Tour 2005 team time trial, What ever happened to..., Love and a yellow bike
  • November 5 letters - Love and a yellow bike, Tour 2005, Where to find cycling spouses, Why are cyclists so trendy?, Lance on Italian selection, Armstrong and Simeoni, Tour of Southland, Construction technique for veloway, Heart troubles, l'Etape du Tour registration, Rahsaan Bahati
  • Letters Index – The complete index to every letters page on