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Letters to Cyclingnews - August 19, 2005

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Each week's best letter gets our 'letter of the week'. We look for for letters that contain strong, well-presented opinions; humour; useful information or unusual levels of sheer helpfulness.

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Recent letters

Ned Overend
Guidi positive
What is going on at Phonak?
Ullrich's riding style
How about credibility from both sides?
Lieswyn's gesture


Ned Overend

In a world of over-hyped and often ridiculously self-important athletes, it's refreshing to read about Ned Overend. I've never met the man, but I'm impressed by his desire to race at the highest level, maintain a balanced, healthy life, and be demure about his clearly phenomenal talent and record. Bravo and happy birthday. He's a great model for all us aging cyclists and young ones alike.

Phil Robinson

Waterloo, Canada
Thursday, August 18, 2005

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Guidi positive

So the Phonak Hearing Systems team has announced that Fabrizio Guidi has tested positive for an unspecified banned substance. I wonder what the UCI and Grand Tours organisers are waiting for to ban that team from cycling forever. They changed the management from top to bottom, good, but what if the problem lies elsewhere. I believe Phonak Hearing Systems, as a sponsor, made a big mistake.

They thought a huge budget was all they needed to win right from their debut in the world of cycling, putting a lot of pressure on their riders to get immediate results. I'm sorry, but building a great team takes years of hard work, planning, recruiting, and even some luck.

Look at the US Postal/Discovery team, just to name one, but there are many examples out there. Telling your riders to stay clean then asking for results outside their reach, or for too much too soon, seems to lead to many 'positives'. We know it's probably not the management. I might be wrong, but it can't always be the riders. Correction: it can't always be the PHONAK riders. Maybe it's time to get rid of what is, if not a cancer, the laughing stock of professional cycling.

Keep up the good work and thanks for many years of wonderful cycling coverage.

Ivan Messaggi

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

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What is going on at Phonak?

Four riders positive for doping in a period of a year at Phonak - I'm sure management will claim that they have no knowledge of what is going on, but that line is beginning to sound a bit disingenuous. Are Phonak the Festina of the new century?

Ben Maziarz

Gillette, Wyoming
Thursday, August 18, 2005

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Ullrich's riding style

I am sure Jan's riding could be improved in some way but do you really think that the highest paid cyclist in the world (yes, L.A has retired so Jan is now #1) would be as lax in his training as some people would have us think? Come on, we all know that Ullrich is seen as one of the biggest stars in Germany so I think he would pay a little more attention to his riding style than just simply jumping in the saddle and pedalling.

Tim Lee
Saturday, August 13, 2005

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Ullrich's riding style #2

Exactly what is there to improve on Ullrich. What is wrong with his record? A Tour de France winner, world time trial champion, plus multiple podium finishes at the Tour De France. He just happened to ride the Tour at the time the greatest Tour rider did. Really, where is there room for improvement? He was a member of the East German team time trial. It's just at the Tour de France he couldn't beat Armstrong. There really is no shame in that. Let him be happy with his success. He has a record any rider in the world would kill for.

Brian Polhemus

Spencertown, NY
Saturday, August 13, 2005

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Ullrich's riding style #3

I would like to disagree with "Felix". Over the years I've seen Jan Ullrich's style change quite a bit. He now has a higher cadence then he did when he won the Tour in '97 and he also seems to have developed a great deal more power.

It's always easy to blame the second place man for not being better than the first place man. Let's not forget that Jan has raced against a man who has set what will probably remain an unbeatable record of Tour de France wins while, I believe, himself setting a record number of Tour podium finishes.

Maybe his break with his long time girlfriend and his new training regime with perhaps a lot less time for fun than in previous years left him unhappy and unmotivated. Perhaps it was better for him to let go in winter and then have to work very hard to come back into form for the Tour. Or perhaps more likely, the truth is that over the years his strengths and weaknesses have become better known to his competitors and they have developed strategies to take advantage of those weaknesses and minimize the advantages of his strengths.

In the end Jan Ullrich has demonstrated that he was number two for so long only because of the presence of Lance Armstrong.

Thomas Kunich

San Leandro, CA, USA
Monday, August 15, 2005

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How about credibility from both sides?

The WADA budget Summery for 2005 is 23,207,349. WADA states 60% of that amount is for research. Given that amount of money, it seems competent reseachers could have been hired. The IOC provides nearly half that amount to WADA.

Where is the outrage from the IOC upon learning the highly touted EPO test results were invalidated by a triathlete? Where is the outrage from the companies and people who support the IOC?

WADA, through it's mouthpiece Dick Pound, keeps claiming it's tests are 100% accurate. How many times does WADA have to be proved wrong before innocent athletes stop being accused of doping?

If an athlete doesn't have the means to fight faulty test results, the athlete has a reputation shattered, a life disconnected from a dream and only the self satisfaction of knowing there was no cheating.

From where does WADA and the IOC acquire money? From the public, by taxes or donation. WE, the people are subsidizing these organizations. WE are not receiving a quality product. Write to every committee in your country that supplies the funds for bogus tests (in the USA: Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, led by Sen. John McCain) and every company who donates/sponsors the IOC. Just think which advertisers; Coca Cola, VISA, CSC, for starters.

Cheating by athletes should be abolished. Mispresenting test results is unforgivable, the worst form of cheating. Until accurate, 100% accurate tests are really available, stop this sham.

Sharon Quinlan
Saturday, August 13, 2005

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How about credibility from both sides? #2

In response to Mr. Gates' comments - I couldn't agree more.

Certainly there is a drug problem in cycling. But cycling is a sport in which more effort is being done to catch the cheaters than any other.

What appears to have occurred is that, those pursuing the cheaters have become so sure of themselves that they no longer question their own perhaps selfish motivations. Obviously you don't want to lose the cooperation or the sympathy of the fans from which so much money flows via sponsor's advertising money. And equally obvious, you don't want to give the cheaters the idea that the tests can be successfully challenged on technicalities.

But when we are treated to the statement, "I know a positive when I see one," from the WADA representative - a statement that would be laughed out of any court in the United States - I find it difficult to view the direction the drug testing is taking without some serious misgivings.

Tom Kunich

San Leandro, CA, USA
Monday, August 15, 2005

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Lieswyn's gesture

For the first time in several years, Health Net's John Lieswyn didn't toe the start line at the Tour of Kansas City this past weekend. But his absence, due to a broken pelvis, didn't slow his efforts to nuture participation by the sport's youngest riders.

Lieswyn (a diarist) donated $500 in primes to the junior race at the Overland Park Criterium. The announcement of his generosity drew an enormous round of applause. It also serves as a reminder that we should all give something back to the sport we love.

Sean Weide

Chief Referee, Tour of Kansas City
Monday, August 15, 2005

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Recent letters pages

Letters 2005

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  • Letters Index – The complete index to every letters page on