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Letters to Cyclingnews - February 13, 2009

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The latest revelations
Drug use in baseball and cycling
Armstrong drops Catlin
Tour of California route
Frederick Nolf's death
East Coast Velodrome
Landis' comeback
Unrepentant cheat
Armstrong's contribution to cycling

The latest revelations

In the USA, baseball star Alex Rodriguez stated that he had used steroids and then added, "and I am ready to put that all behind me." What his ESPN interview implied was that since he was confessing (after several years of bold-faced lying) he feels everyone should simply forgive him; no penalties - either financial, or removal from playing for a period of time. His excuse: "I was naive". Does that mean,' I didn't think I would ever get caught'? Is this any different than the controversies surrounding a number of cyclists?

I frequently reflect back on something Tom Simpson said about doping, as quoted in "Put me back on my bike" by William Fotheringham. Tom said (in 1960) "I am up there with the stars, but then suddenly they will go away from me. I know from the way they ride the next day that they are taking dope. I don't want to have to take it, I have too much respect for my body, but if I don't win a big event soon, I shall have to start taking it." Tom Simpson died July 13, 1967 from the combination of doping and dehydration on the slopes of Mont Ventoux.

I am so tired of hearing poor excuses and lies. I don't really expect most people to say, "I did it for fame and money." However, we should note that cyclists are paid on an entirely different scale than the main sports of baseball, football and basketball. At times, drugs may seem to be a good short-term investment. Why not educate cyclists better with some sort of program designed to teach new professional cyclists the dangers of doping. Show them the tests, the results.

How about a program that rewards clean cyclists... like a form of retirement benefits, work programs in cycling (beyond just the sole DS position). If cyclists see that their whole future is dependent on clean cycling, they may opt for longetivity over a short burst of fame. Maybe, this too seems a bit naive. But we must start offering solutions rather than mere legal threats.

Timothy Shame
Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Drug use in baseball and cycling

Baseball is now facing drug use issues the way professional cycling did a few years back. Alex Rodriguez was supposed to take the home run record away from Barry Bonds someday. Rodriguez would somehow cleanse the record, put it back where it belongs, remove the suspicion that surrounds Bonds. Some baseball fans now wonder if anyone is clean in their sport. Many ask themselves, do I watch the sport I love in spite of the possibility that at least some of the athletes dope?

As a cycling fan, I faced a similar issue years ago. I observed, in my amateur opinion, that the human body is not designed to ride at 40 km/h average speed over mountains, time trials and road races over the course of 3 weeks. As I became more interested in the sport, I became a student of its' history. It is a history filled with tremendous stories and exploits of sporting greatness, inextricably mixed with evidence that riders of every generation will sometimes cheat to get ahead. My choice was to continue to support and watch cycling. Doping alone will not make an average cyclist superhuman. It can make an already talented, gifted, dedicated athlete even better.

Of equal interest is that those who ask for forgiveness from doping are generally forgiven (eventually) in the court of public opinion. Contrast the public opinion towards those in baseball who confessed drug use, such as Jason Giambi, Andy Pettite and Rodriguez, versus the public opinion toward Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. Cycling's examples would be David Millar, Erik Zabel, Johan Museeuw and Bjarne Riis who confessed (though the latter 3 never failed a drug test), versus the experience of Floyd Landis, Michael Rasmussen or Tyler Hamilton. We've seen many athletes deny drug use for years then confess when backed into an untenable position. Sprinter Marion Jones is but one high profile example.

Cycling's ongoing efforts to clean up the sport's drug use are commendable, and a model that North American sports aren't willing to confront. It's a pretty simple axiom of life that some people will take shortcuts to advance themselves, not just in sports but in life as well. The NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB are not ready for the truth.

Peter Leyser
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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Armstrong drops Catlin

I just re-read what Armstrong had been saying last September - incredible! How could he have said those things when it is now clear that nothing definite had been decided? How did Catlin allow himself to be put into such a situation, when his livelihood depends on his reputation and credibility? Surely Armstrong - the high-achieving, super-organised control freak, in constant contact with lawyers, business advisers, PR agents, coaches and the like - should have known what would be involved before announcing the Catlin testing regime?

If standard UCI etc. testing and Astana's system, which already existed then, are enough now, why was there ever any need for the Catlin regime? It's strange that Armstrong's sudden conversion to the Astana system comes after Damsgaard's Danish medical colleagues and hospital disown him - surely this is a reason to continue with Catlin, not call a halt.

On the other hand, I feel we've been through all of this before. Anyone remember all those promises made to journalists to release medical records? Never fulfilled - but always just enough to calm down the latest scandal. And I'd like to know the details of all 16 out-of-competition tests and why less than half of them have been posted on Armstrong's website - we've all heard the "most tested athlete ever" claims before. Too many questions...

David Milner
Strasbourg, France
Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Tour of California route

While I agree that the current start list for the Tour of California is on or above par with any race this country has seen for a long time, its a little disappointing that the course in my opinion doesn't live up to the field represented. Unfortunately I think the overall GC will only be decided in the time trial.

The famed climbs of Sierra and Palomar will do nothing to shape the GC since they come way too early in the stages. I'm sure we will see breakaways of lower-placed riders in these stages and if lucky, one of those riders could fool the field much in the way Oscar Pierero did in the tour with his 30-minute breakaway that eventually gave him the Tour, but if we are expecting big mountain fireworks from Liepheimer, Armstrong, Basso, Sastre and the others, I think we are going to be a little disappointed with the exception of maybe stage two into Santa Cruz.

I hope I'll be proven wrong though and one of these guys will try for a long one but my surprise pick is Cancellara if he wins the Solvang TT by a decent margin and can hang on in stage two.

Jeff Irwin
Gunnison, Colorado
Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Frederick Nolf's death

Where else but in cycling would a 21-year-old athlete die unexpectedly and it would immediately be concluded that he died of natural causes? The cycling press, cycling officials, Belgian authorities, medical personnel, and the like, all seem to agree that Nolf's untimely passing must have been caused by a "natural" heart attack. Obviously, no need for an autopsy here. And Nolf's father stating that an autopsy wouldn't bring his son back is akin to saying a criminal investigation would be pointless if his death had been ruled a homicide.

Yes, this is indeed a tragic and sad occurrence, regardless of the cause. However, the cycling community should not be willing to look the other way simply because the truth may be uncomfortable, or because it's easy to hide behind the "out of respect for the deceased" excuse. Whether Nolf's death was drug-related or natural, there are undoubtedly many who could benefit from hearing the truth. Unfortunately, this incident seems to be on the fast track to getting pushed aside. Business as usual.

Chuck Peddie
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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Frederick Nolf's death #2

Regarding the death of young Frederiek Nolf - young, fit sportsmen do not die naturally at the age of 21. How can death at such an age be natural? Maybe if it was 2000BC and our life expectancy was 25 but this is 2008AD!

I think it's a sham that there will be no autopsy to determine the cause of death. I strongly suspect a coverup and unwillingness to reveal any truth or dig any further by the UCI or Belgian Cycling Federation. As long as this is kept under the carpet, young riders will continue to die in their sleep.

David Cowie
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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East Coast Velodrome

Thanks for posting information on our indoor velodrome project. The effort has been going on for five years, working with several communities and business leaders in the Philadelphia area where we are well known as the founders and management of the TD Bank Philadelphia International Championship, celebrating our 25th year on June 7.

With all due respect to the Tour de France, Amgen Tour of California and the big UCI road races we ourselves have produced (Philly Week, San Francisco Grand Prix, Tour of PA and many others around the country), if cycling is to survive and prosper as an American sport, we need to create a business model that makes sense, not fool ourselves into thinking that what has worked successfully in Europe can be duplicated here unless, of course, we can count on passionate benefactors with money to burn or very big corporate sponsors (just how deep are those pockets these days?).

We need gate receipts, compelling television, promotable personalities and a league structure of recognisable teams competing on a circuit of advertised events to tie it all together. The goal for our velodrome is to create an efficiently-sized multi-purpose suburban arena with a year round cycling program as anchor activity. It has to be in a community with cool restaurants and good public transportation that needs a special draw.

Most importantly, it must be a stand-alone financial success and proof-of-concept that can be duplicated in other similar communities, both near and far. And it must go well beyond the "if you build it they will come" concept. Sorry to the purists but we must sell a cycling formula that excites, entertains and has continuity. That means modifying traditional events and presentation. The fact that its never been done fully in this country in modern times is not scary... it's exciting!

David M. Chauner
Audubon, PA, USA
Friday, February 6, 2009

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Landis' comeback

I have to agree completely with Mr. Stranger concerning the ignorant comments by some regarding Floyd Landis. Let's be completely open - Landis has never admitted to using illegal drugs. What's more, the tests run on him, as shown by his evidence, is questionable at best.

Now we are reading comments by standers-by that he should claim his guilt or be permanently kept out of bicycle racing?

My greatest fear is that the legal system in this country is going to follow the thoughtlessness of these sorts of people instead of the great depth of thought that went into the founding fathers concerns for the common man in court. If it does I suspect these same people would be crying equally about that.

Tom Kunich
San Leandro, CA, USA
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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Unrepentant cheat

In response to Kevin from Oakland:

I'm wondering if Mr. McGown has ever met Floyd Landis or spoken with him. It amazes me that one can form such negative opinions of an individual simply from the information they have been fed by the press. Why do so many of us find it necessary to judge others, especially when those judgments are not based on personal experience? I have met Floyd and I have talked to him, and I found him to be a humble, gracious person. I still have no opinion on the guilty verdict, but I am definitely not ready to call him a cheat either. I guess maybe I would also have to meet the person(s) who oversaw the testing of his samples...

Andy Ringgold,
Staunton, VA, USA
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

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Armstrong's contribution to cycling

Jonathan Boyer may have been a great bike racer but his choice in girlfriends has tarnished his reputation forever.

David Brayton
Santa Rosa, CA, USA
Friday, February 6, 2009

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Recent letters pages

Letters 2009

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Letters 2008

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  • May 15: Sydney road rage incident, Steegmans lashes out at UCI, Steve Hogg's article, World Cup #3 XC, Where is Chris Horner, Slipstream, Astana and Le Tour, Giro stage 5!, US time trial Champion?, Basso gets a contract, Race radios, CAS ruling on Petacchi, Hamilton's integrity? Dude!, Weight work
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  • May 1: Race radio?, Basso gets a contract, Advise needed for Alpe D'Huez, LeMond vs. Armstrong, Bottles, Scars of war, ProTour in Russia! China? Ahem... America?, LeMond's 1989 TdF, Mayo?, Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris, Have any French riders had to give up their jerseys?
  • April 25: Just shut up and ride, ProTour in Russia! China? Ahem...America?, Bottles, LeMond's 1989 TdF, New format for the Vuelta? , Scars of war, LeMond v. Armstrong, No tour for Astana #1, Rock Racing rip off #1, Advise needed for Alpe D'Huez, Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris
  • April 18: Just shut up and ride, USA Track Cycling, Paris-Roubaix, Little Indy 500 - Women's Race Article, Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris-Roubaix, What's happening to road tubeless?, Thanks Cyclingnews, Bottles, Just think?, Tour of Georgia - Lame, Colavita, No tour for Astana, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Suggestions for the little bullies, Rock Racing rip off, LeMond Vs. Trek
  • April 10: Suggestions for the little bullies, Pat McQuaid, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Just think, Trek vs. LeMond, Rock Racing rip off, Homepage overhaul, Some praise, USA track cycling, Team car order just the first gamble, Come on Greg & Lance, LeMond vs. Armstrong
  • April 3: Pat McQuaid, April fools, Carbon Wrap-It System, Sylvain Chavanel, Astana vs. Rabobank vs. Slipstream Chipotle, Cadel Evans, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Colavita, Let VDB ride?, Race radios, Rock Racing rip off
  • March 27: Riccardo's manner of professionalism, Rock Racing rip off, Chavanel's Paris - Nice shoes, Cadel Evans, Cadel Evans at Paris - Nice, Let VDB ride?, ASO vs. Astana, ASO vs. UCI help me with my memory, Astana vs. Rabobank vs. Slipstream Chipotle, Police kill cyclists,"PRO"cycling teams
  • March 20:"Pro"Cycling Teams, AIGCP does have a choice, ASO vs UCI help me with my memory, ASO vs. Astana, Chavanel's Paris - Nice shoes, Kevin van Impe's doping control, Cadel Evans at Paris - Nice, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto, and the ToCA, Paris - Nice: What it could have been, Police kill cyclists, The Astana affair, UCI hypocrisy
  • March 13:"Pro"Cycling Teams, ASO vs. Astana, ASO vs. UCI, ASOh well, UCI'll see you later, Cycling fans must let their voices be heard, Denounce ASO's actions for what they are, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto, and the ToCA, Knife between the ribs?, Paris Nice, Police kill cyclists, British track sprinters' helmets?, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, The Astana affair, The real ASO problem, Tour and ASO, UCI - very bad poker players, UCI hypocrisy.
  • March 6: Zirbel and the"ride of his life", British track sprinters' helmets, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto and the ToCA, Three grand tours or five monuments?, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, Pro cycling is dead, Paris - Nice, Knife between the ribs?, Doping and the Tour, Astana, the ASO and the UCI, ASO vs. Astana, The Astana affair, ASO vs. UCI vs. AIGCP vs. the non existent riders, The real ASO problem, Denounce ASO's actions for what they are, Sponsorship code of ethics, Where are the other ProTour teams?, ProTour vs. ASO
  • February 28: ASO vs. Astana, Passion and sponsorship, Crash or crash through, Pro cycling is dead, Why we must have the ProTour, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, ToC and Rock, The hidden message behind banning Astana, ASO is killing cycling, ASO could be right, The real ASO problem, UCI - draw a line in the sand, ASO has lost the plot, The Astana affair, Astana and ASO/RCS, the Astana decision, Operacion Puerto, Old rider classification
  • February 15: Doping controls, Tour of California moving up!, Why I love the Tour of California, Operation Puerto, Astana rejected by ASO, Boycott ASO, ASO - stop the madness, Tour de France, ASO is wrong to exclude Astana, Astana, ASO, and the NFL, Tour de Farce, The hidden message behind banning Astana, Astana exclusion, ASO is killing cycling, Astana out of Tour, ASO has lost the plot
  • February 8: Lampre doping controls, Grand Tour Monopoly?, Giro selections, Slipstream Qatar, Allan Davis, Sheldon Brown, Dick Pound to head CAS?, Find out who's leaking lab results, Rock racing
  • February 1: UCI vs. Grand Tour war, Best wishes to Anna, The incident, Rock racing & Starbucks, Rock racing Rocks, Rock racing, Landis in NUE, Lance is the best of all time, Sinkewitz logic, Astana for 08 Tour?
  • January 25: Rock racing, Time to draw a line in the sand, ASO vs. UCI ProTour, UCI vs. Grand Tour war spills over to European federations, Readers' poll stage races 2007, Cyclist of the year, Team High Road's black kit, Lance is the best of all time, Landis in NUE, Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 18: Cadel Evans - returns to training, Cyclist of the Year, DOPING - time to draw a line in the sand, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, Lance is the best of all time, Readers poll: best stage races 2007, Rock racing, Speaking about Lance, Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 11: Armstrong on Landis, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, Ivan Basso - why no tough questions?, Reader Poll, Rock & burn racing, Speaking about Lance, Sydor's consistency, The 'Bruyneel philosophy', Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 5: Great day for cycling, Sydor's consistency, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, CA awards misses national series, Thank you, Ivan Basso - why no tough questions?, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Helmets belong on heads, Armstrong on Landis, Will there be a Tour of Missouri?, Roberto Heras, Speaking about Lance, Mayo's B Sample

Letters 2007

  • December 27: CA awards misses national series, Armstrong on Landis, Vinokourov's sentence, Vinokourov, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Mayo's B sample to get B test
  • December 14: Sydor's consistency, George Hincapie, Helmet straps must be cinched a bit too tight, Will there soon be a sample"C"test?, ProTour, Vino's joke of a suspension, Mafioso McQuaid, Obee and Health Net, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Campagnolo offers its own 'red' shifter, T-Mobile's withdrawal a blow to Jaksche
  • December 6: Tschüss T-Mobile, Anquetil, Mayo's B sample to get B test, T-Mobile drop out, Obee and Health Net, Stefano Zanini
  • November 30: Anquetil,Mayo's B sample to get B test, Stefano Zanini, Rider's passport, Betting, Jonathan Page, Wake up!!, T-Mobile drop out, Bike design originality
  • November 23: Remembering Jacques Anquetil, Done looking back, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Cross crank, Rider's passport, Blood passports and humanity, Fothen's comments on Bettini, Nathan O'Neill , Sinkewitz, Rasmussen blood values, Sponsorship strangeness, Dick Pound better understood, Bike design originality,
  • November 16: Nathan O'Neill, Rasmussen blood values, The Crocodile Trophy, Sinkewitz, Drug testing procedures, Rider's passport, The drug issue, Bike design originality , Sponsorship strangeness, Selfishness will ruin cycling
  • November 9: The Crocodile Trophy, A little bit of bias here?, Rider's passport, Kasheckin, Positive tests, Drug testing procedures, Marco Pinotti: Engineering a new path, Bike design originality
  • November 2: What does this mean?, Le Tour 08, Mayo's B sample, Bike design originality, Trimble, UCI says Mayo case not closed, Drug testing procedures ... and false positives, Kashechkin: controls violate human rights, Drug testing procedures, Mayo, UCI, Kashechkin, et al... Great, now it's coming from both ends, Positive tests, Why even bother with B samples then?, Mayo's positive EPO test, Falling barriers
  • October 26: Rider passports & Cadel Evans, Drug testing procedures ... and false positives, Iban Mayo's false positive, Iban Mayo and Landis, Armstrong on Landis, Mayo's B sample, UCI turns Mayo's case into a debaucle, they hand pick the results, No justice for Mayo, UCI says Mayo case not closed, Bike design originality, 2006 Tour de France, A bad week for cycling, A fitting end to the season
  • October 19: 2006 Grand Tour trifecta!, 2006 Tour de France, A fitting end to the season, Armstrong on Landis, Bike design originality, doping in cycling, Doping numbers, Paris-Tours testing mishap, UCI and the lack of testing!, Vino's other Tour stage win, The absolute best?
  • October 12: Armstrong on Landis, Bike design originality, Cycling drama, Doping is unfair; but so is discrimination, It’s not doping that's..., Landis case - everyone's a loser, Length and cost of the Landis case, R & R, The Landis decision, Tour of America
  • October 5: Cycle drama, It's not doping that's"killing"the sport, Why is VAM a benchmark, Tour of America, The Landis decision, DYNEPO, Worlds, Rock & Republic's CEO Michael Ball, Please explain, Giuseppe Guerini, FICP
  • September 28: Tour of America, World champion zany-ness, The Landis decision, ASO v UCI, McQuaid vs ASO vs the riders, Please explain, Why is VAM a benchmark, Giuseppe Guerini, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, ProTour and Le Tour, Where is the due process
  • September 21: Astana's future and Bruyneel, Bruyneel's afterlife, Floyd Landis decision, Why is VAM a benchmark, Lifetime bans, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Spanish cycling, Where is the due process
  • September 14: Astana & Bruyneel, Cycling vs. soccer, Cycling will survive, Floyd Landis decision, LeMond's comments, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Why is VAM a benchmark?
  • September 7: Cycling vs. soccer, Floyd Landis decision, UCI, ASO, LeMond, et al who cares? Riders, Lawyers in the Landis case, LeMond's comments, Riders taking the fall?, US Postal/Discovery R.I.P.

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