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Letters to Cyclingnews - September 25, 2008

With news of Lance Armstrong's return to professional cycling, Cyclingnews readers have been even busier than usual, telling us what they think of the American's comeback. In a special edition of our letters section, here's a taste of the sentiment surrounding Lance's announcement.

Comments and criticism on current stories, races, coverage and anything cycling related are welcomed, even pictures if you wish. Letters should be brief (less than 300 words), with the sender clearly identified. They may be edited for space and clarity; please stick to one topic per letter. We will normally include your name and place of residence, but not your email address unless you specify in the message.

Please email your correspondence to

Armstrong obligations
Armstrong comeback
Armstrong riding for Astana
Armstrong's return
Guilty by association
Lance Armstrong and Taylor Phinney
The resurrection of Lance

Armstrong obligations

What is all this talk about which team Lance will ride with next season? I believe he has a lifetime contract with Trek so I think there's just one possibility, and that would be Astana. He will not end his 10-year relationship Trek to ride on a different brand; if Lance is loyal about one thing in life it's his business decisions. And then there is his new bike shop, which happens to carry Trek as its flagship line... and let's not forget his relationship with Johan. Lance would not throw all that away for one season of riding, so it all adds up to Lance joining his people at Astana and Trek - no ifs or buts... end of story!

Rob Anderson,
Maui, Hawaii

Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Armstrong obligations #2

What eveyone needs to understand is that Lance is under contractual obligation to ride nothing but Trek for the rest of his career in cycling. He either has to form a team around Trek bikes, or ride for Astana. He could also convert one of the other teams to Trek, but I don't see that happening. The writing is pretty much on the wall; Lance will likely ride for Astana. Another new team would never be able to load with enough talent. Alberto and Levi will either have a great team leader, or Astana will have some tough decisions to make!

Kyle McClain
Evansville, IN, USA
Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Armstrong comeback

I wish this was a world of facts. No one has ever proven Lance did anything wrong. The guy does have a ego but what athlete at this level does not? I really feel he will help the cycling industry on the domestic scene more than the average person can perceive. Coming from the sport of running to cycling I am just in awe of all the drama. I think most of all we all know if he rides he will give it his all. I personally would love to see him on a domestic team. His connection to Trek leaves him limited options, however. Also the team has to be a team capable of performing in the Tour. Is this good for the sport? Hell yeah!

Thom Suddeth

Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #2

I feel sorry for Lance. Get a life.

Aside from the fact that all the teams now are cycling teams and not just Tour de France Teams Lance would have to learn to be part of the team and support other riders. Is this the start of another reality show?

Bruce A Reyes

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #3

Thank you John from Sussex,

Precious few lucid comments can be found about Armstrong as he re-emerges for what will, at the very least, be a remarkably interesting season. As John points out, what Lance did was simply redefine professional bicycle racing - we all really need to remember that. Many will continue to spend significant portions of their lives trying to find evidence of Lance's wrong-doing. I'm guessing nothing will ever be found. Lance changed the sport with what was already inside him - something unusual and un-trainable, something he can't seem to switch off just yet. Even the naysayers will be secretly rooting for him this year.

Dean Abt
Oakland, CA, USA

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #4

Responding to Mike Guinta's letter on September 18. CSC is not in any way a weak team without Carlos. The two Schlecks will be ready for the Tour next year, and, this time, they can do what they do best: work together. It doesn't matter that they lose three of four minutes in the final TT... they'll probably gain that in the mountains anyway.

As for Lance, I can't see him not racing for Bruyneel. But we'll see. Cadel Evans will have a hard time keeping up with the rest of the favourites (maybe we'll even see him working for Kohl).

Kristian Juel
Brisbane, Australia

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #5

If Armstrong rides Georgia, the race organisers will no longer have financial difficulties for 2009.

Greg Wright
Brewster, Massachusetts, USA

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #6

Bravo John. At last a bit of sense and objectivity in this debate.

Trevor Maning
Tasmania, Australia

Sunday, September 21, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #7

Honestly, if Lance Armstrong is really about cancer awareness, then how come he is not stepping up and creating a team around Livestrong? Team Livestrong would create the awareness he is boasting that his whole comeback is about. Instead, it has been printed that he is interested in teaming up with Johan Bruyneel and Astana.

My opinion is that is all about the fame and he is bored. Two NY marathons cannot touch the same feeling of accomplishment that winning seven Tours de France does. Or maybe Im just really off the mark.

Lance, stay home, be with your kids and create more awareness by playing the good posterboy that you are.

Dave Reed
Chicago, IL, USA

Monday, September 22, 2008

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Armstrong come back #8

I absolutely agree with Mike. Now Contador is making grumbling sounds about the return of Lance. Levi and Contador shouldn't have to sacrifice any gains they've made to Lance. I doubt if Lance would go to any other team unless it used Trek bikes.

John Clayton
Petaluma, CA, USA

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #9

I think a rider who can go to the CSC team is Contador. It's obvious Riis wanted a young leader and to me Alberto would be a nice fit to this team. I can't see Lance competing against anyone other than Alberto, based on the simple fact that it would be a waste to see any of them working as domestiques. In one corner we have Lance, who earned the right to be leader just on his palmares, and in the other one you have Alberto, who is to my taste the best rider in the world right now and has definitely earned his stripes.

Guillermo Castillo
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #10

My sense is that this will be really crummy for Contador and Leipheimer. They are GC contenders, but frankly if this helps Armstrong raise even more money for cancer research, who really cares about the effects on pro bike racing. Thus far, Armstrong's organisation has raised $250 million for research.

Rob Lipton

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #11

After reading what Mike Giunta wrote I could not agree more. I have said it myself many times that it would not be fair justice to Contador and Leipheimer if he rode with Astana. I feel he would hinder the accomplishments of them both by riding with Astana. Mike said it best when he stated Lance should ride with CSC or Columbia as they both are in need of a Tour contender and would only make the Tour that much more exciting for everyone involved. If Lance was able to beat the best in the world (Contador) for number eight, then how much better would it be for his cancer research?

I would love nothing more than to see Lance win number eight, but him joining Astana would do no justice for Contador or Leipheimer.

Jeremy Ryder

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #12

I am quite happy to see the days of Lance Armstrong over. I mean, it was fun, but now that party is over and we've moved on. He doesn't need to come back and I can't seem to grasp why he believes winning another Tour de France would further the fight against cancer. He has been active in the fight on the grassroots level here in the United States. That work seems productive. Why go back. Go forward.

And anyway, after watching Contador dominate the Vuelta, it makes one think, Astana, formerly Discovery, formerly Postal, has moved on too.

John Spidaliere
Lancaster, PA, USA

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #13

I'm ready for a Lance comeback but come on, let's see something new! Go for the Tour of Italy and Spain. Tour de France - boring. Been there, done that, not interested. This year's Leadville was something new and interesting. If he did the hour record I'd be interested.

If Lance could win all three Grand Tours it would change him from a one race specialist to a superstar of cycling. If he set a new hour record, WOW!

Ray Dybowski
Waterford, Mi, USA

Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Armstrong comeback #14

The letter concerning Lance's comeback suggesting he compete in the RAAM was the best I've read on the subject. If he truly wants to raise cancer awareness, it would make infinitely more sense for him to start in his own country. Even better would be for him to organise charity events that actually involve those affected by cancer, like the American Diabetes Foundation's Tour de Cure rides, which are found in nearly every state and raise heaps of money every year. Lance has done very little for American cycling, other than being shown on TV a lot, "inspiring the next generation". You don't see him involved with the USCF, coaching, or the like. Just the odd appearance sitting next to Johan Bruyneel in a team car, or riding his bike with a movie star.

The Tour de France is the pinnacle of endurance events, takes years and years of preparation, and to my knowledge has never been used as a circus sideshow to promote a personal cause. To do so is farcical, and embarassing to anyone else that has dedicated years of their life to doing their utmost to win it. And speaking of winning it, the man has been out of professional competition for three long years, and having pretensions of making a comeback at age 37 to a fitness level necessary to even be competitive is delusional.

The New York Marathon and the Leadville 100 are hardly feeder events for the Tour de France. When he came back a decade ago, he worked on his fitness for five months full bore, targeted the Vuelta, then did well in the world's, trained all winter long, raced very well in the spring Classics, and went on to win the Tour. What he is doing now is a far cry from that sort of preparation, never mind the fact that his body has aged ten years since then. Does anyone really believe he'd be lying fourth overall in this year's Vuelta if he were there, the way he was a decade ago?

Above and beyond that are the hurdles he would face even getting back into the European peloton. It's extremely selfish to ask any team to put all their Tour plans on hold so he can appoint himself team leader for one year with no guarantees of even being in the running after the first mountain stage. How much awareness can an also-ran raise? If he's unable to make the top five, what has he done other than ruin his reputation? Besides, how many times during his seven wins did we hear him say, "This is for all those touched by cancer"? Isn't it time for a new platform?

From the outside looking in, it seems little more than a matter of personal pride. He no longer makes $20 million a year, his star power is on the wane, and he's young, rich, and retired. It's extremely selfish to force his way back into professional cycling, where many people were glad to finally be rid of his domineering ways, just in a thinly-veiled attempt to get his name back in the headlines. Laurent Jalabert has become a bit of a triathlete and marathoner himself. Maybe he could make a comeback as well, and the two could duke it out over the King of the Mountains jersey, since no one else seems interested in it. That's probably the only jersey within Lance's reach next July.

Matt Jennings
Georgetown, KY, USA

Saturday, September 20, 2008

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Armstrong riding for Astana

What does Armstrong coming back to Astana do for Contador? I'm sorry, Lance was a great champion, but the time is now for Contador. Astana can't ask him to give up his Tour leadership, just so Lance can come back and compete in the Tour for one or two years max. I'll say this again, Lance isn't even the best rider on Astana anymore. So I actually hope Contador leaves Astana now. You can't have the Tour leadership divided, it just will not work.

So Astana has a choice: give Lance your leadership role for a year or two, while only getting at most two GC titles, and basically lose Contador. People must realise that Contador's upside is a lot more than Lance and has shown in the fact that he won two of the three big races this year, and all three within 18 months. I hope Contador leaves just for the sake of great racing.

Imagine Contador giving 'the look' to Lance, and riding away on top of a mountain. The Tour will be better if Contador and Lance are not on the same team, and Contador deserves to be a leader of a Tour team, not to play lieutenant to Lance.

Brooks Doughtie

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Armstrong riding for Astana #2

At time of writing, it looks increasing likely that the re-launched, re-branded and re-ego-loaded Lance Armstrong will return to Johan Bruneel's squad and in the process, most likely demote the extremely competent Alberto Contador to the role of super-domestique.

On the face of it this must be extremely demoralising for the young, triple Grand Tour winner. I feel for Alberto. Then again, as normally occurs in cycling, the road may well decide the true hierarchy come next July. It would be no surprise to find Armstrong having to content himself with a super-domestique role at the side of the classiest and most able pure climber in the business - Contador. This may not sit well with Armstrong's ego, but it may be all his more mature legs are willing to allow him.

Alberto should not be too worried: jogging marathons and doing pro-am MTB events is not even in the same solar system as succeeding in pro cycling at the highest level. Armstrong of all people should know and respect this fact.

As a final word of encouragement to Alberto, he should perhaps recall the 1996 music awards in the UK when the late Michael Hutchence of INXS presented an award to Liam Gallagher of Oasis. Gallagher famously lectured the INXS singer that, "has-beens shouldn't be presenting awards to gonna-bes".

Philip Addyman
Newcastle, UK

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Lance riding for Astana #3

Personally, I'd like to see Armstrong on a team other than Astana because Bruyneel obviously has the formula for creating champions. Take Leipheimer, for example. Here's a guy who, a few years ago when he rode on Gerolsteiner, made the Giro his main goal but lost over five minutes in a Giro time trial. With Bruyneel he's winning TdF TTs by minutes and climbing away from Sastre. You could say that Bruyneel is a master of bringing riders to a super peak for certain races, but Contador won the Giro on one week's notice! Unbelievable.

Would Lance be unbeatable without access to the magical Bruyneel formula? Could he match the Astana boys? That would be a horse race.

Dan Hill
Pekin, Il, USA

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Armstrong's return

I am always amazed at the lack of due process cyclists offer Armstrong. If they have proof he doped, bring it forward and have it investigated. If not, shut up and let the man pursue the career he chooses. If he thinks he can win, let him roll the dice. He may end up laughing hysterically at himself on the side of the road on the Tour, but then that's okay because he chose to race. He might also win an eighth.

What this news has done is create interest in a sport that was dwindling. All of a sudden my home - very close to the last two stages of the Tour of California (which Lance intends to race in) - is in high demand for bedspace and home cooking, come February. People are interested again, and if he is able to leverage that interest to more donations to his cancer causes, great. Good for him.

Shawn Rohrbach

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Armstrong's return #2

With all of the talk around Armstrong's return to cycling, I'd like to send an open email to any company who's contemplating sponsoring a team that Armstrong may be part of.

To those companies, please be advised that, if you do support Armstrong's comeback - either via personally sponsoring him or sponsoring a team that he is a member of - I will immediately cease using and purchasing any of your goods and services. The following seeks to explain my reasons for this decision.

To my mind, the era that Armstrong is associated with is one of the darker eras in cycling's past. The debate will rage forever on whether or not his performance was tainted, and I'm not going to get into my opinions on that here. However, as one of the highest profile riders of an era when a significant number of other high profile riders have either been caught or admitted taking drugs, his performance attracts a certain amount of guilt by association.

Whether this is fair or not isn't the issue - perception matches reality in these situations (be that for better or worse). That some of the riders from that general era have turned over a new leaf and become strong advocates for clean riding (eg, Riis in his capacity as a manager and Millar via his role as a senior rider for Garmin-Chipotle) is a credit to them - but I haven't seen similar actions from Armstrong.

To my mind, anyone supporting this comeback is at best stopping cycling moving forward and exorcising a demon that it really needs to put to rest. At worst, it is delaying and perpetuating the remnants of a culture that is unhealthy (in both senses of the word).

I realise that I am only one consumer, and accordingly don't expect you to build your corporate strategy around my one email. However, I'd also suggest that there are others out there who hold similar views to myself - and perhaps colletively there may be a voice worth listening to? Regardless, this is something that I feel sufficiently strongly about to express my concerns in this manner.

C Wadsworth
Wellington, New Zealand

Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Armstrong's return #3

Would it be possible for Lance to create or sponsor a team so that it was called Fight for Cancer. I know it costs a lot to run a team, but he has stated his goal is to raise cancer awareness, what better way then with a team name shouting it out? He has already been in contact with the UCI to start being tested months ago, what else has he lined up we are not aware of and everyone is keeping it hush.

Dana P. Lemieux
Manchester, NH

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Lance's return #4

If Lance truly wanted to make an impact on cancer awareness, the man should have ponied up his vast resources and friends and create a special team dedicated to the task. A new fresh team would allow him to accomplish his specific goals. He can afford whoever and whatever he wants, and can get the sponsors to do it. A perfect example is Team Type I - a Type One Diabetes awareness project, staffed by professional cyclists, several of whom have Type One Diabetes

By moving into Astana he has taken the the Kazakh team hostage for his own use and obliterated its message of support for the Kazakh Cycling Federation and Kazakhstan as a whole, for that matter. Its silly for Astana and its sponsor's message to be diluted with Lance's cancer aware aspirations, however noble and significant that they might be. Its just a matter of time before Astana realises they are not getting the type of attention they want and will cease being sponsors. The loss of any financial sponsor is something professional cycling can ill afford.

Patrick Gormley
Baltimore, MD, USA

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Guilty by association

In response to Dave Shephard, you are half right. That also makes you half wrong. While Lance has never tested postive there were headlines surrounding urine taken at the 1999 Tour. While he was cleared of any wrongdoing and the results should never have been made public, the fact remains that there was some doubt. That is enough for me and most.

Regarding the notion that Lance will be thoroughly tested by Astana and its in-house testing system (should he return to that team), I suggest that the only truly credible testing will have to be external.

Lance, don't come back. If you win, no-one who doubts you now will be won over, and will your foundation really benefit more than it already has? Your comeback smacks of hubris or even merely an opportunity to thumb your nose at the ASO. Your fans, your cancer foundation, and all the cancer survivors in the world deserve better than that.

Mark Williams
North Carolina, USA

Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Guilty by association #2

Kudos Mr. Shephard! Bravo! Your well-put, well thought-out commentary is right on spot. I have yet to see any 'profesional' sports columnists write so eloquently about LA's return. Thanks again for your insight.

Matt Garcia
Paint Rock,Texas, USA

Sunday, September 21, 2008

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Guilty by association #3

In response to Dave Shepherd, it doesn't matter how many drug tests you take these days, if you have designer drugs you won't be caught, a la Marion Jones. She passed every drug test and repeatedly stated she was clean, only to confess when told that her supplier would expose her. I would love to believe that Lance has been clean, but how can he explain how he demolished Jan Ullrich, the man Armstrong claimed was the most gifted cyclist and that most people now believe was taking drugs on the Tour?

A clean athlete wouldn't be able to beat a gifted athlete on drugs. These days when you have similar attacks (Ricardo Ricco in this year's Tour), they are all looked on suspiciously and with just reason. Maybe we should just let them all use drugs, as that is the only way at present to ensure a level playing field. Until we can get drug tests that are 100% effective, I guess we'll just have to take all riders statements that they're clean with a grain of salt.

Alan Tomasic
Melbourne, Australia

Monday, September 22, 2008

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Lance Armstrong and Taylor Phinney

I had not realized how distrustful I was of Lance Armstrong and the way he does business until I read today that Taylor Phinney had been drawn into his operation. As the plausible future of US cycling, Taylor seemed likely to be well looked-after by Jonathan Vaughters and his organisation, whereas there is reason to question whether the new U23 team built around Taylor is just a public-relations apparatus to advance Mr. Armstrong's personal agenda.

Lance has re-entered cycling, certain to draw criticism for pushing younger riders out of the limelight; Alberto Contador is one example, but there are quite a few others who'll find the ground shifting under their feet. Launching a development team provides Lance with cover on this front, and is a sound tactical manoeuver to blunt this line of criticism. Lance has a tough-talking drug tester telling the press how Lance will of course have the most 'aggressive' internal drug testing in cycling, which sounds reasonable as everything Lance undertakes seems to have a tone of aggression to it. This new team could still be a good place for young riders to develop, but I really hope that Taylor and his mother and father know what they are doing.

Marshall Dawson
Chicago, Il, USA

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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The resurrection of Lance

Astana's acceptance of Lance Armstrong as a co/leader with Contador is a slap in the face to Contador. And what about Levi Leipheimer who has worked so hard to get to the level he is at now? Both Contador and Leipheimer should jump ship and leave Astana with the Lance Dog & Pony Show.

John Clayton

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Recent letters pages

Letters 2008

  • September 18: Armstrong come back, All round classification, Madiot's need to explain himself, Does doping work?, Exciting racing!, Contador and the Vuelta, Lance on Astana?, Say it isn’t So Lance!, ARD not looking forward to Armstrong return, Guilty by association, Garzelli, Scott Spark project bike
  • September 12: Does doping work?, Scott Spark ultralight bike, Cadel stays with Silence-Lotto?, Vuelta, Giro, Tour triple, All round classification, Editorialising / opinion within articles, Do it twice or until you get it right, Olympic mountain biking, Say it isn't so Lance!, Armstrong come back, BMX....That's all?
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  • August 19: Therapeutic Use Exemptions - please explain, Carlos Sastre, Riccò confesses to using EPO, Lance and the doping debate, Cadel Evans and the Beige Jersey, Bring back bonus seconds to liven le Tour, Crank Length formula, Thank you, Confused
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  • May 1: Race radio?, Basso gets a contract, Advise needed for Alpe D'Huez, LeMond vs. Armstrong, Bottles, Scars of war, ProTour in Russia! China? Ahem... America?, LeMond's 1989 TdF, Mayo?, Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris, Have any French riders had to give up their jerseys?
  • April 25: Just shut up and ride, ProTour in Russia! China? Ahem...America?, Bottles, LeMond's 1989 TdF, New format for the Vuelta? , Scars of war, LeMond v. Armstrong, No tour for Astana #1, Rock Racing rip off #1, Advise needed for Alpe D'Huez, Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris
  • April 18: Just shut up and ride, USA Track Cycling, Paris-Roubaix, Little Indy 500 - Women's Race Article, Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris-Roubaix, What's happening to road tubeless?, Thanks Cyclingnews, Bottles, Just think?, Tour of Georgia - Lame, Colavita, No tour for Astana, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Suggestions for the little bullies, Rock Racing rip off, LeMond Vs. Trek
  • April 10: Suggestions for the little bullies, Pat McQuaid, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Just think, Trek vs. LeMond, Rock Racing rip off, Homepage overhaul, Some praise, USA track cycling, Team car order just the first gamble, Come on Greg & Lance, LeMond vs. Armstrong
  • April 3: Pat McQuaid, April fools, Carbon Wrap-It System, Sylvain Chavanel, Astana vs. Rabobank vs. Slipstream Chipotle, Cadel Evans, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Colavita, Let VDB ride?, Race radios, Rock Racing rip off
  • March 27: Riccardo's manner of professionalism, Rock Racing rip off, Chavanel's Paris - Nice shoes, Cadel Evans, Cadel Evans at Paris - Nice, Let VDB ride?, ASO vs. Astana, ASO vs. UCI help me with my memory, Astana vs. Rabobank vs. Slipstream Chipotle, Police kill cyclists,"PRO"cycling teams
  • March 20:"Pro"Cycling Teams, AIGCP does have a choice, ASO vs UCI help me with my memory, ASO vs. Astana, Chavanel's Paris - Nice shoes, Kevin van Impe's doping control, Cadel Evans at Paris - Nice, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto, and the ToCA, Paris - Nice: What it could have been, Police kill cyclists, The Astana affair, UCI hypocrisy
  • March 13:"Pro"Cycling Teams, ASO vs. Astana, ASO vs. UCI, ASOh well, UCI'll see you later, Cycling fans must let their voices be heard, Denounce ASO's actions for what they are, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto, and the ToCA, Knife between the ribs?, Paris Nice, Police kill cyclists, British track sprinters' helmets?, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, The Astana affair, The real ASO problem, Tour and ASO, UCI - very bad poker players, UCI hypocrisy.
  • March 6: Zirbel and the"ride of his life", British track sprinters' helmets, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto and the ToCA, Three grand tours or five monuments?, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, Pro cycling is dead, Paris - Nice, Knife between the ribs?, Doping and the Tour, Astana, the ASO and the UCI, ASO vs. Astana, The Astana affair, ASO vs. UCI vs. AIGCP vs. the non existent riders, The real ASO problem, Denounce ASO's actions for what they are, Sponsorship code of ethics, Where are the other ProTour teams?, ProTour vs. ASO
  • February 28: ASO vs. Astana, Passion and sponsorship, Crash or crash through, Pro cycling is dead, Why we must have the ProTour, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, ToC and Rock, The hidden message behind banning Astana, ASO is killing cycling, ASO could be right, The real ASO problem, UCI - draw a line in the sand, ASO has lost the plot, The Astana affair, Astana and ASO/RCS, the Astana decision, Operacion Puerto, Old rider classification
  • February 15: Doping controls, Tour of California moving up!, Why I love the Tour of California, Operation Puerto, Astana rejected by ASO, Boycott ASO, ASO - stop the madness, Tour de France, ASO is wrong to exclude Astana, Astana, ASO, and the NFL, Tour de Farce, The hidden message behind banning Astana, Astana exclusion, ASO is killing cycling, Astana out of Tour, ASO has lost the plot
  • February 8: Lampre doping controls, Grand Tour Monopoly?, Giro selections, Slipstream Qatar, Allan Davis, Sheldon Brown, Dick Pound to head CAS?, Find out who's leaking lab results, Rock racing
  • February 1: UCI vs. Grand Tour war, Best wishes to Anna, The incident, Rock racing & Starbucks, Rock racing Rocks, Rock racing, Landis in NUE, Lance is the best of all time, Sinkewitz logic, Astana for 08 Tour?
  • January 25: Rock racing, Time to draw a line in the sand, ASO vs. UCI ProTour, UCI vs. Grand Tour war spills over to European federations, Readers' poll stage races 2007, Cyclist of the year, Team High Road's black kit, Lance is the best of all time, Landis in NUE, Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 18: Cadel Evans - returns to training, Cyclist of the Year, DOPING - time to draw a line in the sand, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, Lance is the best of all time, Readers poll: best stage races 2007, Rock racing, Speaking about Lance, Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 11: Armstrong on Landis, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, Ivan Basso - why no tough questions?, Reader Poll, Rock & burn racing, Speaking about Lance, Sydor's consistency, The 'Bruyneel philosophy', Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 5: Great day for cycling, Sydor's consistency, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, CA awards misses national series, Thank you, Ivan Basso - why no tough questions?, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Helmets belong on heads, Armstrong on Landis, Will there be a Tour of Missouri?, Roberto Heras, Speaking about Lance, Mayo's B Sample

Letters 2007

  • December 27: CA awards misses national series, Armstrong on Landis, Vinokourov's sentence, Vinokourov, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Mayo's B sample to get B test
  • December 14: Sydor's consistency, George Hincapie, Helmet straps must be cinched a bit too tight, Will there soon be a sample"C"test?, ProTour, Vino's joke of a suspension, Mafioso McQuaid, Obee and Health Net, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Campagnolo offers its own 'red' shifter, T-Mobile's withdrawal a blow to Jaksche
  • December 6: Tschüss T-Mobile, Anquetil, Mayo's B sample to get B test, T-Mobile drop out, Obee and Health Net, Stefano Zanini
  • November 30: Anquetil,Mayo's B sample to get B test, Stefano Zanini, Rider's passport, Betting, Jonathan Page, Wake up!!, T-Mobile drop out, Bike design originality
  • November 23: Remembering Jacques Anquetil, Done looking back, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Cross crank, Rider's passport, Blood passports and humanity, Fothen's comments on Bettini, Nathan O'Neill , Sinkewitz, Rasmussen blood values, Sponsorship strangeness, Dick Pound better understood, Bike design originality,
  • November 16: Nathan O'Neill, Rasmussen blood values, The Crocodile Trophy, Sinkewitz, Drug testing procedures, Rider's passport, The drug issue, Bike design originality , Sponsorship strangeness, Selfishness will ruin cycling
  • November 9: The Crocodile Trophy, A little bit of bias here?, Rider's passport, Kasheckin, Positive tests, Drug testing procedures, Marco Pinotti: Engineering a new path, Bike design originality
  • November 2: What does this mean?, Le Tour 08, Mayo's B sample, Bike design originality, Trimble, UCI says Mayo case not closed, Drug testing procedures ... and false positives, Kashechkin: controls violate human rights, Drug testing procedures, Mayo, UCI, Kashechkin, et al... Great, now it's coming from both ends, Positive tests, Why even bother with B samples then?, Mayo's positive EPO test, Falling barriers
  • October 26: Rider passports & Cadel Evans, Drug testing procedures ... and false positives, Iban Mayo's false positive, Iban Mayo and Landis, Armstrong on Landis, Mayo's B sample, UCI turns Mayo's case into a debaucle, they hand pick the results, No justice for Mayo, UCI says Mayo case not closed, Bike design originality, 2006 Tour de France, A bad week for cycling, A fitting end to the season
  • October 19: 2006 Grand Tour trifecta!, 2006 Tour de France, A fitting end to the season, Armstrong on Landis, Bike design originality, doping in cycling, Doping numbers, Paris-Tours testing mishap, UCI and the lack of testing!, Vino's other Tour stage win, The absolute best?
  • October 12: Armstrong on Landis, Bike design originality, Cycling drama, Doping is unfair; but so is discrimination, It’s not doping that's..., Landis case - everyone's a loser, Length and cost of the Landis case, R & R, The Landis decision, Tour of America
  • October 5: Cycle drama, It's not doping that's"killing"the sport, Why is VAM a benchmark, Tour of America, The Landis decision, DYNEPO, Worlds, Rock & Republic's CEO Michael Ball, Please explain, Giuseppe Guerini, FICP
  • September 28: Tour of America, World champion zany-ness, The Landis decision, ASO v UCI, McQuaid vs ASO vs the riders, Please explain, Why is VAM a benchmark, Giuseppe Guerini, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, ProTour and Le Tour, Where is the due process
  • September 21: Astana's future and Bruyneel, Bruyneel's afterlife, Floyd Landis decision, Why is VAM a benchmark, Lifetime bans, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Spanish cycling, Where is the due process
  • September 14: Astana & Bruyneel, Cycling vs. soccer, Cycling will survive, Floyd Landis decision, LeMond's comments, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Why is VAM a benchmark?
  • September 7: Cycling vs. soccer, Floyd Landis decision, UCI, ASO, LeMond, et al who cares? Riders, Lawyers in the Landis case, LeMond's comments, Riders taking the fall?, US Postal/Discovery R.I.P.

The complete Cyclingnews letters archive