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Letters to Cyclingnews - July 24, 2008

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One question & two predictions about the Tour
A bike by any other name
ASO, doping and Astana
Beating a dead horse, but...
Boycott le Tour and Olympics
Cascade Cycling Classic accident
Cleaning up cycling, a suggestion


Quotes from Egoi Martinez on Cyclingnews:

"Fifty kilometres before the finish Gerrans began to say that he was not in good form, that he lacked strength, and that he would not be able to fight for the stage victory," Martínez told Spanish newspaper Marca. "Gerrans said that he would settle for reaching the finish line with me and being second. So when he was not able to follow on the ascent to the Prato Nevoso, we waited for him."

So how about it? Does Gerrans have anything to say about his alleged behaviour in the most recent stage? If Martinez is being truthful, then Gerrans outright lied to him about his intentions for the stage. It's one thing to pretend being tired to fool the competition, but it's quite another thing to outright lie to your competitors, particularly if they did him the favour of waiting for him to get back on! Very low class....

Ken Wilson

Monday, July 21, 2008

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One question & two predictions about the Tour

Question - the ‘Souvenir Henri Desgrange’ is described as a prize given to the rider who crosses the highest peak on the Tour route each year. This is most often the Galibier, where the memorial to Desgrange is located. Records indicate that Schumacher won it this year, crossing the Galibier today before the rest. However, this year, the highest peak was Bonette-Restefond, was it not? Why did Augustyn not get the prize? God knows he probably needs the $$ to buy Barloworld a new bike after dumping his down the screed slope not 5 minutes later.

Predictions - I think Menchov is the only real threat to Evans winning right now...based solely on the results of the first time trial. Frank Schleck, Sastre and Kohl all finished about a minute and a half back of Evans during stage 4. Saturday’s TT is almost double the distance, so one could logically conclude that Evans (as long as he says cool and focused) will take back 2 - 3 minutes on all of them.

Prediction #2 - Seems to me that Schumacher has potential to win the Tour one day soon. The man can climb and time-trial. Now if he can only stay on his bike.

Tom Wojcik
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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A bike by any other name

I reckon I've worked out what's causing the problems with use of banned substances in the Saunier-Duval team (Iban Mayo last year, Riccò and co this year)...its the bike!

Why? Because they ride the Scott Addict. I reckon Scott just needs to change the name of their top flight rig to something like: the Clean, or the Anti-Dope or the Just Say No, and their problems will evaporate like ice in a summer alpine breeze.

Rick O'Brien
Sydney Australia

Saturday, July 19, 2008

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ASO, doping and Astana

After 3 doping stories at this year's Tour de France I find that ASO's political stance "against" doping to be a bit of a joke. They push away the UCI with a decent background of anti-doping work through the biological passport among other things. They exclude Astana based upon "doping practices" while Astana have the same in house anti-doping protocol as Garmin-Chipotle, Columbia, and CSC-Saxo Bank.

The ASO lets teams in like Barloworld, Saunier Duval - Scott, and Liquigas all of which have no programs in place. And now ASO are shouting about why people are still doping! Well, maybe you should let in those teams that are united in a fight against doping instead of excluding them from the race because of something that a different team that happened to have the same colours and name did for the 2 previous years.

I'm sorry but ASO is a joke, and until they stop being complete hypocrites I cannot take them seriously!

Samuel Brower
Normal, IL

Monday, July 21, 2008

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ASO, doping and Astana #2

Well buddy, I'm not watching the Tour this year and am I missing anything? Hell no. Same story as last year except with different players. Contador is the best out there and ASO is still wrong for not allowing the best team to ride.

I get it alright, new drugs will always come out and will be used by many riders until testing catches up. So here is to Riccò and all the rest!

Jeff Miranda
Thursday, July 17, 2008

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ASO, doping and Astana #3

Do a little research on Johan Bruyneel and his days riding for Manolo Saiz during which the former earned the nickname "The Hog.”

Astana is perpetuating the culture of professional cycling that applauded Lance Armstrong for chasing down Fillipo Simeoni at the '05 Tour. I, for one, am glad that ASO flexed some muscle in the direction of Bruyneel (and the retired Armstrong). Gee, do those guys feel bullied? Karma is a tough, fellas.

Michael De Serb
Los Angeles, CA

Monday, July 21, 2008

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Beating a dead horse, but...

I suppose this is in no way a novel thought, but shouldn't Liquigas and Barloworld join Saunier Duval and now be out this years race and the 2009 TdF, following the Astana model (but ignoring the Rabobank, Cofidis, etc free pass model)?

Maybe the question is moot. As I've been saying for a year, you'll stop doping if TdF declares that any rider testing positive will result in the immediate removal of his team from the race and no invite for anyone associated with the team the following year.

Harsh? Yes, but what's missing is real management and team accountability. Hit them in the pocketbook and they'll invest time and money testing their riders and keeping a motherly watch. This level of management accountability is maybe easier to understand, but punish the other riders?

I wonder how many team-mates of the riders that tested positive discussed doping and asked the questions, set the proper expectations, and supported a drug-free culture? And I don't discount the power of peer pressure, knowing that if you test positive, 50 other people (riders, support staff, management) will greatly suffer. I'd bet a positive rider might need police protection from the team!

This approach will only work and be fair if it is announced right after this year's Tour. And of course every race organizer (now that the ProTour is dead) can make a similar declaration at the end of each of their events.

Darrel Stickler
San Mateo, California, USA

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Boycott le Tour and Olympics

I find it interesting that you raise Thomas Jefferson in relation to human rights; this would be the same Thomas Jefferson who owned slaves! Obviously Thomas Jefferson was not too concerned about the rights of his slaves.

Have you asked yourself the question of what has happened to your freedom of speech under the Patriot act? What about Habeas Corpus?

If you or any athlete does not agree with the obligations you must abide by when you enter China, don’t go. I think they call that a boycott.

Topic for 25th July: The death penalty and cycling, yay or nay?

Kane Harnden

Friday, July 18, 2008

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Boycott le Tour and Olympics #2

It’s a sporting event, not a chance to recruit. And don’t tell me that America doesn’t censor what it finds to be dangerous to its own ideology.

But no because it’s the Christian Bible then you should be able to take crate loads over. China is far from perfect and yes it’s silly to ban something like the bible but its their country and they make the rules, live with it.

Richard Hinsliff
Friday, July 18, 2008

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Boycott le Tour and Olympics #3

Charlie Mack, as Thomas Henry Huxley is reputed to have said of Bishop Wilberforce during debates on Darwinism, "Lord, he has delivered himself into my hands."

Without casting an opinion upon the gist of your argument, you might want to reconsider your opinion of the French, and the brilliance of your own country's constitution, in light of the fact that it was the French philosopher Voltaire who said "I may not agree with what you say"

Thomas Jefferson had nothing to do with the matter, your Founding Fathers did not have commerce with China in mind when they adopted the essential elements of your constitution, and to claim some sacred rights from a document of that age - of another time - perhaps betrays stagnant thoughts rather than the immutable truth of things.

Alex Wheaton

Friday, July 18, 2008 17:09:14 +0930

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Boycott le Tour and Olympics #4

To begin with Voltaire actually said that quote.

Secondly Americans should not let their cultural imperialism dictate the terms of others political and social lives. China has a right to their own view and yes America has a right to theirs also. I can assume that you would not be too keen if every athlete was handed out a copy of Mao's little red book or a copy of the Bhagavad Ghita, Tibetan Book of the Dead or the Koran. This is not a game of ideals and of hegemony, if certain athletes are keen to have a Bible with them let them bring their own.

Just so you know I have faith and it is strong enough that I don't feel the need to shout if from the roof tops or choose not to fully understand the nature of the separation of church and state. I suggest you read a book called The Godless Constitution.

Let the sports men and women be sports men and women.

Max Lunt

Sunday, July 20, 2008

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Cascade Cycling Classic accident

The incident in Cascade involving Ben Brooks, a former team-mate of mine, could have easily been avoided if the race organizers had placed something over the wide gap in the centre of the cattle guard which ran parallel to the direction in which we were riding. Most cattle guards, world wide, have gaps that run perpendicular to the direction of the road. That is fine, but when there is a large gap in the centre which is parallel to the direction in which one is racing, it's unacceptably dangerous, especially when it can easily be covered.

Ben is an experienced and competent bike rider. When one is going at 40 mph in a bunch, it isn't always possible to avoid the unexpected. A "normal" cattle guard constitutes a normal hazard, but the cattle guard in question was far from normal. It was extremely dangerous. As the race is run regularly along the same rout, I believe that it is the organizers responsibility to cover that gap. It would be easy to do, and be in everyone's best interests. Obviously organizers can't eliminate every hazard, but they should eliminate the ones they can.

Darren Lill
BMC Pro Cycling Team

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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Cleaning up cycling, a suggestion

Dear Cyclingnews,

I suggest that you go back through all the pages surrounding the Tour and add a strike-through over the names and deeds of the doping competitors. It galls me that so much was written about these riders' feats and that coverage continues to exist on-line unblemished.

Adding the strike-throughs won't rewrite the stories, but it will be an expression of our community's revulsion. As it stands all of us are burdened with the parallel story lines: what we thought and felt before the cheats were revealed, and how the narrative was changed since. The pain we feel is largely a result of holding these simultaneous threads in our minds. Striking-throughs would make clear their deceit as well as our proper reaction.

I am sure that if you take this step, other web sites will do so as well. If we, the true fans and participants of cycling, make clear that only a disgrace that destroys a personal history is the future of doping, it will expire.

And in the unlikely event that a rider is cleared, removing the strike-throughs would be simple.

Fred Hawkins

Friday, July 18, 2008

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Letters 2008

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  • July 15: Tour de France: Stage 3 - The Badger is back!, Thor Hushovd's Look, Riccó uses outdated bike in ITT, Boycott le Tour and Olympics, Astana and the Tour, Romain Feillu, Cascade Cycling Classic accident, LeMond: Cycling doesn't need UCI, Tour de France accident, We Might As Well Win Review, Evans shoe covers, Pure climbers, Why on earth Danielson?, Historical information, Stefan Schumacher loses yellow, Sylvain Chavanel, Yet another...Manual Beltran, Stage 10 coverage was a treat!
  • July 10: Stefan Schumacher, LeMond: Cycling doesn't need UCI, Excellent article - ASO v's UCI, Insulting comment, Romain Feillu, Pure climbers are they a thing of the past?, Evans and shoe covers, Evans to wear number one in Tour, Djamolidine Abdoujaparov, Experience with UST Mountain Tires, Boycott le Tour and Olympics, Astana and the Tour, Riders stuck in the middle, Oval bars, Landis decision
  • July 4: WADA, Inconsistent Lab Analysis, and Landis, Rabobank and the Tour, ASO and past Tour winners, Landis decision, Teenager mauled by bear in Anchorage, Evans to wear number one in Tour, Experience with UST Mountain Tires, iPods while riding, Erik Zabel, Oval bars, ASO's hidden agenda, Joe Magnani, Djamolidine Abdoujaparov, Giro, ASO's world domination, Ban Boonen?, A Hollow Tour Victory
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Letters 2007

  • December 27: CA awards misses national series, Armstrong on Landis, Vinokourov's sentence, Vinokourov, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Mayo's B sample to get B test
  • December 14: Sydor's consistency, George Hincapie, Helmet straps must be cinched a bit too tight, Will there soon be a sample"C"test?, ProTour, Vino's joke of a suspension, Mafioso McQuaid, Obee and Health Net, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Campagnolo offers its own 'red' shifter, T-Mobile's withdrawal a blow to Jaksche
  • December 6: Tschüss T-Mobile, Anquetil, Mayo's B sample to get B test, T-Mobile drop out, Obee and Health Net, Stefano Zanini
  • November 30: Anquetil,Mayo's B sample to get B test, Stefano Zanini, Rider's passport, Betting, Jonathan Page, Wake up!!, T-Mobile drop out, Bike design originality
  • November 23: Remembering Jacques Anquetil, Done looking back, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Cross crank, Rider's passport, Blood passports and humanity, Fothen's comments on Bettini, Nathan O'Neill , Sinkewitz, Rasmussen blood values, Sponsorship strangeness, Dick Pound better understood, Bike design originality,
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  • November 9: The Crocodile Trophy, A little bit of bias here?, Rider's passport, Kasheckin, Positive tests, Drug testing procedures, Marco Pinotti: Engineering a new path, Bike design originality
  • November 2: What does this mean?, Le Tour 08, Mayo's B sample, Bike design originality, Trimble, UCI says Mayo case not closed, Drug testing procedures ... and false positives, Kashechkin: controls violate human rights, Drug testing procedures, Mayo, UCI, Kashechkin, et al... Great, now it's coming from both ends, Positive tests, Why even bother with B samples then?, Mayo's positive EPO test, Falling barriers
  • October 26: Rider passports & Cadel Evans, Drug testing procedures ... and false positives, Iban Mayo's false positive, Iban Mayo and Landis, Armstrong on Landis, Mayo's B sample, UCI turns Mayo's case into a debaucle, they hand pick the results, No justice for Mayo, UCI says Mayo case not closed, Bike design originality, 2006 Tour de France, A bad week for cycling, A fitting end to the season
  • October 19: 2006 Grand Tour trifecta!, 2006 Tour de France, A fitting end to the season, Armstrong on Landis, Bike design originality, doping in cycling, Doping numbers, Paris-Tours testing mishap, UCI and the lack of testing!, Vino's other Tour stage win, The absolute best?
  • October 12: Armstrong on Landis, Bike design originality, Cycling drama, Doping is unfair; but so is discrimination, It’s not doping that's..., Landis case - everyone's a loser, Length and cost of the Landis case, R & R, The Landis decision, Tour of America
  • October 5: Cycle drama, It's not doping that's"killing"the sport, Why is VAM a benchmark, Tour of America, The Landis decision, DYNEPO, Worlds, Rock & Republic's CEO Michael Ball, Please explain, Giuseppe Guerini, FICP
  • September 28: Tour of America, World champion zany-ness, The Landis decision, ASO v UCI, McQuaid vs ASO vs the riders, Please explain, Why is VAM a benchmark, Giuseppe Guerini, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, ProTour and Le Tour, Where is the due process
  • September 21: Astana's future and Bruyneel, Bruyneel's afterlife, Floyd Landis decision, Why is VAM a benchmark, Lifetime bans, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Spanish cycling, Where is the due process
  • September 14: Astana & Bruyneel, Cycling vs. soccer, Cycling will survive, Floyd Landis decision, LeMond's comments, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Why is VAM a benchmark?
  • September 7: Cycling vs. soccer, Floyd Landis decision, UCI, ASO, LeMond, et al who cares? Riders, Lawyers in the Landis case, LeMond's comments, Riders taking the fall?, US Postal/Discovery R.I.P.

The complete Cyclingnews letters archive