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11th Telekom Malaysia Tour de Langkawi - 2.HC

Malaysia, February 3-12, 2006

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Stage 6 - Wednesday, February 8: Shah Alam - Tampin , 187.7km

Une bonne échappée pour Laurent

By Anthony Tan & Shane Stokes in Tampin

Laurent Mangel (AG2R Prevoyance)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

Today, a long day produced a great escape. At the finish in Tampin, eleven seconds separated eight riders from the peloton after 178.7 kilometres' racing, but for 24 year-old Frenchman Laurent Mangel (AG2R Prevoyance), he didn't care, outfoxing Gene Bates (LPR) and Yohann Le Boulanger (Bouygues Telecom) to take his biggest career win to date.

A team that did care was the South African team of yellow jersey David George, whose troops spent much of their energy keeping the break's two most dangerous riders - Spaniard Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Relax-Gam, 7th at the start of the day @ 4'40) and David McCann (Giant-Asia @ 9'52) - in check and under control.

"Well, credit has to go to the team today," said the 29 year-old from Cape Town. "It's never easy to defend a race with five or six guys - normally there's seven or eight - but my guys gave it everything today. It was a very aggressive stage, one attack after the next, and there was a few guys we were worried about, so we could never sit up and let the break go."

With 20 kilometres remaining, their break's advantage was a tentative two minutes and four seconds, making it anyone's game, and Mangel admitted a number of permutations were going through his mind at that point. "When the peloton started coming across, that put a bit of pressure on us; it wasn't easy knowing what the right tactic to adopt was, so I focused mainly on the strongest men in the breakaway," he said.

And who were those strong men?

David McCann (Giant-Asia)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

"The two riders from LPR, they seemed to be keeping some strength for the finish," responded Mangel, speaking of Gene Bates and Massimo Iannetti, the only team to have two riders represented in the move. "And that strong guy from Giant [David McCann, Giant-Asia], who rode exceptionally after breaking away by himself earlier in the stage - they were the strongest, but in the end, we were all exhausted."

Said a visibly disappointed Bates, who came agonisingly close after being struck by stomach troubles throughout the night, "We did everything we could - Massimo [Iannetti] rode his heart out for me and just to get beaten on the line like that is frustrating.

"I woke up this morning and was on a mission to prove that I'm not just here to play around. I got in that break and we were just there all day; I thought maybe it will stay away and it did... but yeah, very disappointing at this stage," was all the Australian could say.

While Bates thought Shinichi Fukushima's attack just before the kilometre to go banner was going to win the day, Mangel, who only turned professional for AG2R Prevoyance last year and until today, had just one significant result on his palmarès when he won the second stage of the Boucles de la Mayenne in June 2004, was sure it wasn't.

"No at all," the Frenchman said.

"He [Fukushima] attacked down the right hand side - I counter-attacked soon after that because I didn't want the gap to get too big... if he got more than 100 metres, the race would have been over with everyone watching each other a lot."

Gene Bates (LPR) of Australia
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

Added Bates, "I think the Bouygues Telecom guy [Le Boulanger] realised he wasn't going to win so he lead it out; then we just gathered speed I was coming at him [Mangel] that fast that I thought I could roll him at the line, but he beat me by a bike length."

Judging by the riders' faces and the four DNFs, it was draining day for everybody, especially considering yesterday's tough stage to Genting. Coupled with the fast starts and high average speeds that have characterised this year's Le Tour de Langkawi, it may be an idea to throw a rest day in the middle in future editions, so riders don't kill themselves before the European season's even begun.

"I guess that always happens when there's a mixed level of ambitions in the race," said overall leader George.

"Each team wants to show themselves and there's only ten stages to do that, so everybody has a go. Malaysia's normally like this and it's always a fast race; it's not easy," he said.

One rider seemingly having an easy time leading the sprint classification but says it isn't so is young German speedster Steffen Radochla, whose closest rival in the points competition is Colombian revelation José Serpa, 16 points behind.

"We have the jersey and we look [for opportunities] every day, but the team is not so strong and we are a little bit tired," Radochla said. "So we'll see tomorrow... it's a little bit flat and we're going to take points, and maybe we want to [contest the final] sprint."

How it unfolded

A traditional welcome
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

There were two non-starters on today's 178.7 kilometre sixth leg of the race, with Michael Vanderaerden (Yawadoo Colba-Abm) and Yong Li Ng (Équipe Asia) not signing on. That meant at total of 109 riders lined in sunny and humid conditions at the start in Shah Alam.

When compared to yesterday's sadistic route to the Genting Highlands, the stage to Tampin was a relatively flat one, although with two category two climbs early on (Hulu Langat, 38.5 kilometres and Kuala Klawang, 55.4 kilometres), there was clearly plenty of opportunity for a break to go clear.

Another catalyst for action was the close battle for the best Asian team prize. Giant Asia's strong ride on yesterday's stage meant that they closed to within 42 seconds of Japan in the standings. The latter clearly wanted to increase their buffer and so launched repeated attacks after the drop of the flag. Other teams also seemed in a frisky mood, although it took until 19 kilometres into the stage for the first group to get established.

Hassan Suhardi (Malaysia), Anthony Ravard (Bouygues Telecom), Shawn Milne (Navigators Insurance) and Gene Bates (LPR) started things off, and were then joined by Kristian House (Recycling.co.uk), Roger Beuchat (LPR), Torsten Schmidt (Wiesenhof Akud), Benoit Poilvet (Credit Agricole), Burke Swindlehurst (Navigators Insurance) and Russell Downing (Recycling.co.uk). They opened a gap of 11 seconds but after four kilometres of freedom, they were hauled back.

The peloton leave Shah Alam,
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

A more successful move then went clear another four kilometres later. Japanese rider Takum Beppu attacked, was caught, but then went clear again with Bernard Van Ulden (Navigators) and Andreas Dietziker (LPR). The group swelled to six when David Verheyen (Landbouwkrediet-Colnago), Laurent Mangel (AG2R Prévoyance) and David McCann (Giant Asia) bridged. The latter then kicked clear alone to take the first bonus sprint, ahead of Beppu, Verheyen and Dietziker.

McCann was brought back at the 30 kilometre point and, five kilometres later, the break was 2 minutes and 22 seconds ahead of the peloton. Although McCann was the best placed rider in 15th place overall, his deficit of 9 minutes and 52 seconds meant that the South Africa team of David George were not unduly concerned about the move. However, McCann was conscious that Beppu's position in the break was going to hurt the Giant Asia squads Asian team hopes and so he surged clear once again on the category two Hulu Langat, cresting the summit well ahead. The remainder of the break was mopped up by the peloton, which was splitting in two under the pressure being applied.

McCann took top points at the prime, being followed some time later by Andreas Dietziker (LPR), Bernard Van Ulden (Navigators Insurance) and others.

Bouygues Telecom riders help
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

At the 44 kilometre point, four riders were in pursuit of the Irishman. Jose Elias Galindo (Relax-Gam), Gene Bates (LPR), Laurent Mangel (AG2R Prévoyance) and Carl Naibo (AG2R Prévoyance) closed in on McCann but were unable to bridge. The lone leader duly took full points on the next climb, that of Kuala Klawang (55.4 km), cresting the summit ahead of Elias Galindo, Bates and Mangel. Naibo had been dropped.

Elias Galindo decided to stop cooperating and for a time, it looked like McCann would stay clear. However Yohann Le Boulanger (Bouygues Telecom) and Massimo Iannetti (LPR) got across to the chasers and with their help, the group finally caught McCann around the 67 kilometre point. They had a lead of 45 seconds on the first half of the peloton, which contained race leader David George.

Five kilometres later two others - Gregory Habeaux (Landbouwkrediet Colnago) and Shinichi Fukushima (Japan) - joined up with the leaders, making it eight up front. They knuckled down to opening up a bigger lead over the Panaria-led front bunch and, after 100 kilometres of racing, had eked out an advantage of 2 minutes and 39 seconds. Both halves of the peloton had by now come back together.

The peloton averaged
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

The gap grew to 3 minutes and 4 seconds by the 105 kilometre point but with Elias Galindo 7th overall, just 4 minutes and 40 seconds behind race leader David George in the general classification, they were not going to be allowed much freedom.

The Spaniard reduced his twenty second deficit to Robin Sharman (Recycling.co.uk) by five seconds when he won the second bonus sprint at Batu Kikir. (127.2 km). Mangel, Le Boulanger and Iannetti took the other points on offer. With 50 kilometres to go their lead was 2 minutes and 15 seconds and, by the time McCann took the third bonus ahead of Elias Galindo and Mangel at Senaling (145.2 km), they were two minutes and two seconds ahead.

There was just over 32 kilometres to go to the finish from this point and when Credit Agricole started to contribute to the chase, it seemed that it would be touch and go for those in the break. Fukushima decided to scamper several kilometres later, breaking clear and building a ten second lead over the others.

A Bouygues Telecom rider (R)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

With fifteen kilometres to go, the Selle Italia Diquigiovanni and Navigators Insurance came to the front of the peloton in an attempt to bring the leaders back. This cut the gap to 1 minute and 12 seconds with ten kilometres remaining, by which time Fukushima had been caught.

His recapture prompted a succession of attacks as those in the break fought it out for the stage win. Irish time trial champion McCann went with about a kilometre to go but Fukushima bridged across and then countered. However Mangel was stronger again, getting up to the Japanese rider and kicking clear to take the stage win. Bates, Le Boulanger and Habeaux were next across the line.

David George (South Africa)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

The bunch was led home by Ruben Bongiorno 11 seconds after Mangel's victory salute, the Argentinean beating points leader Steffen Radochla (Wiesenhof Akud) and Maximiliano Richeze (Ceramica Panaria-Navigarre) for ninth place.

As for race leader David George, he finished safely in the peloton and thus moved one day closer to winning the 2006 TM Le Tour de Langkawi.


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Shane Goss/www.licoricegallery.com


1 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                   4.16.53
2 Gene Bates (Aus) LPR                                          
3 Yohann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                    
4 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                 
5 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                                
6 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                 0.04
7 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                             0.05
8 Massimo Iannetti (Ita) LPR                                0.08
9 Ruben Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare           0.11
10 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                        
11 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare          
12 Samuele Marzoli (Ita) LPR                                    
13 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) Credit Agricole                      
14 Geraint Thomas (GBr) Great Britain                           
15 Matt Brammeier (GBr) Great Britain                           
16 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                      
17 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Japan                                 
18 Evan Oliphant (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                           
19 Yohann Gene (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                           
20 Filip Meirhaeghe (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago               
21 Andy Flickinger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                       
22 Frank Van Kuik (Ned) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                       
23 Cyril Lemoine (Fra) Credit Agricole                      0.16
24 Gabriele Missaglia (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni          
25 Ahmad Lutfi Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia                            
26 José Serpa (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni                  
27 Sven Renders (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                   
28 Renaud Dion (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                            
29 Andreas Dietziker (Swi) LPR                                  
30 Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                           
31 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Équipe Asia                              
32 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                    
33 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia                                
34 Edward Clancy (GBr) Great Britain                            
35 Roger Beuchat (Swi) LPR                                      
36 Kristian House (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                          
37 Sulisttiyono Sulisttiyono (Ina) Wismilak                     
38 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Credit Agricole                     
39 Ben Greenwood (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                           
40 Walter Pedraza (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni              
41 Frederik Penne (Bel) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                       
42 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare              
43 Robin Sharman (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                           
44 David George (RSA) South Africa                              
45 Raul Garcia De Mateos (Spa) Relax-Gam                        
46 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Wismilak                                
47 Robert Partridge (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                        
48 Wawan Setyo Budi (Ina) Wismilak                              
49 Laurent Lefevre (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                       
50 Xavier Tondi Volpini (Spa) Relax-Gam                         
51 Hossein Askari (IRI) Giant-Asia                              
52 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                                   
53 Ryan Cox (RSA) South Africa                                  
54 Paul Griffin (Irl) Giant-Asia                                
55 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                            
56 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Équipe Asia                      
57 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Équipe Asia                             
58 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Insurance                
59 Ali Ahmad Falani (Mas) Malaysia                              
60 Benoit Poilvet (Fra) Credit Agricole                         
61 Christophe Le Mevel (Fra) Credit Agricole                    
62 Mirko Allegrini (Ita) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare              
63 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                          
64 Aziz Md Saiful Anuar (Mas) Équipe Asia                       
65 Wladimir Belli (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni          0.28
66 Russell Downing (GBr) Great Britain                          
67 Angelo Furlan (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni               
68 Stef Clement (Ned) Bouygues Telecom                          
69 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Giant-Asia                              
70 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant-Asia                                
71 Wilbowo Adi (Ina) Wismilak                                   
72 Kuei Hsiang Peng (Tpe) Giant-Asia                            
73 Tomas Konechy (Cze) Wiesenhof Akud                           
74 Darren Lill (RSA) South Africa                               
75 Angel Vallejo Dominguez (Spa) Relax-Gam                      
76 Gianni Riemslagh (Bel) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                     
77 Johan Verstrepen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago               
78 Jean Claude Lebeau (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago             
79 Victor Espiritu (Phi) Casino Filipino                        
80 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                             
81 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni               
82 Lars Wackernagel (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                        
83 Torsten Schmidt (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                         
84 Erki Pütsep (Est) AG2R Prevoyance                        0.35
85 Elio Aggiano (Ita) LPR                                   0.37
86 Takum Beppu (Jpn) Japan                                  0.39
87 Christophe Riblon (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                  0.50
88 Taiji Nishitani (Jpn) Japan                              1.03
89 Anthony Ravard (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                    0.16
90 Robert Retschke (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                         
91 Bernard Van Ulden (USA) Navigators Insurance             2.41
92 David Verheyen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago             3.41
93 Shawn Milne (USA) Navigators Insurance                   4.16
94 Rodney Green (RSA) South Africa                              
95 Julio Alberto Perez (Mex) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare      4.42
96 Jeremy Maartens (RSA) South Africa                       9.36
97 Corey Sweet (Aus) Wiesenhof Akud                             
98 Zahit Sayuti (Mas) Malaysia                             14.55
99 Bernardo Luzon (Phi) Casino Filipino                         
100 Albert Primero (Phi) Casino Filipino                   14.56
101 Kazuhiro Mori (Jpn) Japan                                   
102 Jacques Fullard (RSA) South Africa                          
103 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Great Britain                          
104 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance                   
105 Sherwin Carrera (Phi) Casino Filipino                       
DNF Ruslan Jasmin (Mas) Malaysia                                
DNF Merculio Ramos jr (Phi) Casino Filipino                     
DNF Matnur Matnur (Ina) Wismilak                                
DNF Samai Samai (Ina) Wismilak                                  
DNS Micheal Vanderaerden (Bel) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                
DNS Yong Li Ng (Mas) Équipe Asia                                
Sprint with bonuses at Cheras
1 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                                5 pts
2 Takum Beppu (Jpn) Japan                                      3
3 David Verheyen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                 2
4 Andreas Dietziker (Swi) LPR                                  1
Sprint with bonuses at Batu Kikir
1 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                    5 pts
2 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                         3
3 Yohann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                   2
4 Massimo Iannetti (Ita) LPR                                   1
Sprint with bonuses at Senaling
1 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                                5 pts
2 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                    3
3 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                         2
4 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                1
KOM Cat 2 at Hulu Langat
1 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                                1
2 Andreas Dietziker (Swi) LPR                                  7
3 Bernard Van Ulden (USA) Navigators Insurance                 4
4 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                         2
5 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                    1
KOM Cat 2 at Kuala Klawang
1 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                                1
2 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                    7
3 Gene Bates (Aus) LPR                                         4
4 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                         2
5 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                             1
Asian rider
1 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                         4.16.53
2 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Japan                              0.11
3 Ahmad Lutfi Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia                         0.16
4 Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                            
5 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Équipe Asia                               
6 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia                                 
7 Sulisttiyono Sulisttiyono (Ina) Wismilak                      
8 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Wismilak                                 
9 Wawan Setyo Budi (Ina) Wismilak                               
10 Hossein Askari (IRI) Giant-Asia                              
11 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                                   
12 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Équipe Asia                      
13 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Équipe Asia                             
14 Ali Ahmad Falani (Mas) Malaysia                              
15 Aziz Md Saiful Anuar (Mas) Équipe Asia                       
16 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Giant-Asia                          0.28
17 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant-Asia                                
18 Wilbowo Adi (Ina) Wismilak                                   
19 Kuei Hsiang Peng (Tpe) Giant-Asia                            
20 Victor Espiritu (Phi) Casino Filipino                        
21 Takum Beppu (Jpn) Japan                                  0.39
22 Taiji Nishitani (Jpn) Japan                              1.03
23 Zahit Sayuti (Mas) Malaysia                             14.55
24 Bernardo Luzon (Phi) Casino Filipino                         
25 Albert Primero (Phi) Casino Filipino                    14.56
26 Kazuhiro Mori (Jpn) Japan                                    
27 Sherwin Carrera (Phi) Casino Filipino                        
1 LPR                                                   12.50.58
2 Bouygues Telecom                                          0.03
3 Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                                   0.08
4 Japan                                                         
5 Ag2r Prevoyance                                           0.13
6 Relax-Gam                                                 0.17
7 Giant-Asia                                                0.18
8 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                                 0.19
9 Great Britain                                                 
10 Credit Agricole                                          0.24
11 Recyling.Co.Uk                                               
12 Navigators Insurance                                         
13 Malaysia                                                 0.29
14 Selle Italia Diquigiovanni                                   
15 Wismilak                                                     
16 Équipe Asia                                                  
17 Yawadoo Colba-Abm                                        0.36
18 Wiesenhof Akud                                               
19 South Africa                                             0.41
20 Casino Filipino                                         30.00
General classification after stage 6
1 David George (RSA) South Africa                       20.27.42
2 Gabriele Missaglia (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni       1.57
3 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Credit Agricole                  2.19
4 Walter Pedraza (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni               
5 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                 2.20
6 Robin Sharman (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                        4.20
7 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                 4.23
8 José Serpa (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni               4.44
9 Laurent Lefevre (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                    4.54
10 Benoit Poilvet (Fra) Credit Agricole                     5.42
11 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                        7.49
12 Raul Garcia De Mateos (Spa) Relax-Gam                    8.41
13 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                  8.46
14 Ryan Cox (RSA) South Africa                              9.12
15 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                            9.35
16 Darren Lill (RSA) South Africa                          10.28
17 Massimo Iannetti (Ita) LPR                              10.32
18 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare         11.35
19 Edward Clancy (GBr) Great Britain                       13.55
20 Yohann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom              14.06
21 Hossein Askari (IRI) Giant-Asia                         14.09
22 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Japan                            16.11
23 Kristian House (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                     17.33
24 Sven Renders (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago              17.57
25 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                          18.14
26 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago           21.12
27 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                     21.29
28 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Wismilak                           21.30
29 Ben Greenwood (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                      22.21
30 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Giant-Asia                         24.01
31 Christophe Le Mevel (Fra) Credit Agricole               24.22
32 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Équipe Asia                 24.29
33 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia                           25.47
34 Paul Griffin (Irl) Giant-Asia                           25.49
35 Gene Bates (Aus) LPR                                    29.46
36 Lars Wackernagel (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                   30.51
37 Andreas Dietziker (Swi) LPR                             31.20
38 Torsten Schmidt (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                    31.52
39 Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                      32.07
40 Jean Claude Lebeau (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago        33.52
41 Renaud Dion (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                       33.58
42 Wawan Setyo Budi (Ina) Wismilak                         34.44
43 Andy Flickinger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                  34.51
44 Ali Ahmad Falani (Mas) Malaysia                         35.16
45 Victor Espiritu (Phi) Casino Filipino                   35.22
46 Evan Oliphant (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                      35.34
47 Ahmad Lutfi Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia                       35.36
48 Elio Aggiano (Ita) LPR                                  35.49
49 Stef Clement (Ned) Bouygues Telecom                     36.11
50 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant-Asia                           36.52
51 Cyril Lemoine (Fra) Credit Agricole                     37.11
52 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare     38.28
53 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Équipe Asia                         39.50
54 Sulisttiyono Sulisttiyono (Ina) Wismilak                40.14
55 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                   40.27
56 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Équipe Asia                        40.28
57 Robert Partridge (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                   40.54
58 Julio Alberto Perez (Mex) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare     41.23
59 Xavier Tondi Volpini (Spa) Relax-Gam                    41.38
60 Yohann Gene (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                      41.54
61 Geraint Thomas (GBr) Great Britain                      42.01
62 Gianni Riemslagh (Bel) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                42.09
63 Roger Beuchat (Swi) LPR                                 42.15
64 Erki Pütsep (Est) AG2R Prevoyance                       42.43
65 Angel Vallejo Dominguez (Spa) Relax-Gam                 42.48
66 Kuei Hsiang Peng (Tpe) Giant-Asia                       43.45
67 Wladimir Belli (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni         43.48
68 Russell Downing (GBr) Great Britain                     43.58
69 Christophe Riblon (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                 44.15
70 Johan Verstrepen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago          44.50
71 Anthony Ravard (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                   45.32
72 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) Credit Agricole                 45.48
73 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Insurance           45.54
74 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                    45.59
75 Robert Retschke (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                    46.04
76 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                              46.06
77 Filip Meirhaeghe (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago          46.27
78 Aziz Md Saiful Anuar (Mas) Équipe Asia                  48.24
79 Mirko Allegrini (Ita) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare         49.02
80 Rodney Green (RSA) South Africa                         50.03
81 Frank Van Kuik (Ned) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                  51.12
82 Tomas Konechy (Cze) Wiesenhof Akud                      51.26
83 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni          52.07
84 Takum Beppu (Jpn) Japan                                 52.54
85 Sherwin Carrera (Phi) Casino Filipino                   53.05
86 Matt Brammeier (GBr) Great Britain                      53.37
87 David Verheyen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago            53.41
88 Angelo Furlan (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni          53.55
89 Taiji Nishitani (Jpn) Japan                             54.00
90 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                        54.13
91 Frederik Penne (Bel) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                  54.23
92 Shawn Milne (USA) Navigators Insurance                  54.24
93 Samuele Marzoli (Ita) LPR                               56.42
94 Albert Primero (Phi) Casino Filipino                    58.45
95 Jeremy Maartens (RSA) South Africa                      59.38
96 Zahit Sayuti (Mas) Malaysia                           1.00.45
97 Bernardo Luzon (Phi) Casino Filipino                  1.01.05
98 Corey Sweet (Aus) Wiesenhof Akud                      1.01.14
99 Bernard Van Ulden (USA) Navigators Insurance          1.01.38
100 Ruben Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare      1.02.48
101 Jacques Fullard (RSA) South Africa                   1.04.11
102 Wilbowo Adi (Ina) Wismilak                           1.04.31
103 Kazuhiro Mori (Jpn) Japan                            1.09.49
104 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Great Britain                   1.13.46
105 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance            1.16.00
Points classification
1 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                       59 pts
2 José Serpa (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni                 43
3 Gabriele Missaglia (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni         34
4 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                   32
5 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Credit Agricole                    29
6 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                               28
7 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                   28
8 Yohann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                  26
9 David George (RSA) South Africa                             25
10 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago              25
11 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare        24
12 Samuele Marzoli (Ita) LPR                                  24
13 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                          23
14 Massimo Iannetti (Ita) LPR                                 23
15 Ruben Bongiorno (Arg) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare            22
16 Evan Oliphant (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                         22
17 Walter Pedraza (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni            22
18 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                       20
19 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Japan                               20
20 Erki Pütsep (Est) AG2R Prevoyance                          20
21 Xavier Tondi Volpini (Spa) Relax-Gam                       19
22 Kazuhiro Mori (Jpn) Japan                                  18
23 Stef Clement (Ned) Bouygues Telecom                        17
24 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) Credit Agricole                    16
25 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                                 15
26 Gene Bates (Aus) LPR                                       14
27 Elio Aggiano (Ita) LPR                                     14
28 Christophe Riblon (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                    14
29 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Great Britain                         14
30 Laurent Lefevre (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                     13
31 Anthony Ravard (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                      12
32 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                             11
33 Angel Vallejo Dominguez (Spa) Relax-Gam                    11
34 Filip Meirhaeghe (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago             11
35 Raul Garcia De Mateos (Spa) Relax-Gam                      10
36 Darren Lill (RSA) South Africa                             10
37 Jean Claude Lebeau (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago           10
38 Johan Verstrepen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago             10
39 Zahit Sayuti (Mas) Malaysia                                 9
40 Albert Primero (Phi) Casino Filipino                        8
41 Christophe Le Mevel (Fra) Credit Agricole                   7
42 Aziz Md Saiful Anuar (Mas) Équipe Asia                      6
43 Corey Sweet (Aus) Wiesenhof Akud                            6
44 Torsten Schmidt (Ger) Wiesenhof Akud                        5
45 Frederik Penne (Bel) Yawadoo Colba-Abm                      5
46 Benoit Poilvet (Fra) Credit Agricole                        5
47 Mirko Allegrini (Ita) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare             5
48 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                     4
49 Hossein Askari (IRI) Giant-Asia                             4
50 Julio Alberto Perez (Mex) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare         4
51 Robin Sharman (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                          3
52 Andy Flickinger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                      3
53 Takum Beppu (Jpn) Japan                                     3
54 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare             2
55 Geraint Thomas (GBr) Great Britain                          2
56 David Verheyen (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                2
57 Shawn Milne (USA) Navigators Insurance                      2
58 Sven Renders (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                  1
59 Andreas Dietziker (Swi) LPR                                 1
60 Ali Ahmad Falani (Mas) Malaysia                             1
61 Roger Beuchat (Swi) LPR                                     1
62 Russell Downing (GBr) Great Britain                         1
63 Matt Brammeier (GBr) Great Britain                          1
Mountains classification
1 David George (RSA) South Africa                             37 pts
2 Darren Lill (RSA) South Africa                              35
3 Jose Miguel Elias Galindo (Spa) Relax-Gam                   30
4 David McCann (Irl) Giant-Asia                               28
5 José Serpa (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni                 25
6 Massimo Iannetti (Ita) LPR                                  24
7 Saul Raisin (USA) Credit Agricole                           23
8 Edward Clancy (GBr) Great Britain                           20
9 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Credit Agricole                    18
10 Walter Pedraza (Col) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni            14
11 Gene Bates (Aus) LPR                                       14
12 Mark Walters (Can) Navigators Insurance                    12
13 Gabriele Missaglia (Ita) Selle Italia Diquigiovanni        11
14 Cesar Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                  10
15 Andreas Dietziker (Swi) LPR                                 7
16 Andy Flickinger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                      4
17 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare             4
18 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                              4
19 Christophe Le Mevel (Fra) Credit Agricole                   4
20 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                        4
21 Bernard Van Ulden (USA) Navigators Insurance                4
22 Yohann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                  3
23 Robin Sharman (GBr) Recyling.Co.Uk                          2
24 Raul Garcia De Mateos (Spa) Relax-Gam                       2
25 Laurent Lefevre (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                      1
26 Gregory Habeaux (Bel) Landbouwkrediet-Colnago               1
27 Julio Alberto Perez (Mex) Ceramica Panaria-Navigare         1
28 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) Credit Agricole                     1
29 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2R Prevoyance                            1
Asian rider classification
1 Hossein Askari (IRI) Giant-Asia                       20.41.51
2 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Japan                              2.02
3 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                            4.05
4 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Wismilak                             7.21
5 Ghader Mizbani (IRI) Giant-Asia                           9.52
6 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Équipe Asia                  10.20
7 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia                            11.38
8 Razali Shahrulneeza (Mas) Malaysia                       17.58
9 Wawan Setyo Budi (Ina) Wismilak                          20.35
10 Ali Ahmad Falani (Mas) Malaysia                         21.07
11 Victor Espiritu (Phi) Casino Filipino                   21.13
12 Ahmad Lutfi Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia                       21.27
13 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant-Asia                           22.43
14 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Équipe Asia                         25.41
15 Sulisttiyono Sulisttiyono (Ina) Wismilak                26.05
16 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Équipe Asia                        26.19
17 Kuei Hsiang Peng (Tpe) Giant-Asia                       29.36
18 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Japan                              31.57
19 Aziz Md Saiful Anuar (Mas) Équipe Asia                  34.15
20 Takum Beppu (Jpn) Japan                                 38.45
21 Sherwin Carrera (Phi) Casino Filipino                   38.56
22 Taiji Nishitani (Jpn) Japan                             39.51
23 Albert Primero (Phi) Casino Filipino                    44.36
24 Zahit Sayuti (Mas) Malaysia                             46.36
25 Bernardo Luzon (Phi) Casino Filipino                    46.56
26 Wilbowo Adi (Ina) Wismilak                              50.22
27 Kazuhiro Mori (Jpn) Japan                               55.40
Teams classification
1 Selle Italia Diquigiovanni                            61.32.32
2 Credit Agricole                                           3.48
3 South Africa                                             10.15
4 Recyling.Co.Uk                                           31.58
5 Bouygues Telecom                                         37.46
6 Giant-Asia                                               38.03
7 Relax-Gam                                                38.06
8 Navigators Insurance                                     47.35
9 LPR                                                      54.24
10 Landbouwkrediet-Colnago                               1.01.27
11 Japan                                                 1.03.19
12 Ag2r Prevoyance                                       1.11.17
13 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                             1.11.34
14 Wiesenhof Akud                                        1.17.09
15 Malaysia                                              1.18.43
16 Wismilak                                              1.25.54
17 Great Britain                                         1.29.44
18 Équipe Asia                                           1.33.03
19 Yawadoo Colba-Abm                                     2.04.21
20 Casino Filipino                                       2.14.07
Asian teams classification
1 Japan                                                 62.35.51
2 Giant-Asia                                                1.27
3 Malaysia                                                 15.24
4 Wismilak                                                 22.35
5 Équipe Asia                                              29.44
6 Casino Filipino                                        1.10.48

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