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28th Olympic Games - JO

Athens, Greece, August 14-28, 2004

Results    Qualification   First round    Finals    Track 101

August 22: Men's Team Pursuit first round

Anglo final set for team pursuit

The Aussies
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Australia is set to face Great Britain in the gold medal final of the men's team pursuit Monday after the two nations posted the fastest times in the first round of competition after the qualifiers on Sunday. Speeds were high as both teams put in sub-four minute performances in the 4 kilometre test, with the Australian quartet setting a new world record in the process. Germany will face Spain for the bronze medal.

After Brad Wiggins (Great Britain) defeated Brad McGee (Australia) in the individual pursuit, the two will square off once more, this time as members of four-man teams competing over the same distance. For McGee, the chance for a first Olympic gold medal remains, but now his thoughts are on the collective effort.

The British team pursuit
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"It's been a long time since I rode with the guys and things have really changed," McGee said at the end of competition Sunday. "They are all so professional and strong. I enjoy this so much. We have improved four seconds on our ride this morning. We will make sure that we win gold tomorrow.

"It will be my first gold medal," he said confidently. "For me personally, the individual events are what count. But for me as an Australian the team pursuit is the most important."

Germany's Robert Bartko was happy with the team's qualification for the bronze medal round against Spain.

"We are all very satisfied with this result after our disappointing seventh rank in the 2004 World Championships," Bartko explained. "We are happy with our time and it comes as a big surprise."

Related story: Coach Ian McKenzie of Australia's track endurance squad on turning talent into champions


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Heat 1
1 Germany                            4.03.785
  Robert Bartko
  Guido Fulst
  Christian Lademann
  Leif Lampater
2 Netherlands                        4.04.605
  Levi Heimans
  Jens Mouris
  Peter Schep
  Jeroen Straathof
Heat 2
1 Spain                              4.02.374
  Carlos Castano
  Sergi Escobar
  Asier Maeztu
  Carlos Torrent
2 Ukraine                            4.05.266
  Volodymyr Dyudya
  Roman Kononenko
  Sergiy Matveyev
  Vitaliy Popkov
Heat 3
1 Great Britain                      3.59.866
  Steve Cummings
  Paul Manning
  Chris Newton
  Bradley Wiggins
2 France                             
  Matthieu Ladagnous
  Anthony Langella
  Jerome Neuville
  Fabien Sanchez
Heat 4
1 Australia                          3.56.610 (World record)
  Graeme Brown
  Brett Lancaster
  Bradley McGee
  Luke Roberts
2 Lithuania
  Linas Balciunas
  Ignas Konovalovas
  Tomas Vaitkus
  Raimondas Vilcinskas

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